Since he wanted to confirm who was behind the scenes, he naturally did what he said. Lu Wushuang took out the night clothes that he had prepared long ago and prepared to inform the prince's people. He had not done much since he arrived. , do you think that as long as the epidemic is controlled, it will be solved?

But Lu Youyou came up with a completely different idea.

"Second brother and third brother, if it is really local officials who planned this plague, then who are the people behind them? Have you ever considered this?"

They appeared in Dingzhou City with their identities hidden. In order to completely bring down the prince, the person behind them must have arranged many informants of his own in Dingzhou City.

"Then we just watch things continue to develop like this?"

"No, what I mean is that we really need to find out the news, but instead of passing the news directly to the prince, we need to find out for ourselves first."

Lu Youyou also knew that her idea was a bit dangerous. The prince was surrounded by masters who were almost assassinated. There were only three or four of them, so it was indeed a bit risky.

But the most important thing now is to find out who is behind everything. Is it the emperor or Sheng Jingxuan?

Ever since she traveled to this book and wanted to change the fate of the General's family, Lu Youyou has always felt that it was unrealistic to go against the emperor, so they had to confirm who was behind it before they could take action.

Lu Wushuang took advantage of the darkness and came to the prefectural and county government offices. There were quite a few people inside, but they seemed to be two different worlds from the outside.

The people inside were busy and didn't know what they were doing, and they seemed completely unable to hear the tragic sounds outside.

Lu Wushuang lay quietly on the eaves, but could only see the people inside walking around, and was not sure what they were doing.

He could only hide behind the rockery in the backyard, hoping to wait until they all fell asleep before going to the study to see if there was any useful evidence.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wushuang was so lucky that he happened to meet the mysterious man in black who came to see the prefect.

"How are things going?"

The man in black seemed to have a good background. Even a fourth-grade official like the prefect had to be respectful when meeting him. This inevitably made Lu Wushuang a little curious, but the two of them were standing at the door of the study. Lu Wushuang might have turned to one side slightly. be found.

"The number of casualties in the city is not very high yet, you see..."

"Do you still need me to teach you how to do such a simple thing? You should know very well that the number of people who die from illness can be punished."

"But the prince did not identify himself when he came, and there is no way for the subordinate to leave all these matters to him."

The prefect looked a little embarrassed, and Lu Wushuang also knew where he was embarrassed.

I'm afraid the queen's people have already given instructions to the prince, so when the prince entered the city, he did not go to the local officials first, but first treated the victims as a foreigner.

Whether he wants to get a good reputation among the victims or wants to avoid being framed by local officials, this is obviously the best way.

He also didn't expect that the prince could actually make the prefect helpless.

"If he doesn't come to you, can't you take the initiative to greet him? The imperial edict has been issued. As long as he has arrived in Dingzhou City, he must accept this matter."

"Then the official will go with the imperial edict to greet the prince tomorrow morning, but the matter of the number of people..."

"Think about the money you embezzled while controlling the floods. How many heads could you chop off? Do you still need me to teach you how to do this?"

After hearing this, Lu Wushuang almost understood what was going on.

It seems that there is indeed someone behind all this. No wonder things didn't go well for the prince along the way. I'm afraid the man in black had already made arrangements for the prince's journey.

"If those so-called righteous people in the city delay our plans, you should know what to do, right?" "But the palace..."

"If you can't handle it, come and see me. Be careful of your stupidity!"

Lu Wushuang also didn't expect that those who came to provide disaster relief would be targeted by the man in black.

He clearly felt that the voice was very familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who the owner of the voice was.

A few of them were prepared and could escape, but what should the other merchants who were coming and going to provide disaster relief in the city do?

After all, he still couldn't get any useful information, and Lu Wushuang didn't stay here much. Seeing the black people leaving, he immediately came out from behind the rockery.

The fact that this man in black appears here means that he and the prefect should not have any correspondence. Even if he goes to the study to search, he should not be able to find anything.

At any rate, it was not a gain at all. In order not to be discovered, Lu Wushuang walked around a few times before returning to the inn.

"how's it going?"

Lu Zhiyan had been restless since Lu Wushuang left. How could he possibly sleep? He was waiting for him to come back with a light on in the room, his eyes were red from the sleep.

Lu Wushuang said nothing and shook his head.

"Is there really someone controlling this behind the scenes?"

Lu Zhiyan originally didn't want to guess in this direction, but looking at the expression on his third brother's face, it seemed that he was inseparable.

"I originally wanted to follow the man in black, but as soon as he left the door, many men in black followed him. I was afraid that I couldn't handle it alone, so I came back first."

There are really too many things that happened today, and Lu Wushuang also wanted to sort them out before discussing them with everyone.

Lu Youyou also rubbed her eyes and woke up at this time.

Although she was originally a young and strong college student, now she has the body of a child after all, and she really can't stand it at such a late hour.

Fortunately, after hearing the sound, Lu Youyou woke up immediately.

"Third brother, you are back. Have you discovered anything new?"

In fact, she knew without asking that everyone in the Yamen here must have been controlled.

Although she didn't know what methods they used, Lu Youyou could confirm that the mastermind behind it must be Sheng Jingxuan.

As for whether the emperor was involved in this matter, it is unclear.

"It is true that a mysterious man in black went to see the prefect, but what the two people said was a bit incomprehensible. The prefect should have had something that fell into the hands of the man in black."

"Also, they seem to be controlling the number of people who died from the epidemic in Dingzhou City."

Lu Wushuang usually doesn't care much about these things, so he doesn't know much about it.

"They are waiting for the prince to reveal his identity so that they can officially hand over all this mess to the prince."

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