Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 371: The second generation of Beijing Circle vs. the beautiful female star

Chapter 371: The second generation of Beijingers vs. the beautiful female stars (08)

The next morning, Jiang Li's cell phone rang before she woke up.

She picked up the phone in a daze and pressed the answer button without even seeing who was calling.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Oh my little ancestor, you are not still asleep, are you? Hurry up, hurry up, get up and pack up, aren't you going to audition for the role of the guide this morning? It's not easy to get a role as the guide, and you're auditioning for the leading female role, so don't be late!"

An anxious female voice came from the phone, and Jiang Li yawned lazily.

"Got it Sister Li, I'll get up and clean up right away."

"Okay, okay, get up and pack your things. Your new assistant will come to your house to find you later. From now on, your schedule will be arranged by this new assistant."

After hearing that the new assistant would be here soon, Jiang Li's sleepiness instantly dissipated: "So soon?"

Jiang Li's assistant just took a leave to go home three days ago. It is not certain how long the leave will last. The company cannot find a suitable assistant for the time being, so Jiang Li has to arrange her own schedule for the next few days.

According to the company's current situation, it would take at least a week to find a new assistant with suitable business capabilities. Unexpectedly, she was found so soon.

"It was transferred from the headquarters. You can use it first. I will transfer it to you when Xiao Zhao comes back."

Xiao Zhao is Jiang Li's assistant. He has been with her since Jiang Li made her debut, and the two of them have already developed a tacit understanding with each other.

"Okay, I got it. Thanks for troubling you, Sister Li."

"I'm going to hang up now, you hurry up and get ready!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Li was completely awake. She stretched and sat up from the bed.

The guide said that the audition would start at nine o'clock this morning. It was only seven o'clock now, so Jiang Li had an hour and a half to pack up and the remaining half hour to take a bus to the crew.

In order to leave a good impression on the guide, Jiang Li decided to arrive at the crew early, so it only took her an hour to pack up.

She was about to call Sister Li to ask for the new assistant's contact information when the doorbell rang.


Jiang Li went to open the door in her slippers and was stunned when she saw the person at the door.

"Eric? How do you know my house?"

Ji Boyan shook Sister Li’s contact information on his phone: “Here, Sister Li gave it to me.”

Jiang Li's eyes widened instantly when she heard this: "You, you, you, can't you be the new assistant that Sister Li mentioned?"

Ji Boyan nodded: "It's true. This is my first time working with you, sister. I hope you will take care of me in the future."

As he spoke, he stretched his hand in front of Jiang Li and winked at her.

The movements that others performed looked greasy and improper, but when performed by Ji Boyan, they were particularly pleasing to the eye.

"Got it. Come in first. I'll change my clothes."

Jiang Li said this and turned back to her room, secretly complaining to Xiao Duo.

"Isn't it said that Ji Boyan is a second-generation rich man in the Beijing circle? Why did he come to the entertainment industry to be an assistant?"

[It's obvious that he wants to pick you up! ]

Xiaoduo's straightforward words choked Jiang Li. She pretended to be calm, pushed open the door of the locker room and walked in.

Ji Boyan stood in the living room and looked around. When he saw the ragdoll cat curled up on the sofa, he walked over.

He had raised one when he was abroad before, but later he didn't have time to take care of it so he left it to Lu Yan. He didn't know what kind of person that boy had raised the dog to be.

When Ji Boyan just sat over, the ragdoll cat was a little wary, staring at him with its crystal blue eyes. "Don't be afraid, little guy. I'm not a bad person."

Ji Boyan curled his lips and gently touched the ragdoll cat's head.

Since he had raised a cat before, he knew very well how cats like to be stroked. He was wary just now, but soon he let down his guard and let Ji Boyan stroke him with a look of enjoyment.

When Jiang Li changed her clothes and came out of the locker room, she saw the ragdoll cat, which usually jumped up and down, now nestled beside Ji Boyan with a docile look on its face, allowing him to stroke it.

Jiang Li: "..."

Lovelorn cat!
Normally, Jiang Li’s friends wouldn’t let the Ragdoll cat be touched when they came over, but now, it’s so obedient and clingy when it meets Ji Boyan for the first time.

"I'm done changing, let's go."

Jiang Li said as she walked towards the shoe cabinet behind the door and changed into a pair of seven centimeter high heels.

"Little guy, I'll see you next time."

When Ji Boyan stood up, the ragdoll cat grabbed his clothes, and the latter poked its head with a smile.

Jiang Li couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so she took out her cell phone, took a picture of the scene, and sent it to her best friend.

Jiang Li: Here, you crazy traitor.

Shi Shu first sent a big question mark, and then made serious criticisms of the Ragdoll Cat.

Shi Shu: Okay, okay, that’s how we play it, eh? I even bought it imported cat food and cat strips, but in the end it wouldn’t let me touch it but let others do. What an ungrateful little bastard!

Shi Shu angrily criticized the Ragdoll Cat, then realized belatedly that something was wrong.

Shi Shu: That's not right, Lili, who is that man in your family? Are you secretly dating someone behind my back again? ?
The word "again" exposed Jiang Li's previous evil deeds.

Jiang Li had a boyfriend before, and just as Shi Shu said, Jiang Li had the boyfriend behind her back.

When Jiang Li wanted to be with her ex-boyfriend, her best friend Shi Shu was extremely opposed to it. She believed that Lin Qingxuan was not a good person and did not allow Jiang Li to be with him.

However, Jiang Li was deeply in love at that time, and was coaxed into affection by Lin Qingxuan, and secretly agreed to his pursuit.

After Shi Shu found out about this, the two best friends had a fight over it and were in a cold war for three days.

Shi Shu was certain that Lin Qingxuan was a scumbag who said one thing in public and another behind the scenes, and that he pursued Jiang Li and wanted to be with her just to take advantage of her.

Jiang Li, who was possessed by love, didn't believe it at all and thought there must be some misunderstanding.

But Shi Shu got all the facts right.

Lin Qingxuan is an absolute fence-sitter and a complete scumbag.

There were two reasons why he pursued Jiang Li. One was that he was attracted by her beauty, and the other was that he was attracted by the resources she had.

Later, Lin Qingxuan successfully obtained the resources from Jiang Li, and his villainous face could no longer be hidden. His attitude towards Jiang Li changed completely, and he pua her all day long.

During that period, Jiang Li was mentally tortured and fell seriously ill. It was during her illness that Lin Qingxuan hooked up with another female celebrity with good resources and broke up with her.

Fearing that Jiang Li would repeat the same mistake again, Shi Shu sent a WeChat video pop up.

"Lili, who is that man in your house? I'm warning you, if you dare to have a boyfriend behind my back again, I'll break up with you!"

Shi Shu glared at Jiang Li angrily. The last time she was in a relationship, she got depression due to the pua of a scumbag. Shi Shu still felt scared when he thought about her thin and haggard appearance, so his tone was very serious.

Speaking of that unbearable relationship, Jiang Li felt a little guilty: "Ahem, dear, you think too much. This is the new assistant that Sister Li assigned to me, not my boyfriend..."

"Hello, I guess you are the good friend my sister mentioned? Hello, I am my sister's new assistant Eric."

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