Chapter 348 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (52)

The old lady was about to say something to persuade him, but Dongdong suddenly coughed twice and vomited out all the water in his lungs.

"Dong Dong, my Dong Dong!"

Liu Cuilan broke free from the people who were pulling her arms and staggered towards Dongdong.

After seeing Dongdong spit out all the accumulated water, Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Fu Wensheng bent down and stretched his hand in front of her.

Jiang Li stood up from the ground with the help of Fu Wensheng. Liu Cuilan sat down in front of Dongdong and hugged him in her arms.

"Dongdong, Dongdong, are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? It's mom's fault. It's all mom's fault. It's mom who didn't take good care of you."

Liu Cuilan hugged Dongdong with fear in her heart and looked him up and down.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm sorry for making you worry."

Dongdong seemed to know that he had made his mother worry, and raised his little hand to touch Liu Cuilan's face.

"Auntie, take him back and change his clothes. It's cold at night, so he might catch a cold."

As a doctor, Jiang Li always carries her professional ethics with her wherever she goes, and reminded the child for fear that he would catch a cold.

"Thank you, thank you for saving Dongdong!"

Liu Cuilan knelt down as she spoke, looking at Fu Wensheng and Jiang Li with gratitude.

"Auntie, Auntie, please don't be like this. Hurry up and get up. This is just a piece of cake."

Seeing this, Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng hurried forward to help, and finally helped Liu Cuilan up from the ground.

"Dongdong, hurry up and thank your brothers and sisters, they saved you!"

"Thank you, brother and sister."

Dongdong thanked Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng very obediently.

"Good boy, come home with mom and change your clothes. Don't go near dangerous places like the lake again, okay?"

Jiang Li bent down and pinched Dongdong's little face, and told him to stay away from the lake in the future.

After Liu Cuilan carried Dongdong away, Jiang Li turned to look at Fu Wensheng: "Let's go back too."

Fu Wensheng nodded: "Okay."

As soon as the two turned around, a cry of surprise came from the crowd.

"Xiao Li?"

Jiang Li looked over at the man and asked in surprise, "Uncle Zhang?"

"Oh, it's really you, Xiaoli! When did you come back?"

Uncle Zhang who spoke was none other than Jiang's father's best friend, Lao Zhang, who had watched Jiang Li grow up since she was a child.

"I just came back today. I'll visit you and Auntie at Uncle Zhang's house when I have time."

Old Zhang said with a smile: "Okay, okay, your aunt was still complaining a few days ago that she hadn't seen you for a while!"

After greeting Jiang Li, Lao Zhang noticed Fu Wensheng, who was soaking wet beside Jiang Li, and asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Before Jiang Li could speak, the old lady took over what Lao Zhang said: "Oh, you don't know, a child fell into the water just now, and it was this girl and boy who saved the child. If they hadn't met him tonight, the child would have been in great danger!"

The old lady picked up the suit that Fu Wensheng had thrown on the ground and handed it to him.

Jiang Li smiled and said, "It's all as I should do, mother-in-law. We'll go back first. You should be careful when you walk in the dark."

"Oh, okay, okay! Go back and change your wet clothes quickly!"

Jiang Li said goodbye to Lao Zhang again, and then left with Fu Wensheng.

"What happened? Who fell into the water? I just heard someone shouting for help from a long distance away!"

Old Zhang turned his head to look at the old lady, and before she could speak, several children who were present just now began to describe the scene vividly, which made Old Zhang's heart ached.

Fu Wensheng jumped into the water to save people and Jiang Li performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Dongdong, which took more than half an hour. When they got home, it was already past ten o'clock.

Normally at this time, Jiang's father and mother would have gone to bed long ago, but today Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng were there, and the old couple were waiting for them to come back.

The two were shocked when they saw Fu Wensheng, who was soaking wet.

Mother Jiang stood up from the sofa suddenly: "Li'er, what happened? Why is Xiao Fu soaked all over?"

Jiang Li explained, "Just now a child fell into the water in the park, and Fu Wensheng jumped in to save him. Mom, quickly find him some dry clothes to change into."

"Hey, I'll go find some of your dad's clothes for Xiao Fu to change into!"

Jiang's mother said as she went back to the bedroom to find clothes for Fu Wensheng. Jiang Li took a towel and asked Fu Wensheng to wipe his hair. Jiang's father opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally said nothing and turned to the kitchen.

After Fu Wensheng changed into clean clothes and came out of the bedroom, Jiang Li and Jiang Ma's eyes all fell on him.

Fu Wensheng is tall and his clothes are too short for Jiang Dad, which makes him look funny no matter how you look at him.

Jiang Li burst out laughing: "I asked you to bring a change of clothes but you didn't, so you'll have to make do with what you have for now."

Before coming, Fu Wensheng was very confident that he could convince his father-in-law and mother-in-law to agree to his marriage with Li'er, so he didn't even bring any spare clothes.

Jiang Ma smiled and said, "It's okay. The sun is strong during the day and the clothes will dry on the same day after washing."

Just as the three were talking, Father Jiang came out of the kitchen carrying a bowl.

"Ginger soup, drink it while it's hot."

He put the ginger soup on the table and said something awkwardly.

Jiang Li and Jiang Ma looked at each other and knew that Jiang Dad was a man with a hard mouth but a soft heart. Although he didn't say any caring words to Fu Wensheng, he immediately made ginger soup after seeing him fall into the water.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Fu Wensheng picked up the ginger soup and shamelessly called Dad Jiang "father-in-law".

"Go away, you haven't even started yet, stop yelling, and go jogging with me tomorrow morning!"


The next day, Fu Wensheng, who was used to getting up early, got up earlier than Jiang's father.

When Father Jiang came out of the bedroom, Fu Wensheng was already sitting in the living room reading a newspaper.

"Father-in-law, good morning."

Seeing Jiang's father coming out, he looked up and greeted him.

Knowing that this person was thick-skinned and would not change his name no matter how many times he was told, Jiang's father was too lazy to say anything.

"Ten kilometers, let's go."

After talking, the father and son went out together.

This time he went out and didn't come back until almost noon, Jiang's mother started to get anxious.

"Where did these two go? Why haven't they come back yet at this hour?"

"Mom, don't worry, I'll go out and look for her."

After Jiang Li finished speaking, she picked up her coat and was about to go out to find Jiang's father and Fu Wensheng when she heard their voices outside the yard.

Jiang Li opened the door and looked into the yard, and saw Father Jiang patting Fu Wensheng on the shoulder with a smile: "You did a good job today. When we go there again someday, we will definitely beat Old Zhang to his knees!"

Looking at the picture of the father and son getting along well, Jiang Li was surprised: "Dad, you're back."

"I'm back, I'm back. Haven't you cooked yet? I'll go make it. Let's stew a big pork elbow today!"

Dad Jiang rolled up his sleeves and walked into the house excitedly.

When Fu Wensheng walked up to her, Jiang Li raised her eyebrows, as if asking what was going on.

"I'll tell you when I have time."

Fu Wensheng lowered his head and said something in Jiang Li's ear, then he put his arm around her back and walked into the house.

"Hello, who are you?"

When the phone in the living room rang, Mother Jiang walked over to answer it.

"What? You're looking for Marshal Fu?"

Mother Jiang thought she had misheard and couldn't help but raise her voice.

A positive voice came from the other side: "Yes, I'm looking for our Marshal Fu. Are you his mother-in-law? He left this number before he left, asking us to call if we have anything."

"Wanhua, who is that? What Marshal Fu?"

After hearing this, Father Jiang came over. Mother Jiang ignored him and stared at Fu Wensheng who had just walked in with wide eyes.

Father Jiang also subconsciously followed her line of sight, and all of a sudden Fu Wensheng became the focus.

Fu Wensheng looked embarrassed. He didn't expect to be exposed in this way.

He coughed twice and said seriously, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, let me introduce myself again. I am Fu Wensheng, the commander-in-chief of the North District."

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