Chapter 245 The Prince’s Confinement
Ren Xin took several deep breaths, but still did not suppress the anger in her heart.

She kicked the maid on the ground hard again and snorted coldly: "It's a shame that I sacrificed my heart and soul for this old woman in the past, and now she uses such words to talk to me. Could it be that she really thinks I'm easy to bully!"

"Madam, what you mean is that the old lady is just deliberately deceiving you?" The maid looked shocked.

In her eyes, the old lady was the most kind-hearted person.

"If she was really serious, she could hand over the housekeeping rights to me today, why would she go to such trouble!" Ren Xin gritted her teeth, "It would be better for her to just take something to pass away. Do you really think I am a beggar?"

There was murderous intent in her eyes.

A cold autumn rain.

It rained suddenly that night, and when we got up in the morning, there was a cold air in the air.

Lin Yuyan got up early.

"Fufeng, please hurry back to the General's Mansion and grab the thick clothes of Youyou and Xuanhe. It will only get colder if we go to the back hall to go to school, and it won't be good if we freeze." She greeted quickly.

Fufeng bowed and left immediately.

Lu Youyou was awakened by the whistling cold wind, and rubbed her sleepy eyes: "Mother, please ask someone to go and see the third brother. I see that he is busy these days, and I'm afraid he won't be able to take care of himself."

"Yes." Lin Yuyan quickly called the little girl over to take a look, and kept complaining, "If these brothers can get wives, I, a mother, won't have to take care of this."

She was complaining, but she still came up to do Lu Youyou's hair.

He even lowered his voice: "I already asked Fuliu to wait on Xuanhe. As expected, Axiang turned her face away and went to find your second aunt that night. You should be careful these days and don't ask her to take it. You vent your anger."

Lu Youyou nodded.

[Mom, don’t worry. 】

[I am the smartest and smartest person, how could I be used to vent my anger by an Axiang. 】

She even had a slightly arrogant look on her face.

"You!" Lin Yuyan tapped her nose and rolled her eyes with laughter.

As everyone knows, this scene was all seen by Lu Xuanhe who was not far away.

Lu Xuanhe's eyes flashed with disappointment.

The light rain pattered on the banana leaves, splashing a little bit of water.

"Father, I really like the Lin family's Yu Wan, and I also ask my father to fulfill my infatuation and allow me to accept her as the crown princess." The prince knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

He has always been stubborn, and he always felt that the emperor was biased. Although he didn't say it, he already had complaints in his heart. Naturally, his words today were filled with a little resentment.

The emperor's dissatisfaction with the prince had not lasted for a long time. Hearing such a tone today, he became even more angry. He threw the memorial in his hand towards him and snorted coldly: "You You are so promising now that you even dare to make your own decisions about marriage. Do you still take me as your father seriously?"

"I have already said before that there is no need to rush your marriage. You still propose it today, but are you dissatisfied with my will?"

His face had darkened.

The prince gritted his teeth and said, "I don't dare."

"Don't you dare? I think you are quite brave!" The emperor snorted coldly.

The prince has been obedient since he was a child, and he has never disobeyed the emperor. He thought that only by being obedient can his father like him, but he never thought that his father would prefer Sheng Jingxuan, who has his own opinion in everything.

Now, he also learned to have his own opinion, but he got scolded in return.

He had been holding back a lot of breath over the years, so he simply spoke directly: "Does the father only like the Seventh Emperor's younger brother, but not his son, and then he feels that no matter what he does, it is wrong? If so, then Why did the emperor ask his son to be the prince?" These words made the emperor's eyes widen with anger, and most of his face turned dark.

He is indeed more partial to Sheng Jingxuan and wants to hand over the throne to Sheng Jingxuan.

It's just that he can have this idea, but he can't be exposed by others.

What's more, the person who explained directly was the prince.

"Do you think I am partial?" The emperor deliberately showed a heartbroken look, "If I really didn't like you, I wouldn't ask you to be the prince, but I didn't expect you to misunderstand me like this - "

"Someone is coming——"

"Take the prince back to the prince's residence. He is not allowed to go out without my order!"

He quickly made a decree, which concealed his dirty thoughts.

By the time the news came out, the queen's hair on her temples was even a bit white. She wanted to see the emperor several times but was blocked. She had no other way but to go to the Lu family.

The evening breeze is blowing and the shadows of the trees are dancing.

Lu Youyou sat in the pavilion, looked at the wine cup in front of Lin Peifeng and swallowed.

[The second brother is really annoying. 】

[Knowing that I couldn’t drink, I still asked someone to bring wine from afar. 】

[On the contrary, he didn’t bring the tea I asked for. 】

【Humph! 】

[I decided that I didn’t like my second brother for five minutes. 】

Her angry look made Lu Wushuang laugh a little.

Lu Wushuang flicked her head and then laughed and said: "The wine that my second brother asked people to hurry up to bring back was originally intended to show face at your birthday party. Unexpectedly, it was one day late. Naturally, it was only It’ll be easier for me and my uncle.”

"Humph." Lu Youyou was still angry.

But when she turned around and saw Lu Wushuang and Lin Peifeng exchanging cups, she couldn't help but wonder: "When did you two have such a good relationship?"

"It's been like this a long time ago." Lin Peifeng chuckled and excused himself.

As soon as Lu Youyou heard this, she knew that the two of them were deliberately trying to prevaricate their words, so she quickly stuck out her tongue and made a face.

She was just about to secretly take a sip of this good wine from the south, but she never thought that Fufeng would run over in a hurry, panting: "The young lady is here as expected. Someone from the palace came and said that the queen was not feeling well, so she asked the lady to come with her." The young lady went into the palace to talk to the queen."

Lu Youyou couldn't help but half-squinted her eyes.

[Well done, why did the queen ask them to come over? 】

[Could it be that the prince’s request to the emperor failed and the queen came to reprimand them? 】

[If this is the case, then you can’t go! 】

She was about to refuse, but she didn't expect Lin Peifeng to put down the wine cup in his hand and said quietly: "Early this morning, the prince asked your majesty for a marriage. The words mentioned his favoritism. His majesty was angry for a moment and ordered the prince to be confined. He wanted to come to the queen. I want you to come over and think of something."

Lu Wushuang had always been high-spirited, with a proud look on his face, but now he suddenly became heavy.

"Yoyou is just a child, what can you do?"

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