"Jinglang..." Duan Zhuyu looked at him for a long time, and it took him a long time to summon the courage to call out.

This time, Pei Jingshuo didn't look at her.

Duan Zhuyu's eyes were a little sad.

She bit her lip and looked at Pei Jingshuo pitifully: "Jinglang, believe me, I was really forced..."

She originally thought that Pei Jingshuo would believe her and forgive her again, but this time, seeing that it was impossible for Pei Jingshuo to look at him, Duan Zhuyu also panicked.

She shook Pei Jingshuo's sleeves, her eyes filled with tears, and she looked very pitiful.

But Pei Jingshuo has developed a heart of stone by this time.

Seeing her look like this, I no longer felt distressed, but felt disgusted.

Pei Jingshuo himself felt a little incredible when talking about this.

He has always been devoted to Duan Zhuyu. Even when Mrs. Lu caught him raped on the spot last time, after Duan Zhuyu explained it, no matter how perfunctory and ridiculous the explanation was, he still chose to believe and forgive.

But this time he probably really gave up.

Looking at Duan Zhuyu's tears, he no longer felt distressed, but his heart was indeed filled with irritation and disgust.

And she couldn't help but always wanted to compare her with Song Tinglan.

Song Tinglan has never been like this. She dares to love and hate, and when she treats someone well, she can't wait to tear her heart out.

Song Tinglan is also prettier and more sincere than her...

At this moment, Pei Jingshuo looked at Duan Zhuyu and felt uncomfortable.

"Okay." Mrs. Cheng sighed and looked at Pei Jingshuo: "Are you going back with me or what?"

She didn't want to embarrass Duan Zhuyu more.

In the final analysis, this matter is due to Pei Jingshuo's lack of determination and his ability to be easily deceived.

Now in front of Pei Shao, she didn't look like she had tainted Pei Shao's eyes and ears.

"Mother." Pei Jingshuo looked at Mrs. Cheng, blushing with shame: "It was my son who was wrong before, mother..."


Mrs. Cheng said, "Let's go home first and then talk about this."

Pei Jingshuo nodded and followed Cheng obediently, without even looking at Duan Zhuyu.

Seeing this scene, Duan Zhuyu covered his face and cried loudly.

I thought I would be forgiven by Pei Jingshuo soon, but I didn't expect that when I looked up this time, everyone in the room was gone.

Duan Zhuyu's face was full of astonishment.

She was stunned for a while, then raised her eyes and looked out the door, but she only saw Pei Jingshuo's leaving figure.

Duan Zhuyu froze on the spot.

Until Mr. Hu entered the room again, his face and the fat on his body trembled.

Duan Zhuyu couldn't help but compare Mr. Hu with Pei Jingshuo in his heart.

To be fair, Pei Jingshuo treated her very well. Pei Jingshuo had raised money to redeem her body before, so it was impossible to say that he was not moved.

Originally, she had made up her mind to live a good life with Pei Jingshuo and say goodbye to the past completely.

But... although Pei Jingshuo treated her well, he was ultimately a coward and could not take her home to be the hostess of Cheng's house.

What's more, Pei Jingshuo's mother reconciled with Marquis Wu'an and brought several children out.

Without the reputation of being the son of Marquis Wu'an, Pei Jingshuo's value in her eyes has dropped a lot.

She actually knew that Pei Jingshuo went out to work during the day, but she was too lazy to care too much. But the money he brought back every day was too little.

Because of this, when wealthy businessman Hu approached her again, she agreed without much thought.

Every day when Pei Jingshuo was out, she would call Mr. Hu to her home for a private meeting.

"Why." Hu Fushang looked at her with a sneer, a little playful in his eyes: "Can't bear to part with you?"

Duan Zhuyu came back to her senses and smiled again on her face. She clung to Mr. Hu's arm and leaned in his arms. Her voice was delicate and soft: "Master, what are you talking about? How can he compare to one of your fingers?" Head~"

Fushang Hu didn't answer, he pushed her away with a sullen face, stood up, and dusted himself off as if nothing had happened.

Pei Jingshuo was brought back to the house by Mrs. Cheng, and he pursed his lips without saying a word all the way.

"Mom, where is Tinglan?" Pei Jingshuo asked impatiently as soon as he entered the gate of Cheng Mansion.

Mr. Cheng chuckled.

If it weren't for the fact that he was her biological son after all, and letting him hang around outside would have bad consequences, she wouldn't bother to care about this scoundrel.

But he still had the nerve to ask Song Tinglan.

"Oh?" Mrs. Cheng looked surprised: "Don't you know? Tinglan has been discussing marriage these days. I heard Mrs. Song tell Mr. Song that good things are coming soon."

Pei Jingshuo's expression immediately changed, and even his tone of voice rose unconsciously: "What did you say?! How could it be possible -"

Cheng didn't want to talk to him, and neither did Pei Shao.

Pei Shao lazily watched his second brother say something stupid again, and ran into the back room, leaving only Cheng and Pei Jingshuo outside.

Without Pei Shao, there is no need to worry about spoiling the children, and the Cheng family is even more yin and yang.

She raised her eyes lightly and glanced at Pei Jingshuo, "What? You left your fiancée behind, followed a prostitute and became a bitch, and you still expect others to wait for you?"

Cheng rolled her eyes again: "You're quite big-faced."

Pei Jingshuo blushed at what she said. For the first time, he realized that his mother, who was so soft and weak even when she spoke like a spoiled child, could be so venomous.

"That's not what I meant -" He tried desperately to explain, but when he came out, he was at a loss for words and could only stop talking.

Mrs. Cheng looked at him and felt a little pitiful, but after all, he was her biological child.

No matter how cruel he said, seeing his dejected look still made him feel distressed.

She sighed, and with the philosophy of not giving people unnecessary hope, she told Pei Jingshuo everything.

"Stop fussing. Tinglan should have met Mr. Lin by now."

Mr. Lin refers to Lin Xuqiu.

Mrs. Song finally picked through the pile of portraits she picked out, and the one she was most satisfied with was Lin Xuqiu.

The most important thing is that Lin Xu Qiufeng has good reviews, his parents are still healthy, and the female family members in the house are simple, and they have not taken any concubines until now.

Moreover, Lin Xuqiu's family background was low, and the Song family did not expect to marry their daughter in exchange for help. In the future, Song Tinglan would have the confidence to marry and would not be afraid of being wronged.

Listening to Cheng's words, Pei Jingshuo's clenched fists slowly loosened.

After a long while, he looked at Mrs. Cheng and asked blankly, his voice was a little hoarse: "Did you kiss Ting Lanyi?"

He now felt as if the blood all over his body had suddenly frozen.

The enthusiasm he had felt just now had disappeared without a trace.

He didn't know what was going on, but he felt his heart hurt even more now than when he saw Duan Zhuyu having a tryst with someone else.

Mrs. Cheng looked at him and sighed. Although she couldn't bear to see him in despair, she didn't want to give him unnecessary hope.

He nodded cruelly: "You said it yourself when you were fascinated by Zhu Yu's story earlier. You and Tinglan are just brother and sister. Now that Tinglan is talking about a kiss, you, as a brother, should be happy."

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