Chapter 327 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (31)

After realizing what it was, Jiang Li pushed Fu Wensheng away, turned around and ran downstairs without looking back.

Fu Wensheng lowered his head to look at the bulge under his belly, and his Adam's apple slid unconsciously.

At this moment, the blood in my body was boiling and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

Helplessly, Fu Wensheng had to go into the bathroom and take a cold shower. He only went downstairs after his body recovered.

When he went downstairs, Jiang Li was no longer in the living room.

"What about her?"

Wang Ma explained, "Marshal, Doctor Jiang has finished breakfast and is heading to the hospital."

Uncle Fu also looked remorseful: "It's all my fault. I let the snake escape without paying attention. Doctor Jiang must have been frightened just now. When I came down from the second floor, I saw that her face looked a little abnormal."

After hearing that Jiang Li looked abnormal, Fu Wensheng touched the tip of his nose angrily and coughed lightly, "Uncle Fu, don't blame yourself. It's none of your business. Just keep an eye on the snake in the future."

If Jiang Li was frightened by the snake before Uncle Fu took it away, it was no longer the snake that frightened Jiang Li after Uncle Fu took it away.

But he...


"Marshal, I have already interrogated you clearly."

As soon as Fu Wensheng arrived at the military area, Zhang Tiedan told him the results of the interrogation.


"The man who tried to pry open Dr. Jiang's door last night is called Zhou Dahai. He lives in the same alley as Dr. Jiang. He said that when they went to the wholesale market to buy goods yesterday, someone kidnapped his wife and gave him a gun to kidnap Dr. Jiang in exchange for his life."

Fu Wensheng narrowed his eyes: "Have you found out who it is? Where is the transaction location?"

"Zhou Dahai said that person asked him to take Dr. Jiang to the abandoned factory in the south of the city. He has just sent people to the hospital and Lianyun Lane to investigate. They should be back soon."

"Marshal, Marshal!"

Speak of the devil, the soldiers sent to the hospital to inquire have returned.

Fu Wensheng and Zhang Tiedan stopped and turned to look at the person who came. The soldier ran to Fu Wensheng and reported: "Marshal, I have already found out that two soldiers went to the archives room yesterday to ask for Dr. Jiang's address."

Zhang Tiedan was shocked: "Two? One is me, who is the other one?"

"I already asked clearly when I came here just now. The other one is Zhao Yongzhi."

"Fuck, it's him!"

Zhang Tiedan couldn't help but swear.

"Go to the south of the city."


As soon as Fu Wensheng arrived at the military district, he got on the car and left, heading towards the abandoned factory in the south of the city.

On the other side, after handing over his shift with other soldiers on duty at the hospital, Zhao Yongzhi found an excuse and hurried to the abandoned factory in the south of the city.

In order not to alert the enemy, he was extremely careful and vigilant along the way.

Holding a gun in his hand, he hid aside and looked around the factory. After making sure that there was nothing suspicious, he slowly walked towards the factory.

He handed over his shift at seven in the morning, and agreed with Zhou Dahai to bring the people over at eight in the morning to do the transaction at the abandoned factory in the south of the city.

Not only did Zhou Dahai have the gun he gave him, but he had also lived in Lianyun Lane for ten years and was very familiar with the residents' daily routines there. Moreover, Zhou Dahai's wife was still in his hands, so Zhao Yongzhi never doubted that he would fail.

After making sure there was nothing unusual nearby, Zhao Yongzhi ran towards the factory.


A woman's voice came from inside. It was Zhou Dahai's wife.

"What's the name?"

Zhao Yongzhi scolded and pushed open the factory door.

Just as he turned to close the door, a cold pistol was pressed against the back of his head.

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