Lin Yuyan was a soft-hearted person and a mother. When she heard this, she naturally couldn't bear it.

Ren Xin saw her soft-heartedness and spoke repeatedly: "Sister, how can I be afraid of having too many people to serve you? When the relationship gets bigger in the future, there will always be older mothers around to serve you. I think She’s pretty good.”

[I couldn’t serve you before, so it’s obvious that I’m not destined. 】

[Mom, look at my second aunt in such a hurry, there must be something wrong with this person. 】

After hearing this, Lin Yuyan immediately began to second guess her mind.

Ren Xin had not cared about the affairs of their house for many years, and a maid was not worthy of her attention. What happened today?
If there isn't something wrong with this whole thing, then it's like what Lu Youyou said is that there is something wrong with this person.

Just when she was thinking about this, Ren Xin over there urged Lin Yuyan to make a decision: "Sister, at least you have to make up your mind, whether you want to stay or not, in my opinion, I will pity this poor man."

Mrs. Lin also heard Lu Youyou's thoughts, and looking at Lin Yuyan's solemn expression, she also figured out that something was wrong. If Ren Xin really felt that Axiang's life was miserable, it would be better to just leave her in the Lin family. Why do you have to come over and see Lin Yuyan's face?

Although she also sensed that something was wrong, she still thought it was safer to keep the person under her nose. After all, if there was any trouble, she would get the news as soon as possible.

"Then I'll make the decision for Yu Yan." Mrs. Lin said directly after thinking of this, "Stay and be a rough maid. If you perform well, you can be promoted, but you can't just go to Xuan He's side. Go wait on me, that’s against the rules.”

When Lin Yuyan saw Mrs. Lin speaking, she could only agree.

But this time Ren Xin was in trouble. After all, she didn't know whether Su Qingyao was willing or not. Although she said that it was okay to use a rough maid, but compared with a personal maid, these two were still a bit different.

When I was thinking about how to ask Su Qingyao.

She seemed to see Ren Xin's dilemma, and immediately knelt on the ground and thanked her: "Thank you, old lady. I will definitely behave well and never let down the old lady's trust."

Mrs. Lin, however, just waved her hand and did not continue. Lin Yuyan called Fuliu and asked her to take Axiang to find a place to stay, while she invited Mrs. Lin and the others to have dinner.

After everyone sat down, Mrs. Lin asked about Lu Shengqing's marriage.

Lin Yuyan said with a smile: "Mom, this matter doesn't matter..."

"How can we not be in a hurry?" Mrs. Lin patted the armrest of the seat and said, "How old is Shengqing this year?"

"She's seventeen now." Lin Yuyan responded hurriedly.

Mrs. Lin snorted coldly: "Listen, you are already seventeen. Shouldn't you be planning a marriage now? Do you still remember when you got married? How old was Jingyuan at that time?"

"This..." Lin Yuyan hesitated slightly: "My daughter can't remember clearly."

Mrs. Lin sighed: "That's all, just forget it if you can't remember it. After all, today we are talking about Shengqing. He has been doing very well recently, and the most valuable thing is that he can still stand firm in the court. We have to get married as soon as possible."

"Grandma, I'm still very young. I want to be more adventurous and don't want to be tied down by my family prematurely." Lu Shengqing suddenly interrupted. Normally, if a junior interrupts an elder's conversation, he will definitely be scolded first. Even if the intervention is reasonable, the elder will still ignore it and do countless things.

But today's situation is a bit different. After all, we are discussing Lu Shengqing's marriage today, and he can also say a few words.

"My good grandson, it's not that your grandma has to force you to get married. You can ask your mother. She was already pregnant when she was seventeen years old. Otherwise, where did you come from?" Old Mrs. Lin He patted Lu Shengqing's shoulder and said, "And now it's just a formality. I don't necessarily have to get you married now, otherwise you will have to ask others to pick the remaining girls."

Although these words were a bit arbitrary, they still had some truth to them. The room was silent, and no one dared to raise any objections.

After a long silence, Lu Youyou spoke: "Eldest brother really should marry a wife. There is no harm in discussing it first. I support my grandmother's view."

[My dear, my mother will be happy when she is seventeen. 】

[In the previous world, I didn’t even finish high school. 】

[Seeing that I am about to turn seventeen, I will not follow such a path! 】

[No, I don’t want to be forced to get married, but I can watch others being pushed to get married. 】

[Brother, I’m sorry! 】

Lu Shengqing stared, but directly put a piece of meat into Lu Youyou's bowl and said, "I can't even shut your mouth after eating it!"

"Grandma, look at big brother, he is actually mean to me!" Lu Youyou was so confused that she directly asked Mrs. Lin for help. After all, they were on the same front now.

When she heard Lu Youyou asking for help, Mrs. Lin responded and took over the conversation: "Shengqing, don't think your sister is too talkative. Wouldn't that mean you also dislike me?"

"Grandma's words are serious. Shengqing will definitely not dare to dislike grandma." Upon hearing this, Lu Shengqing immediately bowed and apologized.

Mrs. Lin pretended to be angry: "Then you just disliked me, wasn't that what you meant?"

"Shengqing doesn't dare." Lu Shengqing just apologized in fear.

Mrs. Lin sighed: "Let me just say that entering the officialdom too early is not a problem. In fact, I have always wondered how he gained a foothold in the officialdom. Jingyuan relied on his fists to fight back then. , how can he reproduce his character?"

Lu Shengqing opened his mouth. He originally wanted to say that he had gained a firm foothold by being calm and thorough in everything, but thinking that Mrs. Lin would definitely not listen to it now, he swallowed these words back. He never did. If he likes to be in the limelight, bad things will naturally not be found in him, but on the contrary, good things will never be found in him.

"But these things are what Jingyuan should do. You and your son should talk more about it when you have time, and we won't be far away from the confusion." Mrs. Lin nodded when she saw that Lu Shengqing didn't rush to refute, and first gave Lu Jingyuan instructions. After a while, he turned to Lin Yuyan and said: "As for Zhang Luo's marriage, I'll leave it to you. You are right. We should discuss it first. After all, you can't just find the right one at a glance, right?"

Lin Yuyan frowned and was still thinking of retorting, but Mrs. Lin glared at her.

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