Sheng Jingxuan raised his eyebrows, full of disgust.

But Lu Wushuang hurriedly dismounted and went to see the condition of the fallen man.

Pulse is normal.

Breathing is normal.

Lu Wushuang stood up straight, bent down towards Sheng Jingxuan and raised his hands: "Seventh Prince, forgive me, this man is still alive, maybe he has some health problems, I will send him to the hospital first, and then go back with His Highness."

"He's just a passerby. After a while, the family saw that he didn't come back, so they will definitely come to look for him. Mr. Lu, don't worry." Sheng Jingxuan's words were really chilling.

However, he was heartbroken, but it did not affect Lu Wushuang at all. He immediately knelt down and said: "I am worried, but I still want to send the person to the hospital first, and invite the Seventh Prince..."

"It doesn't matter, I can go to Lu's house myself." Before Lu Wushuang said the word "forgiveness", Sheng Jingxuan coldly interrupted him, pulled the reins and drove the horse away.

Lu Wushuang sighed softly and ignored Sheng Jingxuan. He looked around to see if there were any wounds on the man's body. He should not touch him while moving.

Sheng Jingxuan walked forward to the corner, and inadvertently turned his head and glanced at Lu Wushuang, only to see that Lu Wushuang was still squatting there, with no intention of catching up.

"What a cat crying over a mouse, fake mercy." Sheng Jingxuan sneered, clamped his legs around the horse's belly and continued walking forward.

Lu Wushuang observed for a while and saw that there were no external injuries on the man's body. Then he felt relieved, carried the man on his back and headed towards the nearby medical center.

"Is anyone here?" Although this man looked big, he didn't have much weight. Lu Wushuang didn't even pant after carrying him to the hospital.

The doctor from the medical center walked out of the back room. When he saw Lu Wushuang carrying someone on his back, he immediately stepped forward to check.

After working for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's nothing serious, I just fainted from hunger."

Lu Wushuang felt relieved after hearing this. He took out the silver from his arms and handed it to the doctor: "Sir, can you let him stay here for a while? It's pitiful to say that this man fainted on the ground. It’s such a cold weather, if he doesn’t wake up, I can’t keep carrying him with me.”

"Of course, of course." The doctor was unwilling at first, but seeing Lu Wushuang's generous move, he agreed. After all, he didn't do anything just now, and the other party actually threw him a whole ingot of silver.

Lu Wushuang felt relieved now. He wanted to turn around and leave, but he inadvertently glanced at the man's wrist, and he couldn't look away immediately.

The man's wrist was wrapped in a sleeve, and the doctor just lifted it up to diagnose his pulse, but he didn't put it down after the diagnosis.

What caught Lu Wushuang's attention was not the man's wrist, but a tattoo on his wrist.

He clearly recognized the tattoo. It was left by the imperial army for identification purposes. It seemed that this person should be a member of the army.

But it stands to reason that soldiers in the army will not faint from hunger, right?

Lu Wushuang realized that something was wrong, so he immediately went out to buy a few buns, and then sat in the hospital waiting for the man to wake up.

Who would have imagined that an hour had passed after waiting like this, but the man still showed no sign of waking up.

The doctor felt that it was inappropriate for him to lie here all the time. After all, this was a medical clinic and not a righteous village, so he simply stepped forward and gave him acupuncture to wake him up.

The man was still a little confused after he woke up. Seeing this, Lu Wushuang handed over the bun directly.

When he smelled the aroma of the buns, he was not polite and started gobbling them up.

"Slow down, slow down, no one will fight with you." Lu Wushuang called out immediately, and then asked the doctor to bring a pot of water.

The doctor curled his lips and said, "This is a medical clinic, not a teahouse." But he still handed over a pot of water.

Unexpectedly, after the man finished drinking the water, he fell in love with the pastries on the table. He thought he was really hungry, so he emptied them all.

"Hey, hey, why are you so rude? Those pastries are..." The doctor immediately stepped forward hurriedly and spoke.

But his words were not meant for that person, but clearly for Lu Wushuang.

Lu Wushuang knew it well and threw away a piece of silver.

The doctor immediately stopped talking, took a step back and stopped talking.

After the man finished eating, Lu Wushuang stepped forward and asked, "Are you full?"

The man opened his mouth but before speaking, he burped first.

"Looks like you're full," Lu Wushuang nodded and asked, "Do you still remember where home is? I'll take you home."

When the man heard this, he burst into tears: "Home, I have no home a long time ago."

Lu Wushuang couldn't help but frowned: "I think you are in the military. Is it because the court didn't pay the military?"

He asked this deliberately.

If it were correct, Sheng Jingxuan should have distributed the food and grass he brought.

The man hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

"Young master, there is no need to be nervous." Lu Wushuang bowed his hands to him, "I am from the Lu family in Beijing, and my father is Lu Jingyuan. I came to the north this time just to investigate the affairs in the north. I don't want to be able to let Beipan We are retreating steadily, and at the very least we have to let the northern border return to normal."

The man's eyes suddenly lit up.

Lu Jingyuan's name is a reassurance in this military camp.

Before he could speak, the doctor snorted coldly: "What Lu family, what you say is nice, but as an official, who cares about the life and death of our people? I think even the capital has allocated some money, and all of them It’s in your hands.”

Lu Wushuang only felt that this was biased, but he also knew that there is no smoke without fire.

"When I heard what the doctor said, it was as if I had seen it with my own eyes. How about I explain it in detail? If it is true, I will definitely seek justice for you." He lowered his body and even cupped his hands. , clearly looking like he was asking for advice humbly.

Seeing how respectful he was, the doctor couldn't help but look the man up and down.

After looking at it, he nodded: "You look like a stranger, so I'll talk to you. After all, even if you go out and talk nonsense, no one will believe you."

Lu Wushuang was shocked after hearing this. He originally thought that the doctor was just talking nonsense, but it was clear from his words that he knew something about the inside story, otherwise he would not have left a way out for himself.

"Since you are from the capital, you must have heard of Governor Song, right?" The doctor said softly after closing the door.

Lu Wushuang nodded and then motioned for the doctor to continue.

"Song Governor colluded with the military camp and pocketed all the money appropriated by the court. Don't you in the capital know this?" The doctor said with a chuckle.

Lu Wushuang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, as if asking how did you know about it?

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