Chapter 308 Arranging a Marriage
At night, the breeze was a bit cool, so it was not suitable to sit in the pavilion and enjoy the breeze, but sitting in the living room drinking tea and chatting, the temperature was indeed just right.

The spacious and bright main hall of Zuodu Yushijia has two vermilion pillars, and famous calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls.

In particular, several paintings have similar freehand brushwork, mainly landscapes.

The strange rocks are amazing, and the river in the painting is endless, just like a person's mood is not calm.

The water on the stove was still boiling, and the moods of the few people sitting in the living room could not be calm at this time.

Mrs. Shen looked at her two daughters. They seemed to have the same expression, but in fact she was thinking about it in her heart.

Shen Liwan has reached her age. If she continues to stay at home, it will definitely not work. She must find a way to get married as soon as possible.

Letting her get married can be regarded as settling the master's worries, so that Shen Luo'an can be favored alone!
Looking at Shen Liwan who was sitting there at a loss, Mrs. Shen put a smile on her lips and deliberately said to Shen Liwan:

"Just chatting with you sisters, I see you are on pins and needles. Are you still afraid of me?"

Shen Liwan was not afraid of Mrs. Shen, but because she had something on her mind, and she was constantly thinking about Lu Shengqing.

She also wanted to go back and make a few of the other person's favorite things to send to him. Maybe the relationship between the two would break the deadlock.

Of course I can't sit still now, but after hearing Mrs. Shen's words, I still managed a smile and shook my head:

"Mom, you are joking and chatting with you, why am I sitting on pins and needles? It's too late for me to be happy!"

"That's good." Mrs. Shen took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "In the past two days, I see that you are not at home studying peacefully. Instead, you are always running outside with your maid."

"You are not young at your age. Being in public all day long will definitely make people gossip, so don't go out unless you have something to do."

Putting down the tea bowl, Mrs. Shen seemed to have heard something just now:
"By the way, my mother has been chatting with the wives of other wealthy families in the city these days, and someone actually made a suggestion to my mother. It's really a good idea for you to consider it!"

"You are about the same age as the young master of the Zhong family. The Zhong family intends to make you two a couple. My mother also thinks that you two are a perfect match, both in appearance and family background."

Shen Liwan was shocked when she heard this. She knew who the young master of the Zhong family was and what kind of person he was.

Even if I marry a pig or a dog, I will not marry such a person just because that second-generation playboy wants to be with me!
This second generation ancestor is a playboy and romantic. I heard that he often goes to a brothel to drink wine. How can a person like this be worthy of becoming my future husband.

No, absolutely not!
Shen Liwan's eyes were a little dodgeful, and Mrs. Shen continued to chatter about how the two of them were a perfect match together and how outstanding the young master was.

In short, I talked about a lot of advantages, just to make Shen Liwan understand that this is a rare future husband.

She finally continued:
"I will arrange a time for you two to meet in the next two days."

Shen Liwan quickly shook her head and refused:

"Mother, I don't have time in the past two days. I have made an appointment with the Wang family's young lady to go over there and learn about female celebrities together. Let's talk about it in a few days." "When can't we learn this? What's more, it's just the two of you meeting first. "Familiar." Mrs. Shen frowned.

"Mother, no, Miss Wang hired a senior master from the embroidery workshop. They don't have time all the time. I have to practice hard when I come back. How can I have time to see other people!"

When Shen Liwan saw that the excuse was not enough, she immediately explained that although she saw that her expression was not good-looking, she had to continue talking now.

"Then let Mr. Zhong accompany you to study together. You two can get along slowly first."

Seeing that Mrs. Shen was still insisting, Shen Liwan felt speechless, so she had to change to another excuse and said:

"Mom, he likes to drink, has a bad temper, and his personality is different from mine. In fact, I have heard about it, so I think I'd better forget it and wait until I meet the right person."

"I still can't bear to leave you and dad. I want to stay at home for a few more years to serve you two, so there's no need to worry about this kind of thing!"

Mrs. Shen bluntly refused when she saw Shen Liwan. Although she gave an excuse, she had eaten more salt than Shen Liwan had walked, so how could she not understand this meaning.

"We don't need you to accompany us. Besides, you can come back even if you get married. Besides, we won't let you become a monk right away. You two can try to get along first!"

"Don't listen to those rumors outside. This young master is a very good person. He has a good family background. His temper and personality can tolerate each other!"

Shen Luoan stood beside him and said sarcastically:
"It seems that my sister is still too ambitious. It is not easy to find such a well-matched family. Do you still want to be a princess in the future?"

"Our family can't reach a high level, and my sister is not young anymore. It will be difficult if we delay it for a few more years!"

Mrs. Shen, who was nearby, took the opportunity to say: "This matter has been settled. I will ask for a time in the next two days, and you should stop running around in the next two days."

Seeing that Shen Liwan still wanted to speak, she simply waved her hand and said:

"Okay, you all go down, I'm tired and it's time to rest!"

Shen Liwan knew that it was useless to say any more, so she could only endure this tone for the time being. When she returned to the courtyard from the living room, the maid next to her pouted and said:

"Miss, this is not looking for a suitable husband for you. I just want to drive you out of this house."

"I'm really worried about you, but there's nothing I can do. Miss, what do you think?"

Hearing that the maid was fighting for her, Shen Liwan gritted her teeth and said:
"I don't care what they think and how much benefit they have in it, but I will definitely not agree. I will go find my father right now."

Shen Liwan ran directly to the study. When she entered, she saw her father studying. She pretended to be aggrieved and said to her father:

"Father, mother asked me to marry Mr. Zhong, but I don't like this person at all. I don't want to get married now."

Father Shen put down the book, and instead of comforting or caring as Shen Liwan thought, he said seriously with a cold face:
"Presumptuous, haven't you learned what your parents ordered you to do with your matchmaker?"

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