Chapter 342 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (46)

"Stop dreaming!"

"You are just a pawn they planted in the military area to obtain information. Once the task is accomplished, you will be discarded without hesitation. By then, your family, relatives, friends and even all Chinese people will be in danger!"

"The Japanese will use the special medicine developed by China to save their people. With the special medicine in hand, they can unscrupulously release mutated biochemical agents to harm our people. By then, there will be corpses everywhere and smoke everywhere. Is this what you want to see?"

"Do you want to watch helplessly as the people all die tragically at the hands of the Japanese because you knew about the incident but didn't report it?!"

Fu Wensheng became more and more furious as he spoke. He grabbed Yang Chao's collar tightly and almost shouted the last sentence.

Yang Chao opened his mouth, but felt something stuck in his throat.

Fu Wensheng looked at him deeply, loosened Yang Chao's collar as if he had touched something dirty, and then stood up with a look of disgust on his face.

Just as he turned around, Yang Chao, whose mouth was harder than rock, suddenly grabbed his trouser leg.

"Wutong Mountain!"

Fu Wensheng's words awakened Yang Chao's last bit of conscience. He bit his lower lip and told him the location of the laboratory.

"Marshal, my family has been held captive in the laboratory by the Japanese. Please save them!"

Yang Chao's family members were captured by the Japanese and taken to the laboratory. The Japanese threatened the lives of his parents, wife and children to force Yang Chao to obey their orders and provide them with useful intelligence information.

The reason why the Japanese soldiers dared to go to Kangtai Hospital openly last time was that Yang Chao secretly provided the Japanese with information about Fu Wensheng's itinerary.

Fu Wensheng was originally scheduled to leave for Lingnan that day, but in the end he appeared mysteriously at Kangtai Hospital.

At first Yang Chao thought it was just a coincidence, but now thinking about it, Fu Wensheng might have already had suspicions at that time and deliberately conveyed wrong information to confuse him.

Now Yang Chao was completely awakened by Fu Wensheng's words just now. Yes, the Japanese have always been cruel and ruthless, so how could they let his family go?
If he had told the Marshal the truth earlier, would his family have escaped the Japanese control? Would they have avoided so much suffering?
It was his fault, all of this was his fault, he was so stupid!

The repentant Yang Chao hated himself more and more the more he thought about it, but because of his stupidity all this had already happened, there is no regret medicine in the world, and now his only hope is that his family can be rescued.

As long as his family is safe and sound, he is willing to be cut into pieces and die as a token of atonement!
"Marshal, please..."

Yang Chao was too ashamed to face Fu Wensheng, so he just grabbed his trouser legs and begged him to save his family.

Fu Wensheng said nothing, shook off Yang Chao's hand and walked straight out the door.

Fu Wensheng originally thought that the Japanese were only doing those shameful biochemical experiments in the laboratory, but after learning from Yang Chao that his family was locked up in the laboratory, he did not dare to delay and directly dispatched troops to Wutong Mountain overnight.

Those Japanese bastards are all heartless. If they let living people stay in the laboratory, they might do something cruel to them.

Although Yang Chao violated military discipline, his family was innocent. Haicheng was under the jurisdiction of Fu Wensheng, and he would not allow the Japanese to bully any of the people of Haicheng.

Late at night, Jiang Li was suddenly awakened from her sleep by a nightmare.

She suddenly sat up in bed, gasping for breath, her heart pounding wildly.

The dream was too real, and she didn't even have time to catch her breath. She threw off the blanket and got out of bed.

"Fu Wensheng, Fu Wensheng, open the door, open the door quickly!"

Jiang Li walked to Fu Wensheng's bedroom door in slippers and knocked on it anxiously.

There was no one answering in the room. Jiang Li anxiously turned the doorknob. Since the door was not locked, she pushed it open easily.

When Jiang Li turned on the light, she saw that the room was empty, even the quilt was still folded.

Her heart skipped a beat and she hurried downstairs.

As early as when Jiang Li knocked on Fu Wensheng's door, Uncle Fu, Aunt Wang and others heard the noise and hurriedly put on their shoes and came out.

"Doctor Jiang, what happened?"

"Uncle Fu, Aunt Wang, you came at the right time. Where is Fu Wensheng? Where did he go?"

Wang Ma looked puzzled: "Isn't the Marshal resting in his room?"

Uncle Fu saw that Jiang Li looked unhappy, and his expression became serious: "Doctor Jiang, what happened?"

"Nothing, you guys go back and rest first, I'll go out to look for Fu Wensheng."

Seeing that Uncle Fu and Aunt Wang didn't know Fu Wensheng's whereabouts, Jiang Li's heart sank instantly. Without any time to explain, she strode out of the living room.

"Can you drive?"

Jiang Li arrived at the gate of the Marshal's Mansion and asked the soldier on duty.

The soldier nodded: "Yes!" "Drive."

After Jiang Li finished speaking, she quickly walked towards the car parked in front.

Seeing this, the soldier did not dare to delay and trotted after Jiang Li.

"Where is Dr. Jiang going?"

The soldier started the car skillfully and turned to look at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li pursed her lips and said solemnly: "Wutong Mountain, hurry up!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier turned the car around, and by the time the butler and others caught up with it, the car had already left.

Jiang Li was restless on the way and kept urging the soldiers to drive faster.

Fortunately, the soldiers had good driving skills, otherwise it would have been easy for an accident to occur by speeding on a rugged road in the middle of the night.

Wutong Mountain is located in a remote area, and even though the soldiers were speeding all the way, it was not until the next morning that they arrived at Wutong Mountain.

Jiang Li followed Xiaoduo's instructions and went directly to the laboratory. The soldier stood guard at her side, holding his pistol with a vigilant look on his face.

If anything happened to Dr. Jiang, even if he lost his life, it would not be enough to appease the Marshal's anger.

Jiang Li quickened her pace and came to the laboratory with a worried look on her face. She was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

In the dream, Fu Wensheng came to the laboratory and was attacked by poison gas from the Japanese. He was unable to recover because the poison gas was inhaled into his lungs and eventually died of the poison.

But the scene before my eyes was completely opposite to that in my dream.

Not only was Fu Wensheng safe, but all the Japanese were also arrested.

Jiang Li's eyes were slightly red, and she stopped where she was and called out, "Fu Wensheng."

After hearing her voice, Fu Wensheng turned around immediately and ran towards Jiang Li without saying a word.

"Li'er, why are you here?"

He hugged Jiang Li in his arms and looked at her in surprise.

Jiang Li didn't say anything, just looked at him with red eyes.

Seeing her crying, Fu Wensheng instantly became nervous: "Li'er, what happened? Who bullied you? Don't cry first, let's talk it over."

Fu Wensheng was about to wipe Jiang Li's tears, but the anti-gas gloves on his hands stopped him.

Fu Wensheng untied his gloves and threw them on the ground, then carefully held Jiang Li's face.

"Don't cry, Li'er. Let's talk it over nicely."

Jiang Li crawled into his arms with fear, her voice choked with sobs: "Didn't you agree to take me with you? Why did you act on your own?"

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I was afraid that Li'er would be in danger, so I took the initiative not to tell you."

Fu Wensheng gently stroked the back of Jiang Li's head and apologized to her.

Jiang Li hugged his waist tightly, sniffed after feeling his breath, and said in a muffled voice: "I will be angry if you do this again in the future. I will never be able to coax you in my life."

"Okay, okay, I promise, no matter what happens in the future, I will never hide anything from Li'er again."

After knowing that Jiang Li was concerned about him, Fu Wensheng's mouth curled up to the sky.

"Is everything settled? Have you got the drug seeds?"

After her heart settled down, Jiang Li looked up at Fu Wensheng and asked about the situation here.

"Well, it's all settled."

"Where are the medicinal seeds? Let me see what happened to those people. When did you come here? Are you injured..."

Just as Jiang Li was chattering, Fu Wensheng bent down and sealed her lips.

"Li'er, let's get married."

Chapter 43 of the subtitle is stuck

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