Chapter 344 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (48)

Fu Wensheng looked puzzled: "What?"

Jiang Li joked, "The king of talking big."

Isn't Fu Wensheng the strongest king? Before leaving, he made a bold statement to Uncle Fu and others, saying that he could get his future father-in-law and mother-in-law to agree to the marriage with just a few words.

On the way I kept saying that I wasn't nervous, but now after a long journey I finally arrived at the destination, and when it was time to go on stage I started to get scared again.

Fu Wensheng looked helpless: "Li'er, stop teasing me. Come on, help me. I'm about to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I'm afraid they won't be satisfied with me as their son-in-law."

Jiang Li raised her eyebrows and snorted, "Whether you are satisfied or not, you have already consciously changed your words."

He hasn't even met his father-in-law and mother-in-law yet but he's already calling them that. You can imagine how thick-skinned he is.

Jiang Li stepped forward and straightened Fu Wensheng's collar, then tidied up his hair that was messed up by the wind, then nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, it's time for Marshal Fu to perform. Come on."

Jiang Li raised her hand and wanted to pat Fu Wensheng's shoulder, but due to the height difference, this posture looked funny no matter how she looked at it, so she had no choice but to stand on tiptoe.

Looking at the woman who was gloating in front of him, Fu Wensheng grabbed her waist and pinched her slender waist.

"Li'er, I really want to marry you home soon."

Fu Wensheng gently stroked the skin on Jiang Li's waist through her cheongsam. His gaze instantly became burning, and his desire was as strong as a flame, as if he was going to devour Jiang Li completely in the next moment!
Jiang Li's intuition told her that the man was very dangerous at this moment. When Fu Wensheng bent down, she quickly raised her hands and pressed them against his strong chest muscles.

"Stop joking, there is business to attend to."

She pushed Fu Wensheng away, took two steps forward in her high heels and knocked on the door.

"Wanhua, someone seems to be knocking on the door, go and see if your daughter is back!"

Dad Jiang, who was stewing fish in the kitchen, turned around and shouted outside.

"Hey, here we come!"

Mother Jiang, who had changed new bedding for Jiang Li in advance, walked out of Jiang Li's room and walked towards the door excitedly.

As soon as I opened the door, I was rushed into his arms!

Jiang Li hugged Jiang Ma tightly and acted coquettishly towards her: "Mom, I miss you so much."

Mother Jiang hugged Jiang Li excitedly: "Oh, I finally got you back! Are you tired from the journey? Come in, your dad is preparing a good meal for you!"

Jiang Li smiled coquettishly: "I know that dad loves me the most!"

"Yes, yes, your dad loves you the most. As soon as you called and said you wanted to come back, he ran to the market and brought back several bags!"

Mother Jiang looked at Jiang Li lovingly, and then she took her hand and went home together.

"Mom, wait a minute, there are others."

"Did Cheng Feng come back with you? Your uncle Gu and aunt Tang just went out, let him come to our house and sit for a while!"

"Mom, it's not my senior brother, it's..."

"Hello, mother-in-law."

Before Jiang Li finished speaking, Fu Wensheng, who was taking something from the trunk, came over and greeted Jiang Ma.

The word "mother-in-law" completely confused Jiang Li and Jiang Ma.

Jiang Li turned her head with her eyes wide open, and desperately winked at Fu Wensheng, signaling him to stop shouting.

Fu Wensheng raised an eyebrow at Jiang Li, pretending not to notice the hint in her eyes, and walked up to the mother and daughter carrying a lot of bags.

"Hello, mother-in-law. I am Fu Wensheng."

Fu Wensheng came to Jiang Ma and introduced himself to her.

At this time, Mother Jiang came back to her senses, looked Fu Wensheng up and down curiously, and then looked at Jiang Li.

"Li'er, who is this?"

Jiang Li coughed twice and took Jiang Ma's arm: "Mom, I didn't have time to tell you on the phone, but I'm dating someone. I came back this time just to bring him to meet you and Dad."

After hearing Jiang Li's admission, Jiang's mother looked at Fu Wensheng in surprise: "Little Fu, right? Come in, come in quickly! You said you were coming, so what did you bring with you?"

Fu Wensheng looked like a decent man, no, he was a very handsome man. Mother Jiang liked him as a son-in-law at first sight and warmly invited him to come home.

When Jiang's mother was about to help Fu Wensheng carry the things, Fu Wensheng hurriedly said, "Don't bother, mother-in-law. I can carry it."

Fu Wensheng was so sweet-mouthed that he kept calling her mother-in-law, which made Jiang Ma very happy.

"Hey, let's go inside and talk!"

Mother Jiang said as she opened the courtyard door and invited Fu Wensheng in. "Wanhua, is your daughter back?"

After hearing the noisy noise outside, Dad Jiang, who was cooking in the kitchen, could not stay any longer and ran out of the house wearing an apron.


After Jiang's father came out, Jiang Li shouted and walked towards him quickly.

When he saw his daughter, Jiang's father's loud voice instantly became happy: "Daughter, you are finally back. I missed you so much!"

"Dad, I missed you too. I couldn't help it and came back to see you and mom."

Jiang Li's few words made Jiang's father laugh even more.

At this time, Jiang Ma brought Fu Wensheng in. They talked as they walked. I don’t know what Fu Wensheng said, but it made Jiang Ma laugh. The atmosphere was very pleasant and harmonious.

Father Jiang, whose attention was originally focused on his daughter, looked up after hearing the laughter and was stunned when he saw Fu Wensheng.

"Girl, who is this?"

"Dad, this is Fu Wensheng, my..."

"Hello, father-in-law."

Just when Jiang Li was about to introduce Fu Wensheng's identity to Jiang's father, Fu Wensheng's voice interrupted again.

Father Jiang's eyes suddenly widened: "What did you call me? Call me again?!"

"Hello, father-in-law, I'm Fu Wensheng."

Fu Wensheng prided himself on being very polite. He looked at Father Jiang with a smile, without any airs at all.

Father Jiang blew his beard and glared: "Go away, who is your father-in-law? Stop yelling!"

After hearing Fu Wensheng calling him father-in-law, Dad Jiang knew exactly what the relationship was between the man in front of him and his daughter!
When Jiang Dad thought about the little cabbage that he had spoiled since childhood being eaten by a pig, his heart was bleeding!

Fu Wensheng had prepared himself mentally before coming here, so he was not surprised by Jiang's father's attitude.

"Father-in-law, I know I came here a little suddenly. It's my fault for not informing you of my relationship with Li'er in advance. I hope you can forgive me."

"Shut up! Don't call me father-in-law! You are not welcome in our house. Go away!"

Father Jiang had a dark face and told Fu Wensheng to leave, not giving him any face at all.

Seeing this, Jiang's mother hurried over and said, "Old Jiang, what are you doing? Xiao Fu and Li'er came all the way to visit you, how are you talking to them?"

"Wanhua, he he he, I I I..."

"What do you mean by him? What do you mean by you? Go and cook!"

Mother Jiang slapped Father Jiang's hand mercilessly and scolded him to go cook.

Dad Jiang stamped his feet in anger, but did not dare to refute Mom Jiang's words. He turned around and walked into the house angrily.

There's nothing I can do about it, it's his fault he's a henpecked man.

Mother Jiang snorted coldly, turned her head to look at Fu Wensheng, and then she smiled again.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, but your uncle is just stubborn. Don't take anything he says to heart!"

Fu Wensheng smiled and didn't care: "It's okay, I can understand your uncle's feelings at this moment."

Seeing this, Jiang Ma liked Fu Wensheng even better. She smiled and said, "Come on, come on, sit inside. The meal will be ready soon. Come on, come on, come on, come and try your uncle's cooking!"

Mother Jiang warmly invited Fu Wensheng into the house and asked him to sit on the sofa.

"There's fruit on the table, Xiao Fu, don't be polite, eat whatever you want, just treat it like you're at home!"

After saying this, Jiang's mother ran to the refrigerator and took out some fruits, fearing that there would not be enough fruit on the table.

Looking at Jiang's mother Jiang Li who was busy in front of her, she looked helpless: "Mom, don't worry, that's all."

"Just sit down and talk first, don't bother with me!"

Mother Jiang rushed into the kitchen carrying some fruits.

Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng, who were sitting on the sofa, looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Looking at the two people busy in the kitchen, Jiang Li put her hands to her mouth, leaned towards Fu Wensheng, and was about to speak——

"Jiang Li, come here!"

The college entrance examination is tomorrow. I wish all the candidates taking it all the best. Come on!

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