Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 378: The second generation of Beijing Circle vs. the beautiful female star

Chapter 378: The second generation of Beijingers vs. the beautiful female stars (15)

Ji Boyan's expression of "I care so much about you" made Lin Qingxuan so angry that he almost vomited blood!

He was so hurt that he glared at Ji Boyan, left the table angrily, and said something harsh to the waiter before leaving.

"With your service attitude, this store will be on my blacklist and I will never set foot in it again!"

The waiter kept smiling and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Qingxuan: "Sir, please."

The waiter smiled on the surface but was thinking in his heart: Thank you so much, our restaurant does not need customers like you who eat and drink for free and occupy seats!
Going to work is annoying enough, and then I meet such a bad person. It's so unlucky!
"Bah! What the hell!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Qingxuan strode out of the restaurant.

When Ji Boyan said he wanted to book the whole place, guests from other tables also heard it. Seeing Ji Boyan's extraordinary demeanor, they didn't want to get into trouble and were about to ask the waiter to pack up when Ji Boyan spoke.

"Don't worry, everyone. Just eat and drink well. I'll treat you to dinner today."

Everyone was delighted and immediately clasped their fists towards Ji Boyan: "Thank you for the hospitality, young master!"

Ji Boyan smiled and waved to everyone. The moment he sat down, he immediately took out his cell phone and sent a location message to Lu Yan.

Ji Boyan: Come and have dinner with me.

Lu Yan: ???
Lu Yan: No, Ji Boyan, are you okay? You have to drive three and a half hours just to have a meal. Are you sick or am I?

Ji Boyan: It’s my treat.

Lu Yan: Brother, wait a moment, I’ll leave now!
Ji Boyan: ...

Both of them are famous chaebol sons in Beijing, but they always like to play boring games like who pays for dinner.

Lu Yan drove three and a half hours from home to come here. This meal might not be as expensive as the gas he spent. I don’t know what Mr. Lu is so happy about.

Summary: The world of rich people is really hard to understand!


By the time Mr. Lu drove over in his eye-catching luxury car, Ji Boyan had almost finished eating.

Looking at Ji Boyan who was drinking red wine slowly, Lu Yan widened his eyes in disbelief: "You, you, you, Ji..."

Before he could finish, Ji Boyan raised his hand to his mouth and interrupted him: "Shh, please call me Eric."

"Ai ai ai, Ai you! I drove all the way here, and you let me eat your leftovers?!"

Ji Boyan shook the goblet in his hand, then raised his head and looked at Lu Yan standing in front of him: "So do you want to eat or not?"

Lu Yan squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "Eat! Of course I have to eat. If you miss this opportunity, you will never see it again!"

After saying that, he sat down opposite Ji Boyan and picked up the chopsticks to clear the leftover food on the table.

After driving for three and a half hours, he must be starving!
Looking at Lu Yan who was 'wolfing down' his food across from him, Ji Boyan curled his lips and said, "Waiter, serve the food."

As soon as the voice fell, two waiters cleared the leftover food on the table and served Lu Yan another portion.

Lu Yan was immediately moved to tears: "Brothers are still the best. They know how to think about me. Unlike my dad, he wouldn't ask a single question even if I starved to death outside!"

After complaining about his father, Lu Yan picked up his chopsticks and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Ji Boyan raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Uncle Lu just called me and said that you haven't been home for two days. What happened?"

As he asked, he picked up the goblet beside him and poured some red wine for Lu Yan. Lu Yan, who was choking from eating too fast, took the red wine he handed over and took a big sip.

After swallowing the food that was choking him, he waved his hands irritably: "Don't mention it. That old man insisted that I go on a blind date. I've been living outside these two days to avoid him."

Ji Boyan understood and poured more wine for Lu Yan: "Hiding all the time is not a solution. What are you going to do?"

"What can I do? I can only continue to fight against the old man. I can't really follow his arrangements and go on a blind date, right? What do you think of me, Lu Yan? I'm not in such a hurry to find a wife."

Lu Yan didn't care and was ready to fight his father to the end.

"What's going on? Aunt Lu didn't stand on the same front with you this time?"

Lu Yan is the only child in the Lu family. Lu's mother has always spoiled him. When Lu's father taught Lu Yan a lesson in the past, Lu's mother was the first to stand up and defend him. It is rare that she did not protect Lu Yan this time.

Lu Yan's mouth twitched: "My mother rebelled this time and stood on the same side as my father. She said that she had met the blind date and that she was a good girl, and she insisted that I go meet her."

Ji Boyan was a little surprised: "Oh? Since it can pass Aunt Lu's approval, why not go and meet her?"

"No, no, don't talk about me, let's talk about you. What happened to you yesterday? Why did you suddenly change your mind and stop being single? I heard from Jiang Chuan that you went to work as a manager for an artist in the entertainment industry?"

After hearing what Lu Yan said, Ji Boyan made a note of Jiang Chuan in his heart.

I knew this kid couldn't keep secrets!
"Well, the secret cannot be revealed. I will notify you when the time is right."

"Okay, okay, now you have learned to hide everything from your brothers, right? You really..."

Before Lu Yan finished speaking, the phone rang. It was Lu's mother calling.

Lu Yan thought that his mother was distressed because he hadn't been home for two days, so he made a hushing gesture to Ji Boyan and answered the phone.

The call was very short and ended in one minute.

Lu Yan instantly lost interest in eating, and said with a bitter face: "My mother ordered me to meet the blind date tomorrow. Brother, can you help me? Come with me tomorrow?"

Lu Yan stood up and sat next to Ji Boyan, pestering him. Finally, Ji Boyan couldn't stand his thick skin and agreed to go with him to meet the blind date tomorrow.

At that time, on the other side.

"Li Li, just promise me. My mom told me to go meet my blind date tomorrow. I have to go even if I lose my limbs. Otherwise, she will deduct my pocket money..."

"Can you please have pity on me and come with me?"

While Jiang Li was applying a facial mask, Shi Shu suddenly hugged her waist from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and blinked pitifully at the person in the mirror.

"My dear, this is the sixty-eighth time you've mentioned this. I promise. I promise to go with you tomorrow. Isn't that enough? Stop nagging me. Just lie in bed and watch some drama or watch some videos. I'll be done in no time."

"Hey, Lili is so nice, love you! Then I won't disturb the big star from doing her nighttime skin care!"

She was crying in front of Jiang Li just now, but her expression changed instantly. She blew a kiss to Jiang Li, turned around and threw herself on the bed, happily watching TV series.

The next day, Shi Shu put on ugly makeup, wore rustic clothes, and turned around in front of the mirror with satisfaction.

"What do you think, Lili? This blind date won't be interested in me, right?"

Seeing the exaggerated makeup, Jiang Li's mouth twitched: "Are you sure you want to dress like this?"

"Sure and certain, let's go, I can't wait to see the expression on my blind date's face!"

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