"Little Miss—" Chuntao stopped Lu Youyou, but she looked like he was hesitant to speak.

Lu Youyou stopped and looked at Chuntao: "Sister Chuntao, there seems to be something wrong with you today."

"It's not that there's something wrong with my slave, it's that something's wrong with Miss Xuanhe today." Chuntao felt that she had to tell Lu Youyou and let her make an idea for her.

Lu Youyou's heart skipped a beat when she heard this: "Tell me in detail."

"It probably started when the young lady left the house to go to the banquet. Miss Xuanhe had to have Axiang serve by her side. The servant really couldn't persuade her, and then the young lady started to feel uncomfortable." Chuntao recalled what happened before. Then he spoke.

Lu Youyou originally felt that something was wrong with A Xiang, but now that she saw Lu Xuanhe acting like this, she immediately realized that A Xiang was causing trouble.

Although she was thinking this, she was still going to talk about it tomorrow. After all, Lu Xuanhe and Lu Xuan were already asleep, so they couldn't wake her up again to confront her.

But not even half an hour after she returned to her room, there was a noise outside again. Lu Youyou couldn't sleep when she heard the noise, and she immediately sat up.

"Qinghe, what happened outside?" Lu Youyou, who was awakened, asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Qinghe immediately responded: "It seems that someone from the palace came and called the general away."

"In the palace? What can happen at this time?" Lu Youyou yawned and asked.

Qinghe shook his head: "Miss, it's better to go to bed early. Just wait until the general comes back and ask him again."

Although Qing He advised her to go to bed early, Lu Youyou shook her head and asked, "Has my sister been woken up?"

"Probably -" Qinghe glanced outside through the crack of the window as he spoke. Seeing that the house opposite was still dark and no lights were lit, he continued: "Probably not."

Lu Youyou nodded, wrapped herself in a quilt and continued to sleep.

But in fact, Lu Xuanhe next door was also woken up, leaning against the window and looking out worriedly.

Axiang originally wanted to light the lights, but after thinking about it, she held back and just told her not to worry: "Miss Xuanhe, don't worry about what happened to them. Go to bed early."

Although Lu Xuanhe nodded, he still looked worried but said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Axiang continued to speak: "Anyway, this family doesn't take Xuan and Miss seriously, so don't worry about them. When something happens to them, you will know who is the best."

Lu Xuanhe still nodded after hearing this, but there was always a thorn in his heart, and he still felt that this was wrong.

The next morning, it started to rain lightly.

Lu Youyou looked at the low sky and felt a little depressed in her heart, which made her feel unhappy early in the morning.

"Little miss, please slow down. There are puddles in the yard. If you stain your clothes, you will be scolded by the madam." Qing He followed Lu Youyou and watched her go to the next yard.

Lu Youyou didn't reply, but just slowed down her pace.

When he arrived at the door next door, he even calmed down his footsteps: "Sister..."

She was about to poke her head over to scare Lu Xuanhe, but she saw Su Qingyao dressing Lu Xuanhe in the room.

[Why is she here? 】

Lu Youyou frowned and walked in with a straight face: "Axiang, why are you waiting in front of my sister? Where is Chuntao?"

"Ah? Is it the young lady?" Su Qingyao deliberately showed a bit of surprise, "I thought that someone with the status of the young lady would never set foot in a place like this." These words made her really surprised. awkward.

It seems like this is some kind of filthy place.

"Sister is here, so of course I come here every day." Lu Youyou didn't follow her words at all, and went directly up to hold Lu Xuanhe's hand, and said excitedly, "Sister, I went out yesterday to see It's very lively outside. When the rain stops, let's go out and have a look. There are a lot of sideshows there."

Lu Xuanhe was just a child after all. Seeing Lu Youyou's enthusiasm, he naturally nodded immediately.

But she had just taken a step forward when she noticed the look in Su Qingyao's eyes and couldn't help but stop.

After a while, she shook her head: "No."

"I still need to read a book today, so I will..."

Lu Youyou didn't even wait for her to finish saying her rejection, and went up to her and took her hand: "The temple fair outside only happens once a year. If you miss this one, you have to wait another year. Sometimes we go to the Lin family's home to study, but we can't go out to play together."

"Third brother Xiu Mu will be able to take us out to play today." She said and took the person away.

When they arrived at the main hall, Lu Xuanhe behaved even more differently than usual.

Lu Youyou deliberately slowed down her pace and lowered her voice: "Xuanhe, did someone say something to you to make you so unhappy?"

"I... didn't..." Lu Xuanhe hesitated.

However, Lu Youyou squeezed her hand even more tightly and said comfortingly: "My silly sister, others say those things to you because they are deliberately jealous of you. You must not believe it. No matter what, your sister will protect you. .”

In total, Lu Xuanhe had spent more time with her, so he naturally believed her words more, and nodded directly, with a smile on his face.

The two of them held hands and went in together.

Lin Yuyan was checking the food when she saw the two of them coming in with smiles on their face. She roughly guessed that they wanted to ask each other for something and quickly said: "You two have been lazy for several days. It happened to be raining today and you couldn't go out. So you two can't go out." Please study hard."

Lu Youyou's little face suddenly wrinkled up.

"Mother--" She immediately went up to save Lin Yuyan's arm, acting like a baby, "We are going to study at home in two days, and there will be no chance for fun in the future. The third brother happens to be taking a break today, so why not... …”

"Mom, just ask them to go."

Before Lu Youyou finished speaking, Lu Shengqing's voice came from the door.

Several people looked over quickly.

Lin Yuyan also looked anxious: "You're back? What did His Majesty say when he summoned you to the palace last night?"

She felt a little out of breath for a while.

Although, if the family was destroyed, Lu Jingyuan should be summoned to the palace urgently. Although Lu Shengqing would be the pillar of the family in the future, he was a civil servant after all. After all, it was a matter in the court and had nothing to do with the Lu family.

"The flood in Huainan caused the officials to rebel. Your Majesty asked me to set off tomorrow to find out what happened." Lu Shengqing briefly explained the situation last night in two sentences.

Lin Yuyan couldn't cry or laugh for a while. She held his hand and was speechless.

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