Now the shop has opened all over the country. Except for her providing some dispensable opinions at the beginning, she has basically never participated in it. Her uncle is busy with it.

In this case, it would be a bit unethical for her to take seven points.

Pei Shao himself felt a little guilty.

When she first opened the shop, she just wanted to get more life points, so she tricked her uncle.

At that time, I really didn’t expect the shop to be so big.

Pei Shao secretly made up his mind.

After she met her uncle, she told him that she would change the sharing model in the future. She would provide the raw materials, take only one or two shares, and leave the bulk to her uncle.

Pei Shao originally thought that his uncle would agree happily, but when he heard her plan, Cheng Yishen immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"No! Absolutely not! I won't agree!" Cheng Yishen shook his head seriously, probably because he was too excited, and his voice was raised several degrees.

"Why do you think so?" Realizing that his voice was too loud and fearing to scare Pei Shao, Cheng Yishen calmed down and then continued to ask softly.

"The main reason is that I'm afraid that my uncle will suffer too much." Pei Shao wrinkled his face and was a little entangled, and he hesitated to speak.

"My uncle is doing all the work now, and I just sit and wait for the money to be divided. It's too immoral to take so much."

"Silly girl." Cheng Yishen rubbed Pei Shao's head, picked her up and put her on his lap, and then explained: "Do you really think that uncle lives on the money shared by the shop? What if? In this way, my uncle's family would have starved to death long ago."

"Ah?" Pei Shao was a little dazed.

She really hadn't thought about this.

Seeing the little girl's expression, Cheng Yishen knew what she was thinking. He couldn't help but laugh. He rubbed Pei Shao's furry head and counted it carefully with his fingers.

"Now my uncle has added his own things to Sihai Penglai, and they are all selling well. What's more, this shop is not the only place where I make money. I'm not as poor as you think."

Cheng Yishen sighed and said: "After all, these things are sent by the foreign merchant you mentioned, No matter what, we have to prepare for a rainy day. What if the merchant suddenly stops sending them? Are we just going to sit back and have nothing?" We have to prepare ourselves in advance, so that no matter what happens, we can stay calm and deal with it calmly."

The foreign merchant was just an excuse that Pei Shao made at that time. Later, he made many deliveries and Cheng Yishen had already noticed that something was wrong. However, this was Pei Shao's secret. If Pei Shao didn't want to tell it, he wouldn't ask further questions.

After hearing his uncle's explanation, Pei Shao suddenly realized what he was saying, and it was as if he was enlightened.

He only wanted to make a fortune by relying on systematic things, but he didn't think about it like his uncle.

If everything depends on the system, what if the system fails one day? After all, it came suddenly, and even if it suddenly disappeared, there was no need to look for it.

"I understand, uncle." Pei Shao thought about it before nodding seriously towards Cheng Yishen.

Seeing her like this, Cheng Yishen knew that she really listened to what he said.

"Uncle." Pei Shao twisted his clothes, still a little entangled, and hesitated to say: "I still feel that it's not good to take so much..." Seeing that he couldn't persuade him anymore, Cheng Yishen raised his hand and rubbed Pei Shao's furry head took a step back: "Well, let's each take a step back, how about 50-50?"

Pei Shao actually wanted to take only one or two shares, or at most three, but now she also knew that her uncle would not allow it. If it was fifty-fifty, even if her uncle took five, it would still be three compared to the previous one. He had a strong identity, so Pei Shao nodded readily without even thinking: "Okay! Five to five then!"

Cheng Yishen laughed.

"Other people are just talking nonsense when doing business and want to get more for themselves. It's good for you to try your best to get less for yourself. Isn't that stupid?"

Pei Shao retorted unconvinced: "My uncle is my uncle and not someone else. How can I be confused with someone else -"

"What's more, it's my uncle who has done the most." Pei Shao was about to do the math for Cheng Yishen on the spot with his fingers, but Cheng Yishen quickly stopped him with quick eyesight and quick hands.

The two happily reached a consensus. Cheng Yishen happened to be fine and was excited to take Pei Shao to visit the new shop.

Because of his current sensitive identity, Cheng Yishen opened the business after hiding his name. His surname was the same as before, and he chose An. He did not tell anyone his specific name, and only asked the people below to call him Mr. An.

Pei Shao was also pulled by Cheng Yishen to change into coarse clothes.

Although it is a piece of coarse cloth, it is only on the outside. The material on the inside is made of fine silk, which is moist and soft to the touch. It is cut appropriately and is extremely close-fitting. It looks simple when put on, but it is actually very comfortable on the inside.

The location of the new shop is different from the previous Sihai Penglai. This time it is in a busy city. Cheng Yishen took the initiative to change all the outer walls. They were painted with ancient patterns and surrounded by a circle of bamboos to match the walls. The bamboos on the top are real and fake, making people feel like they are in a bamboo forest.

Even the tiles on the eaves are decorated with auspicious cloud patterns, which look so dazzling and beautiful under the sunlight.

"How is it?" Cheng Yishen thought that he had done his best in designing the shop this time, so he took Pei Shao around with great pride and asked with some pride.

Pei Shao looked surprised and praised him without hesitation.

"Uncle, you are so awesome! This is so creative -" Pei Shao was really impressed this time.

There were many things that she, who was an avant-garde thinker, had not thought of before, but her uncle had thought of them.

This made her blush somewhat.

Now I don’t know who is wearing the book...

Hearing Pei Shao's praise, Cheng Yishen became even more proud. He hummed twice, with pride on his face, and led Pei Shao into the shop.

The shop was full of people at this time, but after the purchase restriction was implemented, the shop was not so crowded and people had nowhere to go. The structure inside was also antique, and the general layout was similar to Nan Ruan's.

The maids who are responsible for the sales cashier are also very motivated, because Cheng Yishen has divided the bonus. When each customer checks out, he will ask which waiter brought the purchase and how he feels about the waiter's service. The higher the performance. The more people get wage bonuses.

Because of this mechanism, everyone works hard and smiles at the guests. Basically, those who can live in Shengjing are not short of money, especially the ladies from aristocratic families. .

When you are happy to serve them, you will see everything that pleases your eyes, and you will naturally buy more things.

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