Feng Ling's steps involuntarily slowed down and she began to appreciate the lively scene around her.

She noticed that the road was lined with various stalls.

Vendors display jewelry, hairpins and other products that young girls like.

In those temporary shops, there are also celebrity calligraphy and calligraphy and painting works.

However, the most attractive ones are the vendors selling lanterns.

There are a dazzling array of lanterns, some in the shape of rabbits and some in the shape of foxes. These lanterns were lifelike and naive, which made Feng Ling very happy to see them.

In the end, she couldn't help but buy a cyan lotus lantern and strolled slowly on the street with it.

However, when Feng Ling walked to a crowded place, she was suddenly pushed by someone from behind.

She was not paying attention and bumped into a young girl wearing a blue skirt next to her.

The lantern in the girl's hand was not steady and fell to the ground. It became broken after someone stepped on it.

Fortunately, the little girl next to the girl quickly supported her and prevented her from falling.

The young girl was sharp-tongued. When she saw her master being hit and seeing that Feng Ling was the only culprit, she immediately rushed forward to scold her.

"How can you walk like this? Didn't you see that our young lady is here? If you hit my young lady, can you afford to pay for it?"

Feng Ling also stood firm at this time, her shoulders were a little sore, and she felt a little ashamed, because she had indeed bumped into the other person accidentally.

So she quickly apologized,

"I'm sorry, I'm not standing firmly, girl, are you okay?"

The little girl snorted disdainfully and became more aggressive.

"Are you blind? How could you be fine? Didn't you see that the lady's lantern was damaged?"

The young lady's attention was entirely on the broken lantern. The little girl immediately stepped forward and picked it up. The woman reached out and took it, her eyes full of heartache and regret.

"Why did it break? I finally asked him to make it with his own hands. It was trampled to pieces before even one night. It's such a pity."

Hearing this, the little girl's eyes showed a little regret, and then she suddenly raised her head and glared at Feng Ling.

"Yes, miss, it's all because this woman was careless and didn't look at the road when she walked. She actually broke the lantern that the young master made for you."

Hearing this, Du Yuyan in front of him finally came back.

She raised her head and glanced at Feng Ling in front of her, seeing a guilty look on his face.

Seeing the unreasonable and unforgiving attitude of his girl again, he chuckled uneasily and said,

"Sorry, girl."

"It's my girl who doesn't know etiquette. What she said just now was not very polite. Please don't worry about it. However, there are too many pedestrians on the street tonight, and accidental collisions are inevitable. This is not entirely the girl's fault. .”

Feng Ling was startled when she heard the words, and then smiled at her. She took two steps forward and saw the trampled lantern in their hands, which vaguely looked like a little fox, so she couldn't help but reach out and touch it. Touch,

"I don't blame her, it's my problem. Although you don't blame me, I bumped into you accidentally first. I've seen this lantern style at the stall in front of you. Otherwise, you can follow I’ll go over there and I’ll buy a new one and pay it to you, how about that?”

Du Yuyan hesitated and was about to say no.

The little girl next to me interrupted inappropriately, her tone obviously disdainful.

"How can the lanterns sold on the roadside be compared with the ones in the hands of our lady? Do you know who made this fox lantern? This comes from our family... The young master made it himself, just to pass the time for our lady."

Du Yuyan couldn't help but scolded her this time,

"Pei'er, please don't be rude. You talk too much tonight."

Seeing the displeased look on her master's face, Pei'er immediately closed her mouth and stepped aside silently.

Du Yuyan was also a little uncomfortable. She smiled awkwardly at Feng Ling and said, "Girl, my girl doesn't mean to look down on you. That fox lamp was made by my fiancé himself and is different, so what she just said may be a bit offensive. ”

Feng Ling laughed softly after hearing this, with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

She blinked and joked:

"It seems that the girl and the unmarried husband are deeply cherished to cherish his work so."

Hearing the name of his heart, Du Yuyan's smile became much more sincere.

She remembered his appearance, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Then, she turned her head shyly:

"He...he is different from others. Although he is not very smart, I just like his honest look. And he is very kind to me and never makes me angry..."

Perhaps Feng Yan's words were in line with her heart. Du Yuyan, who had just planned to visit casually, turned to become a friend with Feng Yan.

They had a great chat in front of the store, exchanged names and ages, and talked about many topics.

The two seemed like a pair of friends reunited after a long absence.

Feng Ling came to the previous stall with her.

Unfortunately, the similar fox lamp had been taken away by others, and Du Yuyan showed a little loss.

In front of the stall, the two of them carefully selected. At this time, a familiar male voice came from behind, with urgency in the voice. It was obvious that they had gone through a search.


Feng Yan and Du Yuyan turned back at the same time, but Feng Yan stood in front of Du Yuyan, so that she could only see the tall men in the distance walking towards her, her lips tightly, and her face showed unhappy.

"Lingling, didn't I tell you to stay where you are and wait for me? Why are you running around? You will make me worry!"

Zhao Yuchen scolded.

Du Yuyan stepped forward with a smile, her face filled with happiness and satisfaction.

"Yu Chen, you finally found me. I just stayed in the house for a long time and wanted to come out for some air. What's the difference between staying with you all the time and being at the house? I just wanted to come out for some air?"

Zhao Yuchen frowned slightly. It was obvious that he didn't like this crowded and noisy environment.

"But with more people out there, the danger increases."

Du Yuyan smiled and pulled Zhao Yuchen's sleeve.

"Where is the danger? You are too sensitive."

"By the way, I also met a new friend tonight. Her surname is Mo. I'll introduce her to you right now."

Du Yuyan smiled, took Zhao Yuchen beside her, and walked towards Fengling.

However, when Feng Ling saw Zhao Yuchen, her whole body froze and she was stunned. She didn't even realize that the lantern in her hand fell to the ground.

"Xiao Jiu..."

Feng Ling called him softly, tears welling up from her eyes and sliding down her cheeks.

After hearing this call, Zhao Yuchen was stunned.

Even Du Yuyan, who was standing aside, was surprised.

Together they turned to look at Zhao Yuchen, and Zhao Yuchen's eyes fell on the woman in front of him.

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