"I'm not unhappy, Xuan He just... figured something out."

There was obviously a cry in his voice when he spoke.

This sensible child made Lu Youyou feel bad, but no matter how he asked, Xuan He was unwilling to tell what happened.

"I'm fine, sister." Lu Xuanhe's voice was dull.

In fact, Lu Youyou could roughly guess a few things, and Su Qingyao was probably the only one who could make Xuan He look like this.

It's a pity that Lu Youyou can't do anything about this kind of mother.

The only thing she can do is to let the other party have less contact with Su Qingyao. After all, Xuan He is still young now, and she is also a little worried that Su Qingyao will teach Xuan He bad habits.

Lu Youyou had no choice but to give up and decided to find another way to make noise and happiness.

"Okay, don't be unhappy. Look at us, Xuanhe, all turning into bitter faces. It doesn't look good at all." Lu Youyou comforted.

As she said that, she reached out and touched Xuan He's head: "No matter what happens, my sister will be by your side. If anything happens, you can tell me, my sister is here."

"Of course, it's okay even if we don't want to talk about it."

Lu Youyou will not force the other party. Xuan He is still young now, so he just needs to teach the other party well and not be led astray by Su Qingyao.

Lu Xuan and Youyou hugged Lu and refused to let go.

"Sorry sister."

"What's there to be sorry for? You haven't done anything sorry for me, so why should you apologize?" Lu Youyou said pretending to be unhappy.

Perhaps because of Lu Youyou's comfort, or perhaps because he felt at ease being by Lu Youyou's side, Lu Xuan and his mood felt much better at this time.

"Okay, okay, let's have a laugh." Lu Youyou reached out and pulled Lu Xuanhe's cheek.

Lu Xuanhe forced a smile, although it was a bit forced.

"Okay, let's play cards." Lu Youyou suggested.

It just so happens that I'm a little bored right now and don't know what to do, so I might as well find something to do so that I can be more noisy and happy.

After thinking for a while, Lu Youyou said confidently.

No one, no one can resist the temptation to become a poker player!

The expressions of the maids and Xuan He became a little confused.

"Sister, what is playing cards? Who is the card? Why should we play him?"

Lu Youyou was very happy to hear Xuan He's innocent question. He waved his hand and asked the maid to go down and make simple playing cards, and then slowly explained to Xuan He.

"It's so noisy. Playing cards is a game, similar to chess and Go, but this game uses cards made of paper, so it's called playing cards."

After explaining, Lu Youyou smiled and said, "So Xuan He, don't worry, we don't have to hit anyone!"

Xuan He and the maids suddenly realized, but Xuan He, who was alone being explained by Lu Youyou, realized that he had made a big joke. His face became hot, and he buried himself in Lu Youyou's arms to pretend to be an ostrich.

"Oh, our family is so harmonious and lovely."

Lu Youyou gently pinched Xuan He's red little ears, feeling like she was holding a warm little water bag.

Because they had just started, Lu Youyou asked the maids to make cards that were not too complicated. They simply used some palm-sized paper to write 1-10 and jdk little ghosts, big ghosts, etc. As for the black hearts, plum blossoms, diamonds, etc., they were simple. Just use a different color ink to draw a small mark as a distinction.

"Okay, this is our playing card, but it is not very refined yet. When we play in the future, we will customize a pair."

[In fact, mahjong should be more convenient for customization in ancient times, but who told me that I am not good at playing mahjong~]

[But having said that, I haven’t played poker for a long time, and I really miss it now. 】

Lu Youyou thought helplessly. Xuanhe was very interested and asked curiously: "Sister Yoyo, how do you play here?"

At this time, she had thrown Su Qingyao's words out of her mind.

How can mother's words be more important than Lu Youyou's words!

If Su Qingyao found out, she would be furious again, but it was a pity that no one cared about her feelings at the moment.

"It's like this, the card with the bigger number is bigger, J represents 11, Q represents 12, k represents 13, and 'ghost', it is bigger than all numbers, big ghost is the biggest card..."

Lu Youyou slowly explained the rules, and the maid and Xuan He also listened attentively. Seeing Lu Youyou simply sorting out the cards, and then playing a game of Landlord with herself, they suddenly understood the rules.

"I understand! This poker is so fun!"

However, the maid didn't quite understand how to fight.

"Miss, how do you do this?"

If you encounter someone who doesn’t know how to do it yet, Lu Youyou will be very patient and teach you.

"That's it."

"It feels a bit complicated, miss. I'm still not very good at it."

Although Lu Youyou explained in great detail, the maid was still confused and even couldn't understand some of the cards.

"It's okay. It's normal for it to sound hard to understand, but it's actually very simple. You just need to play a few more times as I teach you and you'll almost understand it."

"Don't worry, we won't play with money in the beginning, but when you all learn how to do it, we will play with money."

"Ah? Do you want to play with money? Then... what is the difference between this and gambling?" The maid hesitated.

After all, their monthly transactions are not many, so if they lose money...

And it sounds a bit like gambling.

Seeing that they were all worried, Lu Youyou said to reassure them: "Okay, okay, we are just playing casually, and the amount of play is not very big, it is just for the winner to get a prize. In this case That would be interesting.”

If the winner doesn't get any luck at all, then there's no fun in playing cards at all. What's the fun in playing cards?

Xuanhe's eyes widened and he became excited.

Lu Youyou smiled knowingly. When she came into contact with poker in junior high school, she found it novel and stayed up late every day playing cards with others.

“Then without further ado, let’s start playing Landlords right away!”

"it is good!"

The game started. Xuan He and the maids were not very familiar with it at first, but they quickly memorized the rules and started playing better and better. At the beginning, Lu Youyou could win a few games with her skillful gameplay, but then she kept losing. .

Lu Youyou wasn't angry even if they lost, he simply taught them other ways to play and continue to win.

At first, the maid was a little reluctant. After all, she was not very good at playing, but when she played later, she realized that it was so simple and she could make money.

Even the money earned from playing is higher than one's monthly income, and everyone is still having fun playing.

The game goes on like this...


in the afternoon.

"You said that Youyou and Xuanhe were so addicted to playing cards that they didn't even take a nap?"

Lin Yuyan's face was full of surprise. (End of chapter)

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