Chapter 334 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (38)

"To support you."

Fu Wensheng looked at her with a smile.

Jiang Li's mouth twitched: "Let's talk seriously."

Fu Wensheng said seriously: "Come to school to get a copy."

If Zhou Qingshi were here, he would definitely refute him.

It is true that Fu Wensheng came here to get the copy, but this was originally Zhou Qingshi's job. After learning that Jiang Li was coming to the school to attend the graduation ceremony today, Fu Wensheng deliberately snatched this job from Zhou Qingshi.

After learning that there would be a dance at this graduation ceremony, Fu Wensheng dressed up in a suit.

That's right, he came here for Jiang Li's dance partner.

Even if Jiang Li didn't invite him, he would still come here shamelessly.

After all, if you want to pursue a woman, how can you not be thick-skinned?

Fu Wensheng had already made plans before coming. If Jiang Li had a dance partner, he would do everything he could to squeeze out her original dance partner.

Her dance partner today can only be him.

Jiang Li tilted her head and looked at him: "Thank you for what you did just now."

Fu Wensheng made a request to Jiang Li: "No thanks, just promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"Let me be your dance partner today."

Jiang Li still had doubts before Fu Wensheng said this, but after he finished speaking, Jiang Li was basically certain.

The dog man dressed up specially today, just to come to the dance, right?

It just so happened that Gu Chengfeng was urged by her to chase his sister-in-law, and Jiang Li was now in need of a dance partner, so she nodded and agreed.

There was still some time before the dance, so Jiang Li took Fu Wensheng to the library to pick up copies of those treasured books.

The handsome man and beautiful woman attracted a lot of attention when they walked together.


Just as Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng got the copy and left the library, a surprised voice came from behind them.

Jiang Li stopped and looked back. After seeing her face, the man became even more excited.

"Senior Sister, it's really you! I thought I recognized the wrong person!"

Xu Yuanyuan walked towards Jiang Li excitedly, opened her arms and hugged her excitedly.

"Yuanyuan, long time no see."

Jiang Li smiled and patted Xu Yuanyuan on the back, her eyes full of longing.

Jiang Li and Xu Yuanyuan are both students of Professor Wu, so they have the same teacher and the relationship between them has always been very good. Xu Yuanyuan also loves to stick to her.

"Sister, how have you been doing abroad these past two years? Is everything going well? I heard from the professor a few days ago that you have returned to China, and I was thinking of finding some time to get together with you!"

Xu Yuanyuan stepped out of Jiang Li's arms, held her hand and asked her a lot of questions, with excitement and excitement in her tone that was difficult to conceal.

"Don't worry, everything is fine. How about you, how are you doing in school?"

"I'm fine too. Senior Sister is my life goal. I'll work harder in the remaining days and try to work with Senior Sister at Kangtai Hospital after graduation!"

Jiang Li patted her shoulder: "Okay, then I'll wait for good news."

"Hello, senior!"

Seeing that Fu Wensheng was with Jiang Li, she thought he was a senior at school and greeted him with a smile.

Fu Wensheng raised his eyebrows but did not deny it.

"Sister, you are about to graduate, right? I just happened to bring a camera with me, so I'll take a picture of you and my senior as a souvenir!"

Xu Yuanyuan's biggest hobby is photography. When she has no classes, she often carries a camera around with her. Today, she happened to have a camera with her, so she pulled Jiang Li to find a place to take pictures.

"The light here is good, senior sister, senior, let's shoot here."

The three of them came to a shaded area, and the sunlight shone through the shade, forming mottled spots on the ground.

"Okay, let's shoot here."

Fu Wensheng agreed on behalf of Jiang Li.

Before Jiang Li could speak, Xu Yuanyuan had already started looking for a suitable position.

"Seniors, please come closer."

Fu Wensheng curled his lips and moved towards Jiang Li.

"Okay, okay, this position is great. Come on, three, two, one, one, camera!"

When the camera was pointed at the two of them, Jiang Li curved her lips and revealed a faint smile.

After the two of them were in position, Xu Yuanyuan was about to press the shutter button - "Be careful!"

A cry of surprise came from behind the two of them, and Fu Wensheng quickly grabbed Jiang Li's arm and held her in his arms.

A basketball flew past Jiang Li. If Fu Wensheng hadn't been quick, the basketball would have hit Jiang Li's head!


Xu Yuanyuan also pressed the shutter button at this moment.

"Are you okay?"

"Sister, are you okay?"

After the shutter was pressed, Xu Yuanyuan ran towards Jiang Li with a worried look on her face.

Jiang Li, who was embraced by Fu Wensheng, was now grabbing his suit jacket with both hands, staring at him with wide eyes and a look of astonishment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

Several more male classmates ran over with apologetic looks on their faces.

Xu Yuanyuan pinched her waist and looked at them angrily: "What's wrong with you? Didn't you see anyone? If that ball had hit my sister on the head, she would have had a concussion at best, or even been in the ICU at worst. Do you know that?!"

As a medical student, Xu Yuanyuan knew very well how serious it would be if the basketball that just flew over hit Jiang Li on the head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's our fault. There won't be a next time. Classmate, do you want us to take you to the hospital?"

Several male classmates were also frightened and felt very upset about the fight they had just done.

"I am fine."

Under Fu Wensheng's gaze, Jiang Li shook her head.

After making sure that she was okay, Fu Wensheng looked coldly at the few people who had just been playing and caused the ball to fly out.

"Do you know that there are occasions for playing around?"

After meeting Fu Wensheng's gaze, several people felt a chill on their backs and their faces turned pale.

"I know, I know. We will pay attention next time!"

But Fu Wensheng did not easily accept their apologies. Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Li pulled his arm.

"Okay, I'm fine now, don't bother with them."

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Fu Wensheng had many ways to discipline his disobedient soldiers, making them convinced and afraid to commit the same mistake again.

Jiang Li was afraid that he would come to the military area and do something cruel to them, so she quickly stopped him.

After all, she was not injured and these people apologized sincerely, so Jiang Li didn't bother with them anymore.

"I'm fine, you guys go."

She turned and said something to the boys.

"Thank you so much, Senior!"

After getting Jiang Li's consent, several people fled from Fu Wensheng's sight in a hurry.

The little episode just ended like that.

"Humph, if I see them fighting with a basketball on campus again, I will make sure they are punished for their evil behavior!"

Xu Yuanyuan said angrily.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm fine. We're going to take pictures, right? Let's continue."

Jiang Li changed the topic to taking pictures.

"Senior Sister, I just took a picture for you, look!"

Speaking of photos, Xu Yuanyuan held the camera in front of Jiang Li and showed her the film.

The photo showed the scene where Fu Wensheng pulled her into his arms.

"Great photos, when can they be developed?"

Mr. Fu was very satisfied with the images on the film.

"It will be washed out in a week!"

"Okay, wash a few more, and I'll send someone to pick them up in a week."

He wanted to put this photo in the living room, bedroom and study so that he could see it anytime and anywhere.

"no problem!"

Xu Yuanyuan agreed readily and took a few photos of the two of them.

After a brief chat with Xu Yuanyuan, Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng went to the dance party. The music had already started and everyone started ballroom dancing with their partners.

After arriving at the dance party, Fu Wensheng bent down and extended his hand to Jiang Li.

"I wonder if you would have the honor of dancing with Dr. Jiang?"

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