Chapter 50 River Bottom
  But the killers always tracked them accurately and continued the pursuit.

Feng Ling was really helpless, angry and annoyed, and even a little bit dumbfounded.

She really wanted to teach him a lesson.

"What are you thinking about all day long? Why do I want you to kill people and set fires? Protecting yourself is the greatest help to me. Remember, your life is the most important."

Then, Feng Ling started muttering again,
  "Also, have you forgotten that we are still running for our lives now? Can we put these little things aside for now? The most important thing is that we run for our lives first. We have been chased all the way, why haven't we gotten rid of them yet? Woolen cloth?"

Only then did Mo Lingqiu come to his senses. Yes, they were still running for their lives. They couldn't relax like this anymore.

I looked back at the blood stains and footprints they left, some even in the grass.

He glanced at the wound on his shoulder again, and saw that the blood was still flowing. No wonder those people kept chasing after me.

Mo Lingqiu decided immediately,
  "Master, let me go first. My wound has been bleeding and left traces. Those people followed these blood traces to find me. If this continues, sooner or later we will be caught up."

Hearing this, Feng Ling also stopped. She saw some blood stains in the grass behind her, but there was nothing she could do now. Unless it rained immediately, these marks would be difficult to remove.

He looked at Mo Lingqiu's wound again. The wound was deep and the surrounding fabric was stained red with blood.

Feng Ling nervously used her sleeve to block it, but the blood still kept flowing.

Feng Ling could only ask,
  "Then what should we do?"

Mo Lingqiu glanced at Feng Ling. Although she had some doubts in her heart, she still decided on the best strategy.
  "We can march in two ways, with my subordinates going to lure away the pursuers, and my master taking another way to escape. This way we can get rid of them completely."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suffered a blow to the head. Although it was not painful, he was quite shocked.

Mo Lingqiu subconsciously touched his forehead and listened to the other party say,
  "I tried my best to rescue you, but in your current condition, if I ask you to distract the pursuers, will you still be able to come back alive?"

"What's more, I didn't save you just to let you die. Looking at all the stupid ideas you came up with, and you said you were smarter than Xiaojiu, I think you are all the same, you have no brains at all!"

Feng Ling sighed deeply and turned her face away from him, obviously a little annoyed.

Mo Lingqiu was still a little confused, and his eyes fell on Feng Ling in confusion.

He really didn't understand. This was obviously the best way, so wasn't she afraid of being dragged to death by him?


Although Mo Lingqiu also hesitated, as a subordinate, he subconsciously made his choice.

"This matter does not need to be discussed further, the master will not agree."

Before Mo Lingqiu finished speaking, he was decisively interrupted by Feng Ling.

She refuted the plan without any hesitation or even a glance at the other party.

Feng Ling squatted in the bushes, carefully observing the movements around her. Suddenly, she patted Mo Lingqiu on the shoulder, looking a little surprised, and asked,

"Did you hear the sound of water flowing? I seemed to hear the sound of the river flowing..."


Mo Lingqiu also listened attentively.

"Yes, the sound of water flowing..."

She said and stood up, looking in the direction of the sound.

Mo Lingqiu also looked over.

The two supported each other and walked forward for a certain distance, and finally saw a wide river ahead. The reeds and water plants growing along the river are extremely luxuriant. If you hide among them, it is really difficult to find them.

Feng Ling patted Mo Lingqiu's arm and suggested excitedly,

"Yes, Mo Lingqiu, we can hide in the water. This way there will be no traces of blood. Xiaojiu and I also escaped by jumping into the river before."

Feng Ling said that she was about to pull him into the river, but Mo Lingqiu suddenly grabbed her wrist.

His hand was not tight, but there was a hesitant look on his face.
  "Wait...Master, do you really want to hide under the water?"

Feng Ling turned to look at him, a little puzzled.

"What's wrong? Do you think this method won't work?"

Mo Qiu's expression became more complicated, and his voice seemed a little dull and uncomfortable.
  "No, this method is really good, but I...I'm not good at swimming."

Mo Lingqiu admitted with some embarrassment that he had an unspeakable fear of water.

"What? A killer is not good at swimming?"

Feng Ling was obviously surprised and stared at Mo Qiu for a while.
  "How can this be?"

Mo Qiu smiled helplessly,
  "It's true. I've done underwater training before, but I'm really not used to the underwater environment. However, I can distract the pursuers. Please don't dislike me, Master."

Mo Lingqiu stood up and planned to leave.

But Feng Ling quickly grabbed his wrist,
  "Stop being ridiculous. How could I let you take risks? Besides, you don't need to know how to swim. Just hold my hand and leave everything to me. Don't distract me anymore, okay?"

Feng Ling looked at him firmly, her eyes full of concern and determination.

Under Feng Ling's strong push, Mo Lingqiu accidentally fell into the river and was instantly submerged by the raging river water.

He struggled to surface, his lungs aching and desperate for fresh air.

However, Feng Ling did not intend to give him a chance to breathe. She grabbed his arm tightly and dived straight into the deep water.

Mo Lingqiu couldn't resist and could only let the feeling of fear and suffocation rage in his body.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and he just hoped that it would all end soon, even at the cost of death.

The water surface gradually returned to calm, and the blood oozing from the wound on Mo Lingqiu's shoulder slowly dispersed in the river water.

The river was bottomless, and fish were swimming under the water. The smell of blood on the two men attracted several fish to surround them curiously.

At first, Mo Lingqiu could barely hold on, but as time passed, the air in his lungs gradually decreased, and he began to feel as if his head was going to explode, and the pain of suffocation came like a tide.

His thinking became confused, he was unable to control his actions, and he began to struggle in the water.

At that moment, Mo Lingqiu seemed to have returned to the days when he followed the third young master, and the fear of life and death lingered in his mind.

He didn't want to die like this, and he didn't want to end his life under this cold water.

He had just found someone who cared about him and he didn't want to give it all up.

However, struggling only accelerates the consumption of air. Finally, Mo Lingqiu felt that he had reached his limit, and his brain seemed to be torn apart, and then he fell into chaos.

Mo Lingqiu's senses gradually disappeared, and his consciousness gradually became blurred...

At some point, the hand that was holding Feng Ling loosened its grip, and his body fell weakly, disappearing into the depths of the lake. No one knew his fate.

(End of this chapter)

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