The Journey of the Empress of Quick Travel

Chapter 21 Senior Brother Mo, are you okay?

Chapter 21 Senior Brother Mo, are you okay?

Could it be that Ming was so angry that he was speechless and speechless all night...

The next morning, when Mo Feiming woke up, he felt something was wrong and soft in his arms.

When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that he had held Feng Ling in his arms, and his hand was still on her waist.

This is so embarrassing!
  Mo Feiming's face turned red instantly, and he hurriedly pushed the person away. Feng Ling was awakened by this push.

She rubbed her eyebrows, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Mo Feiming's embarrassed look. she asked suspiciously,
  "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking so red?"

But Mo Feiming could only stutter a reply,
  ", it's okay, I just woke up..."

Although Feng Ling was confused, she didn't say anything more.

Until Feng Ling came back from going out, Mo Feiming's face was still rosy and absent-minded.

Feng Ling felt something strange. She put the cooked herbs on the table, approached him and asked,

"What's wrong with you? Why are you sitting still and refusing to take medicine?"

Speaking of this medicine, it was exchanged for the sword from the world of cultivation and a lot of silver. And when Mo Feiming saw the bowl of medicine, his body suddenly felt even more uncomfortable.

Now that he is a mortal, his body will naturally react after drinking so much medicine

However, how should he express this embarrassing situation?

After all, there are differences between men and women... If he doesn't explain it, the next situation will only get worse. Mo Feiming's face was red and he was struggling in his heart.

Seeing Feng Ling about to leave, he grabbed her wrist and begged shamefully,

"I want to relieve myself, can you... help me up?"

Hearing this, Feng Ling was also stunned. She finally understood why he was blushing. It turned out that he was holding it in.

He actually endured it all morning, this guy is really hardworking.

Feng Ling looked at Mo Feiming with a strange look, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He sullenly let her look at him while trying to look as natural as possible.

Seeing her thoughtful expression, Mo Feiming's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

He gently released the hand holding her wrist, but the hand seemed still reluctant to let go.

"I've decided to help with this."

Feng Ling said firmly as she supported Mo Feiming to stand up. He tried his best to support his body, but most of his weight still rested on her.


Across the broken bamboo curtain, Feng Ling stood there quietly, her eyes a little unpredictable.

Mo Feiming was urinating with his back to her. He tried his best to stay calm, but the sound still came out.

His face couldn't help but turn red, and he felt a little flustered. It was finally over. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Feng Ling nervously.


His voice was trembling, and he held her hand tightly. His heart was still beating fast, but he tried to look calm.

Feng Ling gently held his arm, preparing to help him stand up.

However, just as they were about to leave, Feng Ling suddenly staggered, and Mo Feiming failed to keep up with her.

As a result, the two fell to the ground together.

"Ouch!" Feng Ling screamed in pain and turned pale.

Stunned by this sudden situation, Mo Feiming still reacted subconsciously.

He stretched out a hand and put it on the back of Feng Ling's head, absorbing the heavy blow. Although the back of his hand was numb, he was more worried about Feng Ling's condition.

"Are you OK?"

Mo Feiming asked nervously, trying to prop up his body to relieve the pressure on Feng Ling.

Feng Ling's lip was cut and her eyes were red from the pain. She glared at Mo Feiming, her tone a little annoyed,
  "What did you put on your body to make it so offensive?"

Hearing this, Mo Feiming was stunned for a moment, and then realized something. His face turned red instantly and he hesitated to explain.

"No, no..."

"Then what are you..."

Feng Ling looked at him puzzled. "I……"

Could it be that the name is incoherent and I have no idea how to explain it all.

However, Feng Ling seemed to understand something and struggled to stand up, her face flushed with anger.


"No, it's not what you think!"

Mo Feiming argued eagerly, but Feng Ling had already turned around and left angrily.

He didn't mean to do it, really.

Facing Fengling's accusation, Mo Feiming wanted to defend himself, but before he could speak, a crisp slap sounded,

Immediately, Feng Ling turned and left without hesitation.

... Faced with such a situation, Mo Feiming knew that any explanation would be futile.

The atmosphere became even more depressing after that, and he silently endured all the misunderstandings. There were clear slap marks on his face. Faced with Feng Ling's cold eyes, he chose to lower his head to avoid it.

After drinking the medicine, he accidentally noticed that the other party's expression was a little strange. Feng Ling's brows were furrowed, her hands were still rubbing her arms, and her face was pale. It was obvious that she had fallen and been injured just now.

He couldn't help but ask,
  "You are hurt?"

Feng Ling looked up at him with a look of disgust on her face.

"Don't worry about it."

But he could see from her reaction that she was indeed hurt. So he continued to ask with concern,

"Where are you injured? I can help you take care of it."

But Feng Ling still ignored him.

He understood that Feng Ling was still angry, so he softened his tone and said,
  "You're right, your body is your own, and it's not good to have trouble with yourself."

Hearing this, Feng Ling had a strange look on her face.

After a moment of silence, she seemed to think that what he said made sense.

Then, her expression softened, and she showed her bruised elbow.

"This was caused by you. I accidentally hit it when I fell down just now."

Seeing the large areas of scratched skin on her fair arms, which were already red, swollen and bleeding in some places, Mo Feiming frowned.
  "Don't move yet, I'll help you take care of it..."

Fengling only hesitated for a moment this time and then stopped insisting because it really hurt.

"...Then hurry up."

So, he carefully rolled up her sleeves and gently treated the wound,

"It won't hurt after applying the medicine..."

However, when he raised his head, he saw Feng Ling biting her lip, her face flushed, and the ends of her eyes even had a faint red tint.

A strange feeling arose in his heart. Looking down, his intertwined palms made him realize that he had held her hand for a long time. He let go of his hand in embarrassment.

Inadvertently, their eyes met, and Feng Ling's clear and bright eyes made Mo Feiming's heart beat faster.

Those eyes seemed to reflect only his figure. At this moment, there was a strange ripple in Ming's heart.

She looked at Feng Ling a little absentmindedly, but Feng Ling didn't notice it and only stared at the wound on her hand.

The sunlight hitting her body made her look so quiet, and even her frown looked so elegant.

Just when he wanted to say something to resolve the embarrassment...

Suddenly, there was movement outside the door.

The door was pushed open and a figure walked in.

This figure made Mo Feiming wake up instantly. He almost instinctively lowered Feng Ling's sleeves to hide everything.

"Hey...what are you doing? Be gentle..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Senior Brother Mo, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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