But after just watching for a while, I realized that Sheng Jingxuan had run away with a full stomach. I was really hungry out of curiosity, but today's hot pot ingredients were all fresh, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Lu Xuanhe couldn't help but climb up and quickly looked out the window, but Sheng Jingxuan had already ran over and the yard was empty, not even a single figure.

Lu Youyou pressed Lu Xuanhe's head back onto the pillow: "It's okay, go to sleep quickly."

Lu Xuanhe nodded. After all, she believed from the bottom of her heart that Lu Youyou would not lie to her. After lying down, her eyes started to fight, and she fell asleep soon.

Early the next morning, Sheng Jingxuan was sitting in the main hall in bitterness. When the servants of Lu Mansion saw it, they all took a detour. Although it was convenient to go to various places in the house from the main hall, no one wanted to get into trouble with Sheng Jingxuan. , if he couldn't keep it, he would take out his anger on himself.

But there are still those who are not afraid of death and hide in secret to discuss things secretly.

"What happened to the Seventh Prince?"

"You don't know yet? Master and the others were not eating hot pot last night..."

"Hot pot? What is hot pot?"

"That's not important. What's important is that the seventh prince had diarrhea. He ran to the latrine more than a dozen times last night. Doesn't he suspect that someone was poisoned and is planning to attack the general to hold him accountable?"

"I see, but what exactly is hot pot?"


Just as Shuo Feng and Lu Youyou said before, Lu Jingyuan talked with Cheng Wu for a whole day and a night again this time, and did not return from the military camp until after dawn.

He originally wanted to go back to his room to catch up on his sleep, but at a glance he saw the Seventh Prince sitting in the main hall with an unkind look on his face. He hurriedly tidied himself up and expressed concern: "Greetings to the Seventh Prince, what's wrong with you today? Why do you look so ugly? "

Sheng Jingxuan raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Jingyuan. Seeing that the concern on his face didn't seem to be fake, he gritted his teeth and said, "General Lu, someone in my house poisoned me, causing me to run away for more than a dozen times." Go to the hut."

"What?" Lu Jingyuan was shocked, and even his tone was a bit sharp.

He was worried that the emperor would blame him and he would not be able to bear the burden, so he immediately asked his servants to invite all his sons and daughters over.

After several people came over, they all looked listless. How could it be that Lu Youyou, Lu Xuan and the two female dolls seemed to fall asleep even if they stood up.

"Everyone kneel down! Wake up!" Lu Jing immediately frowned and shouted: "Let me ask you, who deliberately gave the seventh prince laxatives?"

Sheng Jingxuan also scanned everyone's faces one by one, but found nothing but confusion.

Everyone looked at each other, after all, no one drugged Sheng Jingxuan.

Lu Zhiyan thought it was a misunderstanding and immediately asked: "Dad, Seventh Prince, do you think there is a misunderstanding in this?"

"Misunderstanding? How could there be a misunderstanding? My master had diarrhea last night. He must have been given laxatives." The boy beside Sheng Jingxuan spoke sharply.

Sheng Jingxuan coughed slightly when he heard this and signaled to the boy not to tell him about running to the latrine more than ten times in a row.

After all, he was about the same age as Lu Zhiyan, so it was okay to tell Lu Jingyuan such things, but telling these people who were about the same age as him would definitely make them laugh, especially when there were two little babies. I can't afford to lose this person.

But he didn't expect that the boy on the side would misunderstand. He thought it was Sheng Jingxuan who asked him to be more serious, so he added more embellished: "My master went to the latrine more than thirty times last night, and once he was still there." He's asleep inside. If someone hadn't given him laxatives, do you think there are other possibilities?" Sheng Jingxuan was dumbfounded at the time, looking at the boy and not knowing what to say to him for a moment.

Lu Youyou and Lu Xuanhe, who were still very sleepy at first, immediately covered their mouths and laughed when they heard this. Lu Jing immediately shouted at the sight: "Why are you laughing! There are no rules at all!"

After he finished speaking, even he couldn't help laughing and quickly turned his head to the side.

The person under Lu Jingyuan's smile could no longer hold back. Although they were trying hard to hold back their laughter, they couldn't hold back anymore just looking at him.

Sheng Jingxuan's face turned blue and white, but he still chose not to have an attack because of his face.

Lu Zhiyan was having a hard time holding it in, so he wanted to divert his attention, so he immediately asked: "Seventh Prince, I wonder if you still remember what you ate yesterday?"

"What else could there be? It was hot pot just like what you were eating, but I was the only one who ran away... ahem... showed those symptoms." Sheng Jingxuan only said it was hot pot.

Lu Jingyuan didn't know what hot pot was, so he couldn't help but wonder: Can this pot be eaten? No wonder you have diarrhea?
Lu Youyou saw Lu Jingyuan's confused look and immediately explained: "Dad, I will explain this to you later."

After seeing Lu Jingyuan nod, she continued: "Yesterday's ingredients were all fresh, so it's logical that there would be no diarrhea, and yesterday I was holding my own bowl, so there was no chance that someone else could drug him." yes."

When Sheng Jingxuan heard this, he stared at Lu Youyou, but he also felt that what Lu Youyou said made sense, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Lu Youyou suddenly reacted: "By the way, the Seventh Prince, it's possible that what he ate yesterday was too spicy."

Sheng Jingxuan didn't believe that he could be so embarrassed that he couldn't even eat spicy food. He waved his hands and sneered at this statement.

But Lu Youyou said directly and confidently: "If the Seventh Prince doesn't believe it, you can ask the doctor to come over and have a look. Some people have weak spleen and stomach and just can't eat spicy food."

After all the words were said, Sheng Jingxuan had no choice but to agree to come to the doctor to show him.

Fortunately, Divine Doctor Zou was here, so it didn’t take too long.

"The Seventh Prince has indeed eaten too much spicy food. I will prepare some medicine to regulate the stomach and intestines in a while. The Seventh Prince will be well soon."

Lu Youyou couldn't help but snicker.

The dignified Seventh Prince actually had diarrhea because he ate too spicy food. If he said this, he would probably be laughed at.

Sheng Jingxuan did not speak, but snorted coldly and went out directly.

Lu Jingyuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw his children acting so carelessly.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" After all, Lu Zhiyan is older and has more delicate thoughts.

Lu Jingyuan sighed and waved his hand: "Nothing."

"Dad, you have never sighed like this when facing powerful foreign enemies, but now you keep sighing. There must be something wrong." Lu Wushuang couldn't help but ask.

After all, they were not in the capital now. If something unexpected happened, it would not be easy to deal with it.

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