After eavesdropping on my thoughts, the cannon fodder family went crazy!

Chapter 327: False accusation failed and counter-sued

Chapter 327: False accusation failed and counter-sued

He was also thrown out of the shop and beaten to death in the street.

Gu Dongsheng never expected that Lu Zhiyan would be so arrogant and dare to let others hit him when he was not justified.

Regardless of his appearance, he climbed up from the ground and howled crazily:

"Okay, you kid still dares to let people hit me, you are dead today, you should hurry back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to call for someone!"

"Okay, since the officials can't cure you, let's take the case to the emperor!"

When the government team leader saw that things were not going well, he had people go to Dali Temple to ask for help as quickly as possible.

Just as Lu Zhiyan and Lu Zhiyan were confronting each other on the street, the Minister of Dali Temple had already hurried over with his people to stop them.

"You two, don't take action and let the people see this on the street. What a shame. There's something you can't talk about!"

"Even if you two want to settle the lawsuit, there is no need to take action like this. Someone will naturally judge it for you!"

Gu Dongsheng and Lu Zhiyan were still angrily accusing each other.

Of course, the reason for Gu Dongsheng's side was that he had a sense of authority and was beaten again, but Lu Zhiyan insisted that the other party was working with others.

The Minister of Dali Temple had a great headache, because behind these two people were the General's Mansion and the Prime Minister's Mansion. The reason why he came here was because the people behind them were not easy to deal with.

Even now, he didn't know which side to take sides, so seeing that persuasion was useless, he had to ask people to separate the two sides first, so that the conflict could not happen again.

Gu Dongsheng also knew that this battle could not be fought, and the secret guards around Lu Zhiyan were not easy to mess with.

He angrily walked to the Dali Temple Qing and said viciously:

"I have decided on this lawsuit. I will have someone send the lawsuit to your Dali Temple right now. I want to see how you resolve this lawsuit!"

Gu Dongsheng waved his sleeves and said to Lu Zhiyan before leaving: "This matter is not over yet. Just wait for me."

The Minister of Dali Temple is now in a dilemma and can only give advice from both sides, but Gu Dongsheng has already left.

Lu Zhiyan also said to him: "We must investigate the matter clearly and give me justice, otherwise this matter will not be over!"

The next day, Gu Dongsheng had someone submit the complaint. He tried to persuade him according to the rules, but it was no longer useful. The Minister of Dali Temple had no choice but to order his subordinates:
"Go and invite both parties over. Remember, the attitude must be respectful!"

Lu Zhiyan happened to be at Dali Temple today, so he came quickly, and since Gu Dongsheng had complained, of course he was already prepared.

When I heard that Dali Temple asked me to go there, I brought people there without hesitation.

Sheng Shiyou was handling matters at Dali Temple, and when he heard about the incident, he also rushed there with his people.

Gu Dongsheng didn't expect that Sheng Shiyou would appear here. Although he was uneasy and fearful, he felt that he was justified, so he forcibly calmed down.

"Sir, as the sufferer, now I have evidence, and I was beaten again, so I must give you an explanation, otherwise I will file a lawsuit!"

"Don't think that just because people from the General's Palace can be arrogant and domineering, don't think that we, the Prime Minister's Palace, can tolerate it by using such clever and plundering methods!"

The more Gu Dongsheng talked, the more excited he became. In addition to arguing with reason, he was also venting his anger. In fact, he was also expressing his attitude to Sheng Shiyou.

Even if he is present, he must give an explanation to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Can't this matter be resolved peacefully?" Sheng Shiyou asked.

"It's not that I don't give face to the Ninth Prince. This has already been bullied to my head. It's also that I don't give face to Concubine Hui, so we can't just let it go!" Gu Dongsheng still has to clean up Lu Zhiyan's family feud over the years. Concubine Hui was arrogant and domineering outside.

So even if Sheng Shiyou is here, he shouldn't give him face or face.

He knew that Sheng Shiyou had a close relationship with the General's Mansion and was the General's apprentice.

He no longer had any thoughts of winning over the other party. Anyway, with Concubine Hui here, the Gu family would not be bullied.

Sheng Shiyou sneered, "This is what you said, then this matter really needs to have a result."

"Bring those people here, and I will see who you are telling the truth and who is false!"

After Sheng Shiyou finished speaking, someone had already brought Ren Yazi up.

Ren Yazi saw that Gu Dongsheng felt a little more at ease, kneeling on the ground and crying:

"Sir, you must make the decision for me. This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"By the way, Lu Youyou is young and ignorant, and the review is not strict, so she should bear the main responsibility for this matter!"

Ren Yazi lied to frame Lu Youyou. After all, he was a child, so it should be a breakthrough and a good help to get himself out of trouble.

But he thought wrong. If he falsely accused others, maybe Sheng Shiyou would listen to him again.

But when I heard him say that Lu Youyou was a child, and he was quite original, he also said some other things.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he said directly to the person next to him:

"Looking at his sharp teeth, if there is no punishment, he will definitely not tell the truth!"

"Yoyou, I know the nature of a child best. Some people must know this too."

Sheng Shiyou didn't wait for the Minister of Dali Temple to speak, and glanced at the person behind him, and the secret guard behind him took action himself.

Then the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling came from the hall.

After a few rounds, Ren Yazi couldn't hold it anymore. He was afraid that he would become disabled even if he didn't die any longer. He cried and shouted:

"I said, don't hit me. I said I told the truth. Could it be Gu Dongsheng who asked me to do this?"

"He promised to give me 10% of the benefits, and then used this method to make Lu Zhiyan embarrassed and lose money. I, who is obsessed with money, agreed!"

Ren Yazi revealed the truth of the matter with a burst of runny nose and tears.

When the people watching heard what was going on, they all sighed and sighed:
"How can someone from the prime minister's office do this? This is simply disgusting!"

"It turned out to be a deliberate frame-up. This is a false accusation. You must be responsible!"

"The prime minister's office can't afford it now. We ordinary people who falsely accuse an official will be imprisoned for three years!"

"This is because people are jealous because their business is doing well and they are rich. But does this count as conspiracy to defraud?"

The people below were talking about it, wondering how Marble would handle this matter. At this time, Lu Zhiyan said to the Minister of Dali Temple with a solemn face:

"I want to accuse Gu Dongsheng of harming the people and deliberately framed the general's palace, so I ask that Gu Dongsheng be taken into custody and dealt with according to normal laws!"

Gu Dongsheng was panicking and stared at Ren Yazi fiercely, but it was no longer useful, so he could only hold his neck.

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