In an instant, several people split into two groups.

The cold air in the border area comes very quickly. Before dark, heavy snow has already drifted. The cold wind mixed with biting ice slag hits the face and hurts, as if being cut by a knife, making people shiver from the cold.

Lu Zhiyan asked Shuo Feng to find some servants for them, so that the house could be used.

Lu Youyou still wanted to go to the military camp, at least to see what those diseases were about.

She looked at Lin Peifeng aside, thinking that he should know better, and asked: "Uncle, do you know who was originally guarding the border?"

Ordinary soldiers may not abandon the city and run away, especially those who have been on the border for so many years, I am afraid there will be some problems.

"I've heard something." Lin Peifeng nodded, "General Xuanwu also comes from a family of military commanders. His father died in the battle with Beipan. His hatred for Beipan should be deeper than all of us, and he should not abandon the city and run away. .”

"Then should we find him?" Lu Youyou suggested, pretending to be ignorant.

But this was a reminder to everyone present.

Lu Zhiyan had traveled all over the country for so many years and knew more people, so he naturally took the initiative to stop this errand.

The few people had a good sleep. Early in the morning, Lu Youyou got up and urged the few people to go to the military camp.

It’s just that Lu Zhiyan is not traveling with him.

Speaking of which, Lu Jingyuan was ill now, so all the big and small affairs in the military camp naturally fell on the shoulders of deputy general Cheng Wu.

Lu Youyou had read in the book that this person was from Sheng Jingxuan.

After several people arrived at the military camp, Cheng Wu, who had already heard the news, immediately rushed to the entrance of the military camp to greet them in person.

"You must be the children of the general's house, right? I can tell at a glance that they do look a bit like the general. I am the deputy general Cheng Wu in the military camp. If you don't mind, why don't you let me take care of you? Want to walk around the military camp?" Cheng Wu introduced him familiarly.

[You are so glib and have bad intentions! 】

[Third brother, this courtesy for nothing is either adultery or theft! 】

[You'd better find a way to reject him. This person is from Sheng Jingxuan. 】

Lu Wushuang raised his eyebrows. It was really difficult to connect the person in front of him with Sheng Jingxuan, but after all, this was what Lu Youyou said, so there was definitely no problem with its credibility.

He rolled his eyes and had a plan in mind: "Vice General Cheng, the army is busy with affairs, so we won't waste your time. But can you let us see dad as soon as possible?"

"Young Master Lu, you're going to be outspoken by saying this, but I'm afraid it's a little difficult to meet your father." Cheng Wu clicked his tongue and spoke.

Lu Wushuang immediately asked anxiously: "But what happened to my father?"

"Don't be impatient. Let's talk as we walk." Cheng Wu immediately waved his hand, "Many people in the army have fallen ill recently. Even the doctors in the army have contracted the disease and died. The remaining soldiers have also We have no choice but to wait for death. General Lu has also contracted the disease. Judging from the current situation, the disease is quite contagious, so I’m afraid I can only take a look at your father from a distance.”

[What Cheng Wu said makes no sense. If there is no doctor in the army, why not write a letter to the capital? 】

[Will the imperial court watch so many soldiers die in vain? 】

Lu Wushuang felt that the matter was not that simple. Now there were only two possibilities. Either the people in the military camp deliberately did not take the discount, or they took the discount but were picked off the peaches in the middle, and they just did not let the news spread to the capital.

Looking at it now, the second possibility should be more likely, but if that is the case, even if they hand over the discount, they may not be able to deliver it to the emperor. [Third brother, you can write a letter to your grandfather and ask him to give you the details. 】

[After all, it is easy to stop a memorial, but it is not easy to stop a letter. After all, there are many ways to deliver letters, unlike memorials, which can only be delivered through inns. 】

Lu Wushuang clapped his hands immediately, thinking it was a good idea, and wrote a letter when he was ready to go back.

As soon as the two of them finished their discussion, Cheng Wu who was in front stopped, pointed to the tent in front of him and said: "Master Lu, your father's tent is in front of you, but you may get sick if you go in. Do you want to go in or not?" Make the decision, right?"

Of course Lu Wushuang wanted to go in and take a look, but he also knew the risks involved. After hesitating for a while, he shook his head and just shouted outside: "Dad, Youyo and I are here to see you. I hope you get better soon. "

Lu Youyou also shouted: "Daddy, get well soon!"

After shouting, Cheng Wu was ready to take the two of them away.

Lu Youyou looked at the snow outside. It was the same as what she saw with Sheng Shiyou a few days ago. It was still not swept away.

She couldn't help but asked: "General Cheng, why don't you send someone to clean up the snow?"

Cheng Wu was a little nervous for a while.

He pretended to be helpless: "This northern border is different from Beijing. It snows from time to time. The soldiers don't have enough winter clothes, so naturally there is no way to clear away the snow."

Lu Youyou frowned.

[It doesn’t snow in the north for a year or two anymore. Why haven’t you prepared winter clothes in advance? 】

She pulled Lu Wushuang's sleeve and motioned for him to ask.

Lu Wushuang asked directly.

"This..." Cheng Wu naturally refused to admit that he had embezzled the money, so he could only pretend to be helpless, "Young Master Lu doesn't know something. The previous General Xuanwu squandered all his money, and even We spent the soldiers’ military pay, not even the food and grass, and now we are just fooling around to get by.”

"Then why not go to the capital?" Lu Wushuang asked again.

Cheng Wu waved his hand: "Nowhere. I tried one after another, but there was no response at all. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we would really think that the emperor is ready to give up on us."

Lu Youyou and Lu Wushuang looked at each other and did not continue talking.

The two of them looked at the other people in the barracks and saw that everything was perfect as soon as possible, but Lu Youyou was still aware of it.

[Third brother, why are some people okay even eating and living with those patients? 】

[Could it be the same as in Dingzhou, where someone deliberately poisoned the place? 】

In this case, the first candidate to bear the brunt is Sheng Jingxuan.

"General Cheng, you just said that there is a shortage of doctors in the military camp. If so, how did you determine that this is the plague?" Lu Wushuang asked again.

The plague sounds very scary, but if it is not a plague, but these people deliberately scare people instead of asking people to come and see, then it would be suspicious.

Cheng Wu seemed to have already thought of his words: "Of course it's the doctor from the frontier. But after those people heard that it was a plague, they ran away and no one was willing to come again."

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