Chapter 340 Poisoned

When the third prince looked through the account book, he became angrier and angrier. At the end, he slapped the table and cursed angrily:

"You losers let a newly opened chess and card room steal your business. Are you worthy of letting me hand over my business to you?"

These casino owners did not dare to speak. Only one person had the courage to explain:
"Third Prince, there is no need to be angry. The poker in the chess and card club is just a novelty, so it attracts some people!"

"After a while, everyone gets bored of playing, and they will naturally come back to the casino!"

Other people were also explaining one after another. In short, they were proving that it was not because they didn't work hard, but because the chess and card club had good luck and the new opening, so it took away some business.

The third prince was very angry, but he couldn't vent his anger, so he had to scold a few people again before driving them away.

He called his men over and gave orders:
"Keep an eye on the chess and card club, and report anything to me in a timely manner!"

After his men left, the third prince said to the staff next to him:
"This matter is not that simple. Several of our casinos are losing a lot of money every day, so we must find other ways!"

"Those idiots have no idea and are waiting for the chess and card club's business to be bad, but we can't just wait!"

The staff member nodded and said, "I will work with the others to find a solution!"

A few more days passed.

Originally, the General's Mansion was filled with joy.

After all, a newly opened business can make a lot of money, so of course everyone is happy.

But something big happened yesterday.

Lin Yuyan fell ill suddenly, which was a bolt from the blue for the whole family. Lu Youyou ran over immediately after hearing the news.

She is concerned about the details of the inquiry:

"How is my mother doing now?"

The maid next to Lin Yuyan said: "The situation is not very good. Now the general is thinking of other solutions."

"What do you mean she's not feeling well? Why did my mother suddenly fall ill when she was fine?" Lu Youyou was worried.

The maid looked sad, shook her head and said:

"I also feel quite strange. I was fine before, but I suddenly fell ill yesterday. I immediately called a doctor for my wife!"

"After the doctor came to diagnose my wife's pulse, he felt that the pulse was a bit strange, as if she was poisoned, but the doctor's medical skills were limited and he couldn't find out what the specific condition was!"

"Then what should we do? Can't we wait?" Lu Youyou frowned tightly and bit her lip.

"The general is thinking of a solution, young lady, don't worry yet!" the maid could only console him.

How could Lu Youyou not be in a hurry? So she took Lin Yuyan's hand and started talking.

Although Lin Yuyan was very weak and her face was extremely pale, she still smiled and said to her:
"Don't listen to what the maid is saying. Mom is fine. She just feels weak. Maybe she will be fine in a few days!"

"I think you are just too anxious. If there are other sick women, why don't you know?"

Lu Youyou felt a little relieved after hearing this, but still said to Lin Yuyan:
"Mom, we can't be careless, we have to know what kind of disease we can treat!"

Lin Yuyan touched Lu Youyou's head and said:

"You just need to study hard in the school, and your father will handle the rest. I didn't want your father to worry about it at first, but your father said he wanted to go to the palace to find the imperial doctor for help!"

Lu Youyou knew that in this era, the doctors with the highest level of medical skills were the imperial doctors in the palace.

Now that Lu Jingyuan is looking for the imperial doctor, he may be able to get the answer soon.

On the other side, Lu Jingyuan had already gone to meet the emperor. After all, to come out of the palace and then treat ordinary people, the emperor must nod.

Although some people would quietly ask the imperial physician to help with medical treatment in private, Lu Jingyuan did not want to cause criticism, and also wanted to get the matter done as soon as possible, so he came to see the emperor specifically.

When the emperor heard Lu Jingyuan say that his wife was ill, but ordinary doctors could not find it out, he comforted Lu Jingyuan:

"Don't worry, let the imperial doctor go over and take a look. I'll call the imperial doctor Wang over now!"

Lu Jingyuan showed a grateful expression and said, "Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty!"

"Don't say that, you are a member of the imperial court and there is something going on at home. How can I not care about it!"

The emperor's words were very beautiful. The reason why he took the initiative to say it before Lu Jingyuan brought it up and asked the imperial doctor to go over to see the doctor was to win people's hearts.

Not long after, Doctor Wang came over with a medicine box on his back, and the emperor gave some special instructions.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will do my best to treat patients!" Dr. Wang expressed his stance with a bow.

"Your Majesty, I will take the people back first." Lu Jingyuan was worried about his wife's condition.


Lu Jingyuan left the palace with Dr. Wang, and then returned to the general's mansion.

On the way, Lu Jingyuan took out a banknote from his pocket and handed it to Doctor Wang:

"Please give it to my wife to take a good look at it. This money will be used to buy you a cup of tea!"

Although there are orders from the emperor, each industry has its own rules.

After all, it was troublesome for someone to come out of the palace to help with medical treatment, so Lu Jingyuan still had to express his gratitude, and his gratitude must be put first.

Otherwise, if Dr. Wang has any ideas, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Doctor Wang refused several times, but Lu Jingyuan was firm.

He could only put away the banknote with a smile and said:
"Then I'll accept it. General, don't worry, I will do my best!"

After entering the General's Mansion, Lu Jingyuan didn't waste any time and took Doctor Wang directly to Lin Yuyan's room.

Doctor Wang first asked about Lin Yuyan's current physical condition, and after finishing the question, he frowned slightly:
"Madam, please stretch out your wrist. I will check your pulse first!"

Doctor Wang squinted and felt the pulse gate for a long time, and then asked Lin Yuyan to use her other hand.

After the inspection, he came out of the room.

Just after sitting down in the living room, Lu Jingyuan, who was already waiting here, asked impatiently:
"Doctor Wang, how is my wife's condition?"

Doctor Wang sighed, shook his head and said:

"The disease has been detected, but according to my investigation, the lady was poisoned. I really don't know what caused the poisoning!"

"Now I can only prescribe medicine based on Madam's poison. General, let someone make medicine for Madam first!"

When Lu Jingyuan heard that he had been poisoned, he was very surprised, but then he gritted his teeth angrily and said:
"How dare someone plot against my wife? It seems he doesn't want to live anymore!"

After Dr. Wang finished writing the prescription, Lu Jingyuan asked people to grab and boil the medicine according to the prescription. He called the housekeeper over:

"Investigate this matter thoroughly."

A few days passed and the housekeeper still couldn't find out the reason, which made Lu Jingyuan very angry.

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