Unexpectedly, he shot himself in the foot this time, but now he has no way to refute, so he can only accept it: "Okay, then let's learn some skills from your Seventh Emperor brother, but The initiative in this matter is still in the hands of your royal brother."

"I understand." Sheng Shiyou agreed immediately and followed Sheng Jingxuan's footsteps towards the general's mansion.

When Mr. Lin saw this, he no longer stayed, and immediately found an excuse and retreated from the hall.

Mr. Lin hurried back to the Lin family. Instead of reporting the situation to Mrs. Lin, he went to find Lu Youyou first.

"Grandpa, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Lu Youyou didn't even raise his head, but continued to read the "Three Character Classic" in the book.

She had already memorized the "Three Character Classic" by heart before she traveled through time, but because Lin Yuyan was watching from the side, she had to read it again.

Lin Yuyan opened her mouth: "Dad, if you have nothing else to do, don't delay Youyou and Xuanhe from reading."

"Madam is really strict with the two young ladies. Could it be that she still expects the two of them to obtain honors?" Fu Liu chuckled at the side and smoothed things over for Mr. Lin.

This was just a joke, but Lu Xuanhe took it into his heart.

Lu Xuanhe touched Lu Youyou's arm and asked in a low voice: "Sister, can't we get meritorious status?"

"I think my eldest brother is very prestigious in the Imperial College. I also want to be an official in the court in the future, so that no one will bully me and I can protect you."

There were stars in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Lu Youyou suddenly had a new idea.

If Lu Xuanhe can turn his love brain into a career brain, he won't have to worry about it in the future.


Lu Youyou also replied in a low voice: "But women cannot take part in the scientific examination..."

"But if you can prove that you are better than everyone in the world, you may be able to take the scientific examination as an exception, and then you will be able to serve as an official with your elder brother."

Lu Xuanhe nodded: "Okay! Then I will study better."

She did what she said, and really turned her back on what was going on outside the window.

Mr. Lin, however, hurriedly elaborated on what had just happened: "Hey, you should think of a way quickly. That Su Qingyao has been staying in the General's Mansion. It is very easy to do anything. Even if we go to stop him now, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

He could think of a way to deal with it in advance, but now that he was at the doorstep, he was helpless.

Lu Youyou was not in a hurry: "Grandpa, there is no need to worry. Third brother has been staying in the General's Mansion to prevent Su Qingyao from doing something like this."

Mr. Lin's heart suddenly dropped.

He was also worried that the General Mansion would really be accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason. By then, his daughter and grandchildren would also be implicated.

The news that there was a treason letter in the general's mansion spread to everyone for some reason.

The common people gathered around the gate of the general's mansion and talked about it.

"General Lu sacrificed his life and blood for us. Is it possible that he really colluded with Beipan?"

"I think someone must be jealous of General Lu."

"What's the jealousy? It must be the outer room where General Lu keeps her. That person doesn't seem to be a good person at first glance. Maybe she deliberately wants to harm General Lu."

All these discussions reached Lu Youyou's ears. She wasn't worried that Lu Wushuang would be unprepared, she just wanted to see how Sheng Jingxuan would end.

Over at the General's Mansion, Sheng Jingxuan had already sent people to search the mansion, while he and Sheng Shiyou stood side by side in the front yard talking.

"Brother Emperor, why don't you go in and sit and wait?" Sheng Shiyou asked with raised eyebrows.

Sheng Jingxuan chuckled: "Of course I can go in and sit and wait, but aren't I worried that Ninth Brother you won't be able to sit still?"

"Brother, what do you mean by this?" Sheng Shiyou deliberately pretended to be confused.

Sheng Jingxuan was not surprised at all: "Why should Ninth Brother pretend to be confused? General Lu is your master. I wonder if Ninth Brother finds out something later, will Ninth Brother kill the family out of justice? After all, Father is still waiting for us to return to the court. Deliver the order."

"If this is true, I will definitely not be selfish, but I also believe that my master will never do anything to collaborate with the enemy and treason." Sheng Shi Youyi said righteously.

Sheng Jingxuan nodded slightly: "It seems that the ninth brother will not shed tears without seeing the coffin, so you just wait and see."

Sheng Shiyou stood there without comment.

The moment of burning incense passed quietly, and the investigating guards came to report one after another, but without exception, nothing was found.

Sheng Jingxuan looked at Sheng Shiyou who was calm and composed beside him, but his face was a little uneasy. Just now he had praised Haikou, but now he was hit hard by reality. In anger, Sheng Jingxuan turned to him and reported it to him. The guards all kicked them to the ground, and then asked: "Where are the people from the General's Mansion?"

"Back to Your Highness, Young Master Lu San is on his way here." Someone among the guards immediately responded.

Sheng Jingxuan nodded slightly, then looked left and right in the crowd for Su Qingyao, but he looked several times but couldn't find it at all.

Sheng Shiyou could tell at a glance that he was looking for someone, and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Brother, are you looking for someone? Just tell me."

Sheng Jingxuan sneered.

There was already murderous intent in his eyes.

As long as this thing is done, he will be able to completely overthrow the general's mansion.

But if he fails, his image in front of his father will inevitably be affected again.

"Seventh Prince is looking for her again?" Lu Wushuang's cold voice sounded from behind.

For a moment, everyone looked over.

Only then did he see that Lu Wushuang was followed by Su Qingyao who was tied up by Wu Hua Da.

Sheng Jingxuan immediately realized that the plan failed, but still wanted to try again: "Master Lu San, what are you doing? I heard that this is your future stepmother, but you treat her like this, I'm afraid... It’s a bit inappropriate.”

"Decent?" Lu Wushuang sneered, "My father never said he would marry this woman from the beginning to the end. It was just her wishful thinking."

"However, since the Seventh Prince is here under the emperor's orders and he likes to stand up for others, why not just give us justice." He had people gag Su Qingyao's mouth first, and then took off her clothes. A clean one.

All the letters in Su Qingyao's clothes fell out.

Lu Wushuang picked up one and handed it to Sheng Jingxuan: "Seventh Prince, just now Cai Chen saw her sneaking around and asked someone to follow her. Unexpectedly, she wanted to put all these letters in my father's study. I’m afraid I have ulterior motives.”

Now that the door was open and in the front yard, the people outside saw Su Qingyao naked.

She whimpered, tears streaming down her face.

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