Chapter 321 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (25)


Then the man's roaring voice sounded like a lion from the east of the river!
Because of the fence, the shot hit the man's arm. He screamed in pain and quickly covered the shot arm and looked behind him.

Fu Wensheng walked up the steps under the moonlight, his whole body as cold as ice!
The moment he saw Fu Wensheng, the man's pupils shrank and he subconsciously raised the gun in his hand.


After noticing his movement, Fu Wensheng raised his gun and hit the man on the arm where he held the gun.

The gun in his hand fell with a sound.

"You, you, you, what are you going to do?"

The man who looked arrogant just now was now full of panic. His two shot arms hung weakly on both sides and he subconsciously dodged to the side.

Before the man could react, Fu Wensheng stepped forward and kicked him in the abdomen!

There was a loud bang, and the man was hit hard in front of the railing. If it weren't for the railing, Fu Wensheng would have kicked him down to the second floor!

A sweet smell suddenly spread in the man's mouth, and there was a cramp in his abdomen. Two of his ribs were broken, and his whole body curled up in pain.

Fu Wensheng glanced at him bloodthirstyly, and after confirming that the man had no strength to escape, he strode to the door of the room.

The door had been kicked open by a man and cracked open.

"Don't be afraid Jiang Li, it's me, open the door."

Fu Wensheng tried to keep his tone calm, for fear of scaring Jiang Li.

There was no movement in the room.

Fu Wensheng pursed her lips and said again: "Get out of the way."

After hearing that there was still no movement behind the door, he directly kicked the door open!
With a bang, the door fell backwards, kicking up a cloud of mud!
Fu Wensheng came into the room with a sullen face, looked around, and finally saw Jiang Li huddled with her hands and knees under the window.

He strode towards Jiang Li, bent down and grabbed her shoulders.

As soon as his hand touched Jiang Li's shoulder, Jiang Li shivered. Fu Wensheng knew that she was frightened by what happened just now, so he comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, it's me."

After hearing his voice, Jiang Li, who had buried her face between her legs, slowly raised her head.

"Fu Wensheng?"

Her voice was dull, and you could tell she had cried.

The light in the room was dim, and Fu Wensheng couldn't see Jiang Li's expression clearly, so he could only suppress his anger and make his voice sound gentle.

"It's me, don't be afraid, get up first."

Fu Wensheng helped Jiang Li up from the ground with a little force.

Just as he was about to calm her down, Jiang Li threw herself into his arms and bumped into him.

"Why did you come here? Do you know how scared I was just now? I thought, thought..."

Jiang Li's voice was choked and she hugged Fu Wensheng's waist tightly, as if she was greatly frightened.

After coming back to his senses, Fu Wensheng raised his hand, touched Jiang Li's back with one hand, and clasped the back of her head with the other hand.

"It's my fault for frightening you. I promise that nothing like this will ever happen again in the future."

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Fu Wensheng gently stroked the back of Jiang Li's head, patiently calming her down.

After calming down for a while, Jiang Li, who buried her face in Fu Wensheng's chest, sniffed and looked up at him.

"Sorry, your clothes are stained."

As she spoke, she let go of Fu Wensheng's waist and was about to withdraw from his arms, when the latter suddenly bent down and picked her up horizontally!
Jiang Li was startled and subconsciously hugged his neck.

"Where are you taking me?"

Fu Wensheng lowered his eyes and said seriously: "Go home."

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