After eavesdropping on my thoughts, the cannon fodder family went crazy!

Chapter 213: Reluctant to bear children but unable to trap the wolf

"I'm exhausted right now. My second wife, if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. After that, I'll go and rest. Don't worry about those false etiquette." Mrs. Lin waved her hand and spoke, and then there was a maid He stepped forward and took the ginseng soup from Ren Xin's hand.

Ren Xin looked embarrassed, but stood up and said what she had planned before: "Mother-in-law, it's not that important. It's just that I haven't seen Lu Youyou and Xuanhe for a long time. I miss her very much and wanted to go over there for a visit, but I was afraid of being misunderstood by my sister and brother-in-law, so I wanted my mother-in-law to go with me."

At this time, Mrs. Lin had not thought about completely breaking up with Ren Xin. She was stunned for a moment when she heard this but still agreed.

"I see. Then get ready. I will take you there with me tomorrow."

Ren Xin was very happy and quickly returned to her residence after bidding farewell to Mrs. Lin.

"Old madam, what do you think of handling this ginseng soup?" The maid came forward with the ginseng soup after Ren Xin left.

Mrs. Lin was being helped to the back room at that time. She didn't even look back when she heard this: "Things are good things, but people are not good people. It's up to you to figure it out."

The maid nodded, took the ginseng soup and went to the flower pond in the yard.

Over there, Ren Xin had also returned to the house and dragged out a large box from under the bed, which was covered with dust.

She covered her mouth and nose with one hand and dusted it with the other hand. In an instant, the room was filled with dust.

"What are you doing? Can't you leave it to the servants to do it in the yard? Do you have to do it in the bedroom?" Mr. Lin came back just in time, but as soon as he entered, he was choked by dust in his mouth and nose. He pinched his nose and spoke.

He turned around and went out for some air.

Ren Xin completely ignored Mr. Lin, and just opened the window to scatter the dust in the bedroom. After about half a cup of tea, the room became clear again.

Only then did she take out the key from her body. After opening the box, there was another locked box inside. After opening it again, there were various jewelry and a lot of money. These were her dowry and she couldn't bear to use them on weekdays. Hidden here.

Ren Xin picked through it, and finally took out two golden locks, preparing to give them to Lu Youyou and Lu Xuanhe tomorrow.

Master Lin Er happened to walk in from outside. His eyes widened when he saw the golden lock in Ren Xin's hand, and he immediately ran over quickly.

Ren Xin reacted very quickly and immediately closed and locked the box under her hand. The golden lock was also put into her arms.

"Look at you, why are you reacting so big? Who are you giving such a generous gift to?" Mr. Lin Er saw that Ren Xin was guarding him as much as he was guarding against thieves, so he couldn't help but muttered, and then asked another question.

Ren Xin rolled her eyes at him, then bent down to push the box back, and said at the same time: "I'm not that good at guarding against thieves. I mainly guard against you. I'm going to give this to Lu Youyou and Lu Xuanhe tomorrow. .”

"What?" When Mr. Lin saw this, he originally stepped forward to help. When he heard this, he almost jumped to his waist. He immediately stood up straight and asked in a loud voice.

Ren Xin was still pushing boxes inside: "What?"

"What else are you asking me for?" Mr. Lin Er was furious: "Why are you so prodigal? If you have that thing to give to the two of them, why don't you just sell it for money? It's better to give it to me. It’s better for outsiders.”

Ren Xin pushed the box under the bed and gasped: "Who is an outsider, who is an outsider? That is your niece, can you call her an outsider?"

Naturally, she didn't want to give the golden lock away, but she had no choice.

If you can't let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf. After saying that, she sat at the table, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and then continued: "I gave it to you, and then you used it to bet and lost, and then you gave it to an outsider. I Not stupid."

"That being said, what if I win this time?" Mr. Lin Er was furious.

Ren Xin took another sip of water: "You said it was just in case. Do you believe it?"

"I..." Mr. Lin Er suddenly became anxious, pointed at Ren Xin's nose and said: "Last time you stole a man in the rockery, I didn't even settle the score with you, and now you actually have to take care of me? "

As he spoke, he looked around and saw the jewelry that Ren Xin had taken off on the side of the dressing mirror. He immediately rushed over and grabbed it in his hand.

"Put it down!" Ren Xin immediately became anxious when he saw this, and stepped forward to hug Mr. Lin Er, preparing to snatch him back.

But her strength was nowhere compared to Mr. Lin Er's, and she was pushed down on the bed in just one move.

Mr. Lin Er sneered: "This is just a few cents of interest. You should reflect on it yourself."

After saying that, he snorted and walked out.

Ren Xin picked up the pillow on the side and threw it out, but Mr. Lin Er didn't even look back and walked straight away.

Ren Xin cried for a while before she calmed down. She stared with blood-red eyes and swore secretly: "I will make your Lin family pay the price!"

Then, when no one was around at night, she released the carrier pigeon to notify Su Qingyao.

The next morning, Ren Xin was waiting at the door early, with Su Qingyao dressed as a maid standing next to her.

After Mrs. Lin came out, she saw an outsider at a glance. She frowned and asked, "Second daughter-in-law, who is this?"

"Old madam, you may not know that this is the maid who was selected for Xuanhe before. Later, she went to the northern border and was never used. Today happened to be passing by, so I took her there by the way. Let her take a look." Ren Xin explained with a smile.

Su Qingyao was thoughtful and immediately stepped forward to salute after hearing this: "I have seen the old lady."

"They have their own good, so don't cause trouble. Send them away quickly and we should set off." The old lady waved her hand and drove away, and then got into the carriage.

Ren Xin said hurriedly: "Mom, don't worry, she has been waiting for so long, it is time for her to come over and let Xuanhe take a look, so as to save her from going out to spread gossip about our family and harm the reputation of our family. .”

"Old madam, please have mercy on me. I have no father or mother, and now I have nowhere to go. Even if I can stay as a rough servant, it will be fine." Su Qingyao also kept kowtowing to Mrs. Lin. .

Old Mrs. Lin hated to see such a miserable person, so she softened her heart and agreed: "Then I will take you there to have a look, but whether I can stay depends on what the other party wants."

"Thank you, madam, thank you madam." Su Qingyao was immediately grateful.

The old lady waved her hand: "You can make arrangements for the second daughter-in-law. Let her ride in the same carriage with you."

After saying that, Mrs. Lin took the lead in getting on the carriage and set off.

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