Chapter 237 Eavesdropping
After listening to what the two said for a while, Lu Youyou felt that the amount of information was really too much, so she simply stopped listening.

Her mind had been wandering all day, and she suddenly noticed that there was no sound in the room, and she quickly looked up.

She was about to speak, but suddenly she saw that the two people's faces were not very good. She followed the two of them and looked over, and sure enough, there was a sneaky figure looking outside.

Lu Youyou is an eccentric person, and she has an idea in her mind instantly.

[Mom, you keep talking to grandma, I’ll sneak over to see who is over there. 】

She watched Lin Yuyan start talking to Mrs. Lin again, then jumped down from the small chair on the side. First she pretended to touch the vase, then played with the tea cup for a while, and then slowly approached the window.

She looked at that figure, but it seemed somewhat familiar.

Lu Youyou didn't make a sound, but suddenly opened the window when the person was listening most seriously: "Axiang! What are you doing sneakily outside?"

She was caught red-handed.

Su Qingyao almost subconsciously wanted to run away, but there was a puddle of mud in front of her, and she fell straight into the mud.

Lin Yuyan suddenly stood up and walked to the window. The boy who was sweeping the yard winked, and someone surrounded Su Qingyao.

"Axiang, what are you doing here?" She spoke condescendingly with a gloomy face.

Su Qingyao shuddered all over, but her mind moved quickly, and she immediately came up with an idea: "Madam, I saw that Miss Xuanhe has been worried. After asking, I found out that she was worried about Mrs. Lin's poor health. I am so worried about this." I just took the courage to come over and inquire about the situation.”

"If that's the case, then why don't you go in?" Lin Yuyan asked with a cold face.

She didn't believe this argument.

Lu Xuanhe's delicate mind may indeed be worried about Mrs. Lin's health, and he would not allow his subordinates to come and inquire. It could only be Su Qingyao's own idea.

But she acted in a sneaky way and was clearly deceitful.

"This..." Su Qingyao bit her lower lip, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Naturally, she didn't come here just to see Lu Xuan and worry about Mrs. Lin. Instead, she secretly visited Ren Xin and asked her to come over and eavesdrop. Then she could claim credit from the Seventh Prince.

But naturally she would not be stupid enough to tell these truths.

"Replying to Madam, I have been lingering at the door for a long time, but I didn't see any maid coming or going. I just thought of listening at the window. If I can hear Mrs. Lin's voice, I can go back and report to Miss Xuanhe. , but I didn’t expect that the young lady would find her just standing here.” Su Qingyao lowered her head, deliberately showing an open-minded attitude.

"It's strange that those people say that our little miss is the smartest person. It seems that nothing can be hidden from the little miss."

It might be okay if her words were used to fool other children, but Lu Youyou not only didn't think these words were complimenting her, but even felt that these words were mocking herself.

Lu Youyou snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense here. I've seen you sneaking around here for a long time. Can you still say that I was wrong?"

She is a little more knowledgeable than others, and she has been influenced by so many smart people, so she would be able to trick others.

Su Qingyao gritted her teeth, but she didn't expect that Lu Youyou had already seen through her intentions. It seemed that she was deliberately playing tricks on her now.

"Slave...Slave..." When she was thinking about how to explain this, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Axiang, how is grandma doing? I've been waiting for you in the yard for a long time and I haven't seen you back, but you're lazy here again?" It was Lu Xuanhe.

Her words made Lu Youyou couldn't help but frown.

Lu Xuan and Xiang Xiang were very cautious, that is, whatever news they wanted to find out, they would get it from Lu Youyou's mouth. They would never ask the maid to ask, but now they asked Axiang to come. It was clear that they came here deliberately. She excused herself.

"Sister, it was you who asked Axiang to come over to inquire about grandma's health?" Lu Youyou couldn't believe it, so she asked more.

Although she repeatedly persuaded Lu Xuanhe, she still felt that Lu Xuanhe's attitude towards Axiang was becoming more and more different.

Lu Xuanhe glanced at Axiang who was standing aside, and then nodded.

Lu Youyou, who couldn't hide anything in her heart, wanted to ask directly, but was stopped by Lin Yuyan in time: "I saw that she was outside all the time, so I asked a few words, even if you asked her to come, then Just take the person back."

Lu Xuanhe quickly bowed: "Thank you, godmother."

When the two people's figures disappeared into the garden, Lu Youyou still didn't pull his thoughts back.

Lin Yuyan glanced at her and couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, come in with me first."

"Yes." Lu Youyou looked downcast, but followed him through the door.

Aunt Zhuang was a very discerning person. She immediately dismissed all the scary people in the room and retreated herself.

Lin Yuyan then spoke: "You are a thoughtful child. I think you have asked someone to find out the details of Axiang, but is there any news?"

Lu Youyou shook her head.

"I asked my uncle to inquire before, but he couldn't find any clues at all. I don't know if Axiang is really clean or if someone deliberately spread false news." The disappointment on her face became more and more obvious.

Lin Yuyan frowned.

Lin Peifeng's abilities are getting stronger and stronger now, and the people under her are beyond her imagination. If she can't find out, I'm afraid the people behind Axiang will become more powerful.

Mrs. Lin coughed twice: "Since we can't find out, it's better to let that person go."

"Praising her to a high place always exposes the enemy. Wasn't that how Su Qingyao fell down that day?"

It took her a while to regain some of her energy in her voice.

Her words reminded Lu Youyou: "Where did Su Qingyao go after she was kicked out that day? Is there any news about her?"

"It's just a useless thing. Why did you suddenly ask her?" Lin Yuyan shook her head.

At first, she was worried that Su Qingyao would kill someone. She was always cautious in those days, but she didn't expect that the other party would be silent. Now that I put my heart in my stomach, I naturally stopped asking about it.

Lu Youyou couldn't tell, but she just felt that there might be some connection between the two.

She hesitated for a moment and then said: "It's nothing important. I just felt a little worried suddenly. I asked my mother to go out and ask for news about this person."

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