Chapter 330 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (34)

A mocking voice came from behind Jiang Li. She frowned and turned to look at the person who came.

Then she saw a woman in cheongsam with her arms folded across her chest looking at her with a gloating expression.

This person was none other than Jiang Li’s classmate Lin Sisi.

Jiang Li has a gentle personality and had never had any conflicts with anyone in school. Lin Sisi in front of her is the only one.

The school had only one spot for studying abroad that year, but there were two candidates.

One is Jiang Li and the other is Lin Sisi.

Finally, after unanimous decision by the school leaders, the opportunity to study abroad was reserved for Jiang Li.

Lin Sisi hated Jiang Li for this, thinking that she had used despicable means to snatch her place to study abroad.

Although it happened two years ago, this incident has always been like a thorn in Lin Sisi's heart. She feels angry and hateful every time she thinks about it!
Especially after learning that Jiang Li was recommended by the professor to work at Kangtai Hospital just after returning from studying abroad, Lin Sisi became even more jealous.

As the best hospital in the north, Kangtai Hospital is the place where all angels in white dream of working.

Although some of my classmates went to Kangtai Hospital after graduation, their positions were either nurses or assistants. None of them was like Jiang Li, who was able to participate in the experiment of researching special medicines as soon as she arrived at Kangtai Hospital.

The research on special medicines has always attracted much attention from the higher-ups, and now Jiang Li is fortunate enough to be involved in it, and there will be many opportunities for promotion in the future.

Maybe they had just been promoted to doctors, and Jiang Li had already been promoted to director!
How can I be taller than them?
Lin Sisi is now extremely jealous of Jiang Li, thinking that Jiang Li has taken away everything that originally belonged to her. She has already planned to embarrass Jiang Li at the graduation ceremony and make her lose face.

"Yeah Jiang Li, how come you can't even find a dance partner after going abroad?"

"What do you know? He is a returned overseas student, so naturally he looks down on us country bumpkins!"

The two women following Lin Sisi exchanged glances and pointed their spearheads at Jiang Li. Jiang Li rolled her eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to them.

After the graduation ceremony, perhaps she would never have any contact with these people again in her life, and Jiang Li didn't want to waste any more words with them.

Instead of wasting time, you might as well sit down and rest for a while, waiting for the dance party.

Thinking of this, Jiang Li raised her foot and walked towards the seat in front.

She didn't want to waste time arguing with these people, but she couldn't stand it when they came to scold her.

"Hey, don't go. We old classmates finally get together, let's chat for a while."

"Yes, Jiang Li, it doesn't matter if you don't have a dance partner. Sisi's fiancé is the platoon leader of the military district, and he manages 20 to 30 people. Why don't you ask Sisi to let her fiancé bring a soldier to be your dance partner?"

When the identity of her fiancé was mentioned, Lin Sisi's back straightened instantly.

What's so great about working at Kangtai Hospital? Isn't it just working for someone else?
She is different. Her fiancé is a platoon leader who is in charge of 20 to 30 people. When they get married, she will be the platoon leader's wife!

She has everything she wants and she doesn't have to work for anyone. Isn't she living a better life than Jiang Li?

The more Lin Sisi thought about it, the happier she felt. She took her bag and twisted her slender waist to take two steps forward.

"Since we are classmates, I will do you this favor with reluctance."

She walked up to Jiang Li and stopped, and had to look up in surprise at her height.

"Jiang Li, if you beg me, I'll let my fiancé bring a soldier over to be your dance partner, how about that?"

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