Lin Yuyan also heard the implication of her words: "Then what do you want?"

"Why don't my sister ask me to go to the General's Mansion? In this way, I can also ask me to serve my sister and make up for the debt in my heart." Su Qingyao said pitifully.

Otherwise, Lin Yuyan had grown up in an inner house and had seen such methods many times, and today she would probably believe her pity.

【Mother! Promise her! 】

Lin Yuyan heard the voice and raised her head in disbelief.

Sure enough, he saw Lu Youyou coming in, being carried by Lu Zhiyan.

[Mother, please promise her! 】

[Since she wants to enter the General's Mansion so much, she will never give up. It's better to put her under your nose and watch. 】

Although Lu Youyou didn't want to keep such a troublemaker next to her, Sheng Jingxuan had suffered losses at her own hands time and time again, so she would definitely take advantage of this ready-made Su Qingyao.

Rather than being anxious when the time comes, it is better to prepare in advance.

"Then it will be as you say." Lin Yuyan agreed following Lu Youyou's words.

[But she cannot be allowed to go out for a walk, let alone the general's mansion, just find a separate courtyard. 】

Lu Wushuang could no longer suppress the smile on his lips.

This clearly means that she deserves to be called her own sister.

Lin Yuyan also thought this was a good idea. Although she saw her in trouble, it was better than causing trouble.

She said: "Fufeng, the Nongyu Building in the northeast corner of the General's Mansion is still vacant. It's suitable for Miss Su to live in. Since she is my sister, you must treat each other with courtesy in the future and don't treat her badly."

Su Qingyao was stunned.

She really couldn't understand why Lin Yuyan suddenly agreed after she had been working hard all afternoon.

"Sister, you are still too weak to take care of Xuanhe, so just stay with me and raise him. Don't worry, I will never mistreat you mother and daughter." Lin Yuyan still said.

Su Qingyao reacted with pride in her eyes: "Thank you, sister."

When she enters the General's Mansion, she can pester Lu Jingyuan to have another one. When the time comes, she will get a man in one fell swoop, so why does she need a girl movie?

But soon, Su Qingyao regretted it.

Su Qingyao happily arrived at Nongyuzhu, only to realize that this was clearly a house arrest.

The whole family gathered around the table, listening to the intermittent crying coming from Nong Yuzhu, but no one took it seriously.

Lu Youyou even reached out to reach for the fruit on the table.

She is now more than one year old, but she has not yet had her baby teeth, so she can only eat semi-liquid food, and she has become extremely greedy.

'Snapped! '

Lin Yuyan's hand slapped her hand directly: "You can't eat these now."

Lu Youyou curled her lips and was about to cry when she saw it.

[Oops, why is this mouth so itchy? 】

She retracted her cry before she even left her mouth. Her little hands kept groping around inside her, but she didn't touch anything.

Lin Yuyan immediately looked over and took a closer look: "It's about to grow teeth."

"Your brothers started to grow teeth early. I didn't expect you to grow teeth so late. But in a little while, you will be able to eat." She smiled.

Lu Wushuang also laughed out loud: "Now my little sister doesn't have to be greedy every day." Lu Youyou also felt hope in her heart.

But just as she became happy, her face suddenly turned serious.

They had obviously gone to Dingzhou for so long, but Su Qingyao just started making trouble today. It was clearly Sheng Jingxuan who discovered their return and deliberately wanted to cause some trouble to the Lu family.

【Suffer! Dad and the others are definitely going to be in trouble! 】

The people of Dingzhou have already detoxified themselves with the help of the Lu family.

It's just that no one praised the achievements of the prince or Sheng Jingxuan, but instead praised the Lu family.

The prince was fine, but Sheng Jingxuan couldn't bear it anymore.

He originally wanted to create some trouble and transfer the poisoning of the people to the prince, but he didn't expect that he was directly stabbed out by the Lu family.

At this time, the people's crusade never stopped.

Before Sheng Jingxuan could attack, the Lu family had already rushed back to the capital and presented the evidence to the emperor.

The emperor was furious and immediately recalled the prince and Sheng Jingxuan to the capital while they were still on the way.

"The prince is tired this time. Let's go back and rest first." There was no joy on his face, but a little unhappy.

When Lu Shengqing saw the emperor like this, he became even more convinced. It seemed that the prince was indeed the one who blocked Sheng Jingxuan's sword.

The emperor sent the prince away, then turned to look at the Lu family: "Ai Qing has made great achievements again. What kind of reward do you want?"

"Since I am a minister, I should seek practical things for the emperor and the people, and I dare not ask for rewards." Lu Shengqing bowed his hands.

The Lu family is already a big tree and attracts attention. After this incident, both the prince and Sheng Jingxuan will be afraid of it. Instead of making others jealous again, it is better to give up these rewards now.

The emperor showed a smile: "Okay! As expected of the child taught by General Lu, he will definitely become a pillar of talent in the future."

These days, he has become less and less suspicious of the Lu family.

For a time, only the emperor and Sheng Jingxuan were left in the imperial study.

Sheng Jingxuan was about to open his mouth to clarify his responsibilities when he heard the emperor's sneer: "You are really my good son, and you did such a thing behind my back. Do you really think I will always indulge you?"

"Father, forgive me." Sheng Jingxuan knelt down directly, "This matter was obviously deliberately framed by the Lu family on their son."

"My son has always been in the capital, how could he reach out to Dingzhou? It is clear that the Lu family and the prince have joined forces to put my son in a place of disloyalty." He continued one sentence after another.

"Father, please don't forget that the prince and brother have been causing trouble these days, but they have managed to turn the trouble into good. If someone wasn't causing trouble, it would have been the Lu family who deliberately framed the prince in order to get ahold of him, and then helped him. ."

After all, he was a man with the aura of a male protagonist, and he dispelled the emperor's suspicion in a few words.

Lu Jingyuan and others can come back safely, and everyone in the Lu family is naturally happy.

It's just that some people are happy and some are sad.

The prince has less and less trust in the Lu family.

"Son, although the Lu family has not openly taken refuge with you these days, it has caused a lot of obstacles for Lao Qi. It is clear that he is deliberately biased towards you. In this case, you should not..." the queen comforted.

The sadness in the prince's brows did not relax.

He had just experienced being disabled, so he had to be more cautious about everything.

"The Lu family does have some abilities, but that's why it would be troublesome if they couldn't be used by me." He expressed his worries, but Lu Youyou's appearance appeared in his mind, "Look We can only start with her."

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