Lu Youyou also knew that her two brothers were more worried about her father's situation, so she quickly discussed countermeasures in her heart.

[Second brother, third brother, I remember that there is a lieutenant named Shuo Feng beside my father. He is very loyal. You should take the opportunity to go to him and inquire about the situation. 】

[That’s right, that’s right. 】

[We must keep an eye on this food and grass these days, and we must not allow anyone to take advantage of it. 】

Lu Wushuang listened to her instructions and nodded repeatedly.

Lu Zhiyan also spoke at the right time: "Seventh Prince, Ninth Prince, I came here to see if there is anything new here. Since you are already here, why don't you go to the inn to settle down first, and I'll go take a look."

"Okay." Sheng Jingxuan spoke first.

He has the most distinguished position among this group of people, so he regards himself as the leader and has no intention of listening to other people's opinions.

As soon as they left, he said to Lin Peifeng: "Master Lin, you may have overthought it. I am also a prince after all. I came here today not only to thoroughly investigate the truth, but also to express condolences to the soldiers on the border. It is more convenient to stay at the inn." .”

"Indeed, this official is a bit careless." Lin Peifeng heard that Sheng Jingxuan revealed his identity and immediately responded: "Why don't we divide the troops into two groups? Firstly, it's convenient, and secondly, I won’t miss His Highness’ official business.”

Sheng Jingxuan's expression calmed down a little: "Master Lin, this is a very clever plan. Is there anyone who would like to go to that inn with me?"

It was just that after saying this for a long time, no one responded at all, and Sheng Jingxuan immediately blushed.

He could only stare at Lin Peifeng with vicious eyes. When Lu Youyou saw this scene, he immediately kicked Lu Wushuang next to him.

"Your Highness, why don't we send someone else to the inn? Let's go to the inn to have a rest. I think you are too tired." Lu Wushuang understood and spoke immediately.

Send someone else?

Is there anyone besides myself who wants to go to the inn?

Sheng Jingxuan immediately understood that Lu Wushuang was trying to help him get off the ground, so he didn't hesitate to borrow Po Xia's donkey: "Okay, just send someone else over. I'm tired on the way."

When the group of people were walking on the road, Lu Youyou was always worried about the grain and grass, and kept staring at the car behind them that was carrying the grain and grass.

"Lu Youyou, you are staring at the grain and grass with such a sly look, do you want to steal it?" After seeing it, Sheng Jingxuan immediately asked in a joking tone.

【yes! I'm thinking of stealing all the food and grass to see if I can stop your mouth! 】

[Doesn’t he think he is very humorous? Help! 】

[He is obviously the only one in this team who can think about food and grass, but he is still here shouting "Catch the thief!" 】

Lu Youyou rolled her eyes and ignored Sheng Jingxuan, and said to Zhen'er beside her: "Zhen'er, let's go out and play later."

"Don't worry, little lady, you have to pack everything first." Zhen'er replied immediately without understanding.

But Sheng Shiyou felt that there was something in Lu Youyou's words, so he entered the house and threw his things on the table, and then came to find Lu Youyou.

At this time, Lu Youyou was fiddling with the nine-ring chain in her hand, her face was calm and relaxed, but her heart was extremely caring.

[Why can’t you untie the stupid nine-link chain of **? 】

[People in ancient times could even solve the nine-link chain, so why couldn’t they fight Little Japan? 】

[Damn it, who researched this? 】

Sheng Shiyou noticed that sweat was forming on her forehead, so he quickly went over to take the nine-ring chain and chuckled: "That's it."

Lu Youyou's attention was no longer on the Nine Rings, but all on Sheng Shiyou's profile. 【Oh mo! So handsome! 】

[God, you’re unfair, such a good-looking person is not the male protagonist? 】

[But it doesn’t matter, as long as the villain is handsome, his outlook will follow his facial features. 】

While she was thinking about it in her mind, Sheng Shiyou had already solved the nine links.

She quickly smiled and said, "Brother Shiyou is really awesome."

"Okay, I'll thank you for your sweetness." Sheng Shiyou pinched her nose gently and lowered her voice, "You want to go out? What are you going to do?"

Lu Youyou felt guilty for a moment.

But when I think about it, Sheng Shiyou must have had extraordinary thoughts for being able to almost sit on the throne in the original book.

She nodded: "Brother Shiyou, do you want to sit in that seat?"

She clearly felt that Sheng Shiyou's body was stiff.

"The prince is incompetent and the seventh prince is insensitive. No matter if the country falls into their hands, the people will be in ruins. Brother Shi You, you will definitely be a wise king in the future."

She didn't want to say it, but she always felt that the reason why Sheng Shiyou fell short was not only because Lu Xuan and he defected before the battle, but also because he started too late.

However, such a late start can almost overthrow Sheng Jingxuan, who has the aura of a male protagonist, which shows his ability.

There was a flash of light in Sheng Shiyou's eyes.

He did not answer directly, but scratched Lu Youyou's nose and said with a smile: "Okay, you think so much at a young age, you can pay it back in the future, I just finished cleaning up, I will take you out."

"Okay." Lu Youyou said no more.

When the time comes, Sheng Shiyou will never let him down.

She told Zhen'er: "Zhen'er, I will go out with brother You at the same time. Don't worry. If the third brother is coming, just tell the truth."

"Okay." Zhen'er nodded, but quickly packed out a small cloak from the box, "Ninth Prince, help my little lady take it. It's closer to the north and it's colder. She's still young, so she needs to keep warm. It’s the upper way.”

"You are careful." Sheng Shiyou nodded.

Zhen'er smiled and said nothing, but the two of them could clearly see the tears passing through her eyes.

Sheng Shiyou took a step forward and before he spoke, he was hurriedly pulled away by Lu Youyou.

She clearly saw tears, but if Zhen'er didn't say anything, she wouldn't take the initiative to expose someone's scars.

Lu Youyou's steps were very small, and Sheng Shiyou could only bend down to follow. After walking forward for a while, he saw that Lu Youyou was going to see the food and grass, and immediately picked her up, so that he could walk faster than before. Quite a few.

Seeing the anxiety in Lu Youyou's eyes, Sheng Shiyou immediately comforted him: "Hey, there's no need to be so anxious. With the Royal Forest Army watching, there will be no problem with food and grass."

"Of course there will be no problem with food and grass, the problem is people." Lu Youyou responded immediately.

Sheng Shiyou was a little confused: "Human?"

"Of course, it's hard to guard against thieves day and night. Your Highness, have you ever heard of the words "guard yourself and steal"? In my opinion, it's better to secretly transfer the food and grass as soon as possible, and don't become someone else's dowry." Lu Youyou came to Sheng Shi You spoke softly in your ear.

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