Chapter 294 Choking on Smoke
Lu Youyou just wanted to see how it was going from a distance.

So she was not in a hurry when walking to Su Qingyao's courtyard.

Lu Youyou was walking when she saw a small figure running in a panic. There was a maid behind her who kept shouting. She immediately knew who it was, so she quickly stopped on the road.

"Xuanhe, don't run away, let's stay together!"

Xuan He heard Lu Youyou's voice, and although he stopped, there was still worry in his eyes.

"You go, I'm afraid something will happen to my mother." Xuan He pulled Lu Youyou and started to run away again.

Lu Youyou saw Xuan He being so anxious, so she walked forward with Xuan He, but she comforted him:

"Don't worry. I heard that someone went over to help when there was a fire. There shouldn't be any big problems."

"If the fire was too big, people from outside the General's Mansion would have come to help. And you can see that the fire has been controlled. The smoke is relatively big now."

"Nothing will happen to your mother. If you run around after passing by, something could happen easily!"

Xuanhe nodded, but it could be seen from his eyes that he was still very anxious.

After several people passed by together, they saw Lin Yuyan standing outside giving instructions.

Lin Yuyan saw Lu Youyou and Xuanhe at a glance, so she walked over a few steps with furrowed eyebrows and scolded the maid who was following them:

"How do you two take care of the child? Didn't I tell you? You can't let the child come here, how dangerous it is!"

The two maids did not dare to talk to each other, but Lu Youyou said from the side:

"Mom, Xuan He is worried about his safety in the past few years. We won't run around. We just want to come over and see the situation!"

Xuanhe nodded repeatedly and asked anxiously: "Godmother, where is my mother?"

Lin Yuyan saw Xuan He looking like she was about to cry and said quickly:

"Don't worry, everyone is rescuing her. Your mother will be rescued soon. As long as the job is small, people can get in!"

Hearing that Su Qingyao hadn't been rescued yet, Xuan He became even more anxious. If Lu Youyou hadn't been holding her tightly, she would have gone to the front to take a look.

"Don't worry, we won't be able to help. Look at the fire getting smaller and smaller now. We must not cause trouble."

"Your mother will be fine. Look at the fire, it doesn't seem to have burned too much inside the house!"

Hearing Lu Youyou's words, Lin Yuyan said quickly from the side:

"Yes, yes, it will be extinguished soon."

After everyone was busy for half an hour, the fire was finally almost extinguished.

Someone rushed into the room to rescue Su Qingyao, while others continued to put out the fire, and eventually the fire was extinguished.

Su Qingyao was in a coma when she was rescued. Xuan He immediately rushed towards her, then held her hand and cried:
"Mom, how are you? You must not get into trouble. If something happens to you, what will I do on my own?"

At this time, Lin Yuyan hugged Xuan He, rubbed her head, wiped away her tears, and comforted her:
"Don't worry, the doctor will take a look first. There are no injuries on this body, so there shouldn't be any big problems!"

Lu Youyou was also comforting Xuan He, and finally made Xuan He stop crying, but he was still twitching.

The doctor took the pulse and performed diagnosis and treatment and told everyone about the situation:
"I just choked on some cigarette smoke and fainted. I'm fine. I'm going to prescribe some medicine. If you take a dose, you should be fine!" "Xuanhe heard that, your mother is fine!" Lu Youyou asked Xuanhe. He's hands are still comforting.

Although she didn't like Su Qingyao, because she was Hua He's biological mother, she couldn't say anything about how she deserved it and how she deserved it. She just complained in her heart.

Why didn't other people's yards catch fire? Why did this yard catch fire?

Maybe Su Qingyao is trying to do something stupid again, and ends up shooting herself in the foot!
This is because God has eyes and knows who to punish and teach!

After what happened this time, I don't know if she will restrain herself, otherwise she won't be able to escape so easily next time!

Lu Youyou knows that a dog cannot change its habit of eating shit. For people like Su Qingyao, it is better to hope that she will get into less trouble and have less contact with Xuan He, so that Xuan He will not be led astray!
Not long after, Su Qingyao was rescued.

She opened her eyes and was so frightened that she kept crying and mumbling:

"I thought I was going to die this time."

Su Qingyao had been pouring out the panic and grievances in her heart. Seeing Xuan He crying next to her, she quickly took Xuan He's hand and said:

"Fortunately, I'm fine this time. If I really die, you will be the one I worry about the most!"

"God had eyes and heard my cries, and that's how I escaped!"

When Lu Youyou heard this and saw Su Qingyao pretending to be a mother and daughter, she couldn't help complaining.

It's not so much that God lets you escape because of the deep love between mother and daughter, but because of the pity of Xuan He!
If you continue to do bad things, even if you are Xuan He and kind, God will not let you go!

Now that things are like this, still pretending to be a mother and daughter, this is simply a poor performance.

At this time, Lin Yuyan asked from the side:
"There are only you and two maids in this courtyard. Why did there be a fire in the middle of the night?"

Lin Yuyan's face was full of confusion, because the two maids lived in the next room, and the place where the fire broke out was Su Qingyao's room.

Su Qingyao was still in the deep love between mother and daughter just now. When she heard this question, the expression on her face suddenly changed and she said hesitantly:

"I don't know how it happened. Maybe it's because I didn't blow out the candles when I fell asleep!"

"How could a candle cause such a big fire?" Lin Yuyan was still confused.

Su Qingyao couldn't explain why the fire started, so she pretended to be very pitiful and said:

"I really don't know. I'm still in a daze right now. I feel like my head hurts so much!"

After saying that, she hugged Xuan He and cried: "Fortunately, my mother is not dead, otherwise you would have no mother!"

Lu Jingyuan said to the steward next to him: "Let someone investigate this matter thoroughly. This kind of thing must never happen again!"

The housekeeper took people to the scene of the fire to investigate, and everyone else went up. At this time, Xuanhe said:
"Mom, let me stay and take care of you!"

Xuan He was thinking that Su Qingyao almost had an accident and now she still had a headache. Although he was young, he still had to take care of his mother.

She held Su Qingyao's hand and refused to let go, but at this moment Su Qingyao shook her head with a cold face and said:

"Mom, you don't need to take care of me. I just have a headache right now. You should go back and rest first. I have to rest for a while too."

"Besides, there are two maids here to take care of me. How can I let you suffer here?"

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