The Journey of the Empress of Quick Travel

Chapter 87 Gu Insects in Red Leaf Valley

The old gentleman smiled, stroking his beard and organizing his medicine kit.

He did not immediately answer whether the disease could be cured, but turned to discuss another topic with the princess.

"Princess, have you heard of General Feng in Lincheng?"

As a princess, she naturally knew something about the general who was guarding the city.

As a noble lady in the royal palace, she had interactions with the wives of many court officials.

She heard that General Feng's family had a frail and sick only son, but that child was not popular because his behavior was not good.

The old gentleman's question made the princess feel a little strange, but she did not avoid it.

"Of course I know him, old gentleman. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. I want to know if General Feng's family has any special medicine that can cure my beautiful face?"

The old gentleman smiled and nodded, and then explained,

"Yes, your lady's illness is exactly the same as that of General Feng's only son. Mr. Feng was very weak after he was born because he stayed in the mother's body for too long. Although I can't completely cure this disease, I found it. A way to keep Miss Du alive for a few more years."

The princess was very happy to hear the news. She took a few steps forward excitedly and asked,

"Please tell me, old gentleman, what is this method? As long as you can cure my beauty, the palace will definitely give you a generous reward."

The old gentleman told the princess everything he knew.

It turned out that the method he used to treat General Feng's son was to use a secret recipe unique to Hongye Valley.

It was not difficult to find the prescription, but one of the medicines was actually made from Gu insects.

This is not an ordinary thing, but a rare treasure that Hongye Valley has spent many years cultivating.

Unfortunately, Hongye Valley has disappeared, and no one knows whether the Gu insect is still alive.

I can only tell the princess this only way, and as for the follow-up, I can only leave it to fate.

When the princess heard this, she felt mixed emotions in her heart.

She had long heard of the reputation of Red Leaf Valley, which almost took the life of her child a year ago. In anger, the prince ordered the destruction of Hongye Valley.

Nowadays, the place has long been deserted, and even the owner of the valley, Mo Mou, has died in prison.

She didn't know what happened after that.

Now, another child needs to use the Gu insects from Hongye Valley to save his life.

The princess was confused and at a loss. In desperation, she could only place her hope in Zhao Yuchen.

I hope he can find alternative precious medicinal materials and save Lingling's life.

Zhao Yuchen was in a daze. The scene in front of him reminded him of Feng Ling he met at the door.

That woman is from Red Leaf Valley.

He had mistakenly thought that she was here for revenge, but now it seems that he may have misunderstood.

She just recognized the wrong person.

Du Yuyan, who was lying on the bed, looked slightly pale.

She coughed a few times and tried to grab Zhao Yuchen's hand, but he subconsciously avoided it.

Du Yuyan was stunned. She could feel Zhao Yuchen's changes, but she couldn't understand them.

"Yu Chen, what's happened to you recently?"

She asked softly, with a hint of confusion and grievance in her eyes.

Zhao Yuchen was also stunned, and he didn't know what was going on with him.

Whenever someone comes close, he can't help but want to resist.

It took him a year to desensitize himself.

But whenever that woman came close, his body never reacted with rejection.

This made Zhao Yuchen feel a little confused. When he saw Du Yuyan's aggrieved expression, his thoughts were instantly brought back to reality.

Zhao Yuchen quickly turned his head and explained casually,

"It's nothing, I was just too absorbed in thinking about the problem and didn't hear your voice."

"Is there anything you want to discuss with me?" he asked unconsciously.

Du Yuyan bit her lip, not knowing how to speak to him.

She observed Zhao Yuchen's expression and felt a little uneasy.

Since she last saw the woman, she felt that Yu Chen's state seemed a little abnormal.

Maybe he didn't even realize that the way he looked at that woman was different from the way he looked at other people.

Otherwise, her first reaction that day would not have been to doubt him.

Du Yuyan lowered her eyes and felt a little depressed.

The princess thought she was worried about her health, so she didn't notice the unusual atmosphere between the two.

She turned around and saw the expressionless Yu Chen beside her, and babbled a few more words.

"You kid, what are you doing standing here? Didn't you hear what Dr. Zhang said? Send someone quickly to find out about Hongye Valley."

Hearing his mother's words, Zhao Yuchen didn't think much and answered instinctively,

"I know where the people from Red Leaf Valley are."

In fact, when Zhao Yuchen said this, he had no intention of getting any medicinal materials from her.

Instead, he suddenly had a strong urge to see Feng Ling.

Although Zhao Yuchen made it clear that he refused, the people in the room, especially the princess, felt relieved after hearing this.

Originally, the princess planned to say something to the child and give some instructions, but after Zhao Yuchen finished speaking, she immediately turned around and left.

Returning to the room, he saw the food boxes on the table.

Out of some unknown state of mind, Zhao Yuchen opened the lid.

Those pastries that had been smashed still exuded a faint scent of locust flowers.

He was in a daze and couldn't help but pick up a piece and put it in his mouth.

The pastry tasted very sweet. After eating several pieces in a row, I found that I didn't seem to reject it so much anymore.

At night, Zhao Yuchen seemed to be trapped in a nightmare. He saw a girl in a red dress facing away from him in a sea of ​​flowers.

There was a delicate beaded hairpin loosely pinned to her jet-black hair, which seemed a bit familiar. However, before he had time to recall, someone suddenly called her.

The girl immediately turned around and ran towards him with a smile on her face.

She was holding a handful of unknown wild flowers in her hand, and the light skirt brushed the green flower branches, like floating light passing over the water, which looked particularly beautiful in the sunshine.

He thought she would fall into his arms, but unexpectedly, she passed directly through his body and accidentally fell into a bottomless cliff.

Zhao Yuchen suddenly woke up from his dream. His heartbeat was beating rapidly, making him feel suffocated.

He tried to grab the figure, but his hands only caught air.

shouted loudly,

"don't want.",

The sound echoed in the silent room. His chest heaved violently and he closed his eyes, trying to calm down.

Zhao Yuchen didn't know if this was a dream or reality, he just felt fear and confusion.

Trying to remember the dream, but every time he came close to seeing that face, his memory became blurry.

He only remembered those eyes, those eyes full of despair and sadness that he could not forget.

Why, why couldn't he remember that face?

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