Chapter 301 Past and Present Life (22)
Not long ago, she was in that small mountain village that she couldn't name, being abused and beaten by her parents who favored boys over girls, and her future was uncertain.

But in such a short period of time, she escaped from that home. She originally thought it would be great to be a handyman in Taoyun Sect, but she really didn't expect that she could also have spiritual roots and be qualified. Cultivation.

Thinking of all this now, Pei Shao still felt as if he was in a dream.

But soon, she calmed down and stood obediently in front of Elder Yuheng, listening to the sect leader's teachings.

The apprenticeship ceremony went much faster than she expected. It was almost completed here. Except that some masters would prepare special apprenticeship ceremonies for their disciples, there was nothing else to do.

Rong Shuze, who had been absent-minded and glanced at Pei Shao from time to time, finally couldn't help it after the apprenticeship ceremony. She pulled Qin Zhaozhao and Yang Zeyi to greet Elder Yuheng, and then turned to Pei Shao. Shao, a little embarrassed, asked carefully.

"When did you start practicing? What methods did you use to practice?"

Qin Zhaozhao was still a little confused at first, but when she heard Rong Shuze ask this, she turned around even if her reaction was slow.

"The second day after Senior Sister Congrong took me there."

Pei Shao didn't hide anything and said directly.

Qin Zhaozhao certainly knew the value of the third stage of Qi Refining.

And after all of this is completed, continue to absorb spiritual energy and practice, and then go on to refine the energy.

After introducing the qi into the body, the spiritual qi must be absorbed and circulated around the body. This is when one truly steps into the threshold of cultivation.

Seeing Rong Shuze's devastated look, Qin Zhaozhao still didn't understand the situation. In the past few days, she and Rong Shuze had gradually become familiar with each other. Seeing this, she pulled Rong Shuze's sleeve and asked in a low voice: " Senior sister, what’s wrong?”

Qin Zhaozhao pursed his lips, feeling a little complicated.

After all, she had been struggling for so many days, but she still hadn't succeeded in getting the Qi into her body.

"Shao Shao...has reached the third stage of Qi refining."

Looking at Qin Zhaozhao's somewhat blank gaze, Rong Shu pursed her lips and explained to her.

Although Rong Shu had been mentally prepared, she was still shocked. She pursed her lips and couldn't accept it for a long time.

Qin Zhaozhao forced her lips to smile. Although her heart was a little complicated, she didn't think much about it. She was very happy for Pei Shao.

Pei Shao was afraid that she would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained: "Zhao Zhao, I didn't mean not to tell you..."

The first stage of Qi refining, the second stage of Qi refining, and the third stage of Qi refining.

And now... she can't even draw Qi into her body.

"Don't think too much." She said softly: "If you have a good talent, just practice hard."

Worried that Pei Shao would misunderstand, Qin Zhaozhao added jokingly: "I'm still waiting for you to protect me."

Not to mention that she had successfully introduced Qi into her body, she hadn't even touched her horoscope, and she couldn't even feel the spiritual energy in the air that corresponded to her own spiritual root attributes.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about her, Pei Shao breathed a sigh of relief. A big stone fell from his heart and he nodded vigorously.

"Okay! Let's go together, I'll protect you!"

Qin Zhaozhao smiled, but she was still a little disappointed when she thought of her disappointing cultivation progress and compared it with Pei Shao. After all, she was so useless.

Everything after the apprenticeship ceremony seemed to be accelerated several times. Pei Shao's new yard was also built, just under Elder Yuheng's thatched house.

Compared with the brand-new yard, the thatched house looked even more dilapidated.

Even Elder Yu Heng, who had never cared much about living conditions, couldn't bear it anymore. After enduring it for two days, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He went down to find someone and renovated his house.

Now two courtyards of almost the same length were neatly placed together, and Elder Yu Heng felt comfortable looking at them.

And Pei Shao was not idle either.

She hardly went out. She spent the whole day in her room except for eating and practicing. Elder Yu Heng was a little stunned to see how hard she worked.

Although she had agreed with Qin Zhaozhao that the two of them would meet frequently, they no longer cared about it once they started practicing. Not only was she busy practicing, Qin Zhaozhao was equally busy.

These new disciples will undergo a test half a year after the official apprenticeship ceremony. The top few can go to the treasure pavilion to select the corresponding grade of spiritual weapons and magic weapons according to their ranking.

The Cloud-Taking Sect is a large sect, and the items in the Treasure Pavilion are naturally second to none. If you take out an item and put it outside, it will almost be fought over by those casual cultivators, and the top three in the test are randomly selected. Opportunity.

After the apprenticeship ceremony, each elder has told his disciples more than once that if these new disciples get good rankings, not only will they get good things, but they, the masters, will also get good results. Light.

Pei Shao took the opportunity to look for Qin Zhaozhao several times, but did not see Qin Zhaozhao. Instead, he saw Senior Sister Rong every time.

When he was not familiar with Senior Sister Rong, Pei Shao thought she was the type of playboy.

But now that she has gradually become familiar with it, she realizes that when it comes to cultivation, senior sister Rong said she is second in terms of hard work, and no one dares to say that she is first.

Qin Zhaozhao was not seen for several times, and then Pei Shao simply stopped going.

Thinking about how both of them could see each other during the test.

Now that the two of them are in the same sect, they will have a lot of time in the future, so there is no shortage of this.

But Qin Zhaozhao was trapped in a nightmare for several days after returning from the apprenticeship ceremony.

Everyone has just started, and their progress is about the same. Among so many people, Pei Shao is the only one who has successfully introduced Qi into his body.

But among the new batch of newcomers, only she and Pei Shao had single spiritual roots. In this way, Pei Shao had left her far behind, who also had single spiritual roots.

Although Elder Tianji didn't care much and even comforted Qin Zhaozhao for a long time, Qin Zhaozhao didn't know what was wrong with him, even if he was in trouble.

Instead, he trapped himself.

But there is no need to rush such things as cultivation. More than a month passed. Even a disciple with dual spiritual roots who started with her heard that he had successfully introduced Qi into his body and truly entered the path of cultivation. However, Qin Zhaozhao was still here. There is no change at all.

Now her position was even more embarrassing.

There is no need to rush into such things as cultivation, but Qin Zhaozhao doesn't know what's going on. She has always been anxious and angry these days, and she can't calm down at all.

After the third person also successfully introduced Qi into his body, Qin Zhaozhao finally couldn't sit still and locked himself in the room for several days. Even Rong Shuze and Elder Tianji came several times, but the two No one persuaded Qin Zhaozhao to come out.

In the end, the two of them could only return without success and follow Qin Zhaozhao's own wishes.

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