The Journey of the Empress of Quick Travel

Chapter 23 Nanchang Yue, do you like me?

Chapter 23 Nanchang Yue, do you like me?
  Feng Ling looked directly into his eyes and laughed coldly.

After Nanchang Yue heard those words, his whole body froze, his face turned pale, and the veins on the back of his hands popped out.

"Like it?" He murmured to himself, as if trying to understand this unfamiliar word.

Suddenly he understood the source of his pain. Yes, I like it.

He actually fell in love with her, Feng Ling, who he had always used as a substitute.

This discovery shocked him, but Nanchang Yue had to accept this fact.

Nanchang smiled bitterly, feeling ridiculous. But he couldn't deny his feelings, and he realized that the person he really liked was Feng Ling.

His chest rose and fell violently, and his breathing was muffled and heavy. Thinking back to what he had done to her, he felt sick and guilty.

How could he have the nerve to say he liked her? This is so disgusting.

Nanchang Yue's heart began to tremble, as if he was struggling on the edge of death. He tried hard to keep a calm expression and asked in a gentle tone:

"If...I mean if..."

But she interrupted him, "No way."

Feng Ling shook her head helplessly, tears welling up in her eyes, but suddenly, she smiled.

There was a kind of relief in that smile that she had never experienced before, and the tears falling from the corners of her eyes seemed to have taken away all the entanglements in the past. She looked deeply at Nanchang Yue,
  "There is no if between us..."

"We have all let go of the past, haven't we?"

She said softly,

"I will find my happiness in the world, marry an ordinary man, and live an ordinary life. From now on, I will not appear in front of you again, and I hope you can forget the past between us. "

when she said
  When "marrying an ordinary man"

Nanchang Yue's heart trembled suddenly. He remembered that he had fantasized about spending a lifetime with Fei Ling, but now, it was all in vain.

He tried hard to suppress the pain in his heart and asked with a slightly trembling voice:
  "What if I don't agree..."

Feng Ling's eyes instantly became hollow, as if she had lost all hope. Her lips trembled slightly, and her voice was filled with endless sadness:
  "You don't agree? Nanchang Yue, do you really think you can control everything? I am just an insignificant mortal, why do you control my destiny?"

"You once forced your sister to marry you, but she didn't want to, what can I do?
  I am just an orphan who was abandoned by my family. What choice do you want me to make? Why are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong that you want to torture me like this..."

She could say no more and tears fell down her cheeks.

Nanchang Yue hugged Feng Ling into his arms. He couldn't explain why he did this.

Seeing her crying so sadly, he couldn't help but feel a pinch in his heart, and wanted to hold her tightly in his arms, give her comfort, and make her stop crying.

Feng Ling's eyes trembled slightly, and then tears filled her eyes. She pushed him away hard, with endless anger and disappointment in her voice:

"leave me alone!"

This push made Nanchang Yue stumble and almost fall to the ground.

A bright red palm print quickly appeared on his cheek, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

Feng Ling pushed Nanchang Yue away hard, her body crumbling. She raised her moist eyes, her tone full of shock,

"What do you think I am?"

"How could you do such a thing..."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without looking back. Nanchang looked at her leaving back, feeling bitter in his heart.

He held his chest and felt a dull pain. He spat out a mouthful of blood, which stained his lips.

Looking at the retreating figure, Nanchang Yue suddenly laughed softly. However, there was an imperceptible choking in the laughter, and his eyes gradually turned red.

The moisture in his eyes gradually condensed into tears, and there was a hint of hidden pain in his eyes.

Now that he was in this situation, how could he blame others?

All of this was the result of his own suffering, because he was deceived by his own inner demons, because he woke up too late, because he was duplicitous, and because he gave her up to other men.

This pain, regret and shame were intertwined and penetrated deep into his bones. He deserved to bear such punishment.

Nan Changyue's throat felt fishy and sweet again, but he knew that even so, he still couldn't let her go.

In the yard on the other side, Feng Qianqian handed Mo Feiming a bottle of elixir for rejuvenating muscles and bones, with a deep apology on her face.

Say softly,
  "Senior brother, this is the elixir that I worked so hard to obtain. It has a very good therapeutic effect on your trauma, and your injured leg is expected to recover. However, regarding your Dantian, I..."

Looking at the elixir in Feng Qianqian's hand, Mo Feiming's fingers clenched unconsciously.

He doesn't need sympathy or charity from anyone, especially from his enemies. He looked directly at Feng Qianqian and asked,
  "You got this from him?"

Feng Qianqian obviously didn't expect that he would ask this, and she was stunned for a moment before she realized who "him" he was talking about.

The first priority now is to treat the injury, and everything else should be put aside.

"No matter where it comes from, it can heal your injuries. Senior brother, just accept it, it can help you get back on your feet."

However, Mo Feiming coldly refused,

"I don't need his stuff."

Feng Qianqian's eyes were slightly red, and she seemed a little disappointed and sad.
  "Brother, why are you so stubborn? This is not charity, it is given to you by me. I really want to help you, are you...are you angry with me? Angry that I didn't tell you the truth, angry that I have dragged you down... "

Looking at her aggrieved look, Mo Feiming knew that his attitude just now was too indifferent. He sighed softly and softened his tone.
  "Qianqian, I don't blame you. It's really none of your business. You know, I did have some thoughts of my own."

Feng Qianqian couldn't help but be a little stunned, and then a deeper guilt emerged in her heart. Her feelings for her senior brother are really just family affection.

This moment is obviously not the time to discuss this.

She gently placed the porcelain bottle on the table, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.
  "Brother, I must tell you that I have agreed to marry Ayue. Only in this way will he relax his vigilance against me and I will have the opportunity to come see you."

Hearing the news, Mo Feiming's body trembled slightly, but soon he found that he was not too surprised in his heart.

It was as if everything was expected, he should have had a premonition.

When she was in the sect, Feng Qianqian always liked to follow the outer disciple, and the relationship between the two had always been very good.

It wasn't until Nanchang fell into the devil's path that Feng Qianqian began to alienate him. Now they are reunited, and he is an outsider.

At this time, Mo Feiming suddenly felt an inexplicable bitter smile. He originally thought he had a special place in her heart, but now it seems that he is just a passerby.

Feng Qianqian looked at him silently, then lowered her voice and continued,

"Brother, I don't want this. I can only try my best to appease him now. Can you help me?"

"I want to try to escape from marriage again."

She knew her request was excessive, but she couldn't find a better way. If Ah Yue can't change his current personality, she can't be with him.

This time she escaped from marriage to tell A Yue that she was not the kind of woman who could be easily controlled.

However, after hearing her request, Mo Feiming hesitated. He helped her escape from marriage and already hurt an innocent woman. Do you want him to do it again?

Looking at Feng Qianqian in front of him, he suddenly felt a little strange. Deep in his heart, he actually had a tangled emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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