Chapter 316 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (20)

"Where does she live?"

"No. 32, Lianyun Lane!"

Zhang Tiedan twisted his body and looked at Fu Wensheng sitting in the back seat with a smile.

Fu Wensheng curled her lips: "You did a good job, go back."

"Okay! Commander, sit tight!"

Zhang Tiedan responded, quickly put on his seat belt and stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

As soon as the two of them left, a soldier who was left on duty at Kangtai Hospital suddenly covered his stomach.

"Oh, it hurts me to death!"

The person next to him looked over at him: "What's wrong with you?"

The soldier held his stomach with a painful look on his face: "Maybe he didn't eat properly last night and had a stomachache. You stay here and I'll go to the latrine."


After he finished speaking, he farted.

Another soldier pinched his nose with a look of disgust on his face: "Let's go, let's go, don't pull down your trouser pockets!"

"Thanks brother!"

The soldier looked grateful, and then rushed towards the hospital toilet, clutching his stomach.

"What are you eating secretly? It tastes really bad!"

After the soldier left, the man standing guard with him fanned his nose with his hand and muttered something indescribable.

After leaving the corridor where he was standing guard, the soldier holding his stomach straightened up instantly. He looked around with a vigilant expression. Where could he still feel the slightest bit of discomfort?
The soldier seemed to be already familiar with the route of Kangtai Hospital. After going through twists and turns, he finally arrived at the hospital's archives room.


The moment there was a knock on the door, the staff in the archives room looked up.

"Come in." "Hello, I'm here to check Dr. Jiang's file on the commander's order."

The soldier who pushed open the door went straight to the point and made his purpose clear.

The man was stunned for a moment: "Dr. Jiang's file?"

"Yes, Dr. Jiang will be the handsome personal doctor from now on, so his identity file must be verified clearly."

"Oh, okay, wait a minute, I'm going to find Dr. Jiang's file."

The staff in the archives room saw the soldier's clothes without doubting his presence. They turned around and rummaged through the filing cabinet and found Jiang Li's file.

"This is Dr. Jiang's file, please take a look."

The soldier's eyes flashed slightly as he took Jiang Li's file and looked through it.

While the soldier was looking through it, the staff explained Jiang Li's identity to him.

"Dr. Jiang is a student of the Medical University. He studied abroad for two years. He was recommended to the hospital by Professor Wu from the Medical University just after returning to China this year. Dr. Jiang is careful and gentle, and his abilities are very good. Don't worry, he will be fine."

Although she didn't work with Jiang Li, her colleagues in the archives office had a good impression of her and praised her without hesitation.

"Well, no problem. Thank you, comrade, for bothering me."

After reading Jiang Li's file, the soldier handed it to his colleagues in the archives room, thanked him and left the archives room.

The colleague took Jiang Li's file and put it back in the filing cabinet, when another colleague walked in.

"What are you doing, Xiao Zhang? Why do you suddenly want to look through the filing cabinet?"

"Just now a soldier said that the commander-in-chief sent him to check Dr. Jiang's file. I took it out for him to look at."

"Why is it Dr. Jiang again?"

After listening to Xiao Zhang's words, Xiao Song, a colleague in the archives room, murmured in confusion.

After putting down the file, Xiao Zhang turned to look at him: "Again? What do you mean?"

After Xiao Song came back to his senses, he explained: "While you were away just now, a soldier came to check Dr. Jiang's file."

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