"Brother Mo, your wife needs to be recuperated when she is sick. I will sell this fish to you at a cheap price. Take it back quickly and recuperate your wife's health!"

When Mo Lingqiu heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

He thought that Feng Ling had been ill and had a bad appetite these days, so she really needed to eat something good to replenish her body. Looking at her thin chin, he took out a handful of copper coins from his arms and handed them to Old Man Li without hesitation.

When saying goodbye, he also told Old Man Li that he would come again tomorrow and remember to leave a fresh fish for him. Old Man Li counted the copper coins happily and agreed to his request.

Mo Lingqiu happily carried the fish home, imagining how to use the fish to stew her a bowl of delicious fish soup.

Every time he saw her frowning and staring at the brown concoction, Mo Lingqiu felt heartbroken.

She looked like she wanted to refuse but had no choice but to drink the bowl of medicine with her eyes closed as if she was about to die. It was really heartbreaking.

Every time he saw her like this, he always felt a strong desire to protect her and wanted to share some of her pain.

When Mo Lingqiu walked into the yard carrying the live fish, I couldn't help shouting,

"Lingling, I bought fish today and I can make you fish soup tonight."

However, there was no response in the room, which made him feel something was wrong.

When he opened the door, the room was empty, and it was obvious that Ling Ling was not in the room.

Seeing the bedding neatly stacked, Mo Lingqiu's heart skipped a beat, worried that something had happened to her.

Mo Lingqiu looked around the room, hoping to find some clues, but only found a note pressed on the stone table.

It turned out that Ling Ling and Xiao Jiu were going to visit the Chenghuang Temple Fair, so they told him not to worry.

Mo Lingqiu was in a daze, staring at the note solemnly.

After a long silence, he sat down on the stool with a sense of loss.

Feng Ling's departure made him feel a deep emptiness, as if the cold wind in his heart penetrated directly through his body.

The agreement between him and her was already blurry, but seeing her follow Ying Xiaojiu away without hesitation, the pain in his heart was clear and strong.

His heart seemed to have been lightly pricked by a needle. It was only a slight pain at first, but gradually, the pain became stronger and more intense.

Looking at the empty courtyard, she was no longer there, he was the only one staying here alone.

A few days ago this was a warm and lively place, but now there is only loneliness and emptiness.

He began to think about whether Feng Ling would come back.

The fish was still there, the fish he bought specially to replenish her health, but now no one came to enjoy it.

He thought it would be nice if she could come back and have a bowl of fish soup before leaving, but unfortunately everything has become a fantasy now.

His heart was full of loss and pain, and his eyes were a little moist.

Mo Lingqiu was lost in his own thoughts, and everything in the outside world seemed to disappear.

The slight sound of the door failed to break his contemplation until the familiar voice sounded softly. He turned his head slowly, unable to believe his eyes for a moment.

Feng Ling stood there, looking at him quietly, with a warm and friendly smile.

Mo Lingqiu's heart jumped suddenly, as if he was awakened from a long sleep.

"Why are you back again?"

He asked in a low voice, with a subtle tremor in his tone,

"Didn't you leave already?"

Her figure swayed in his eyes, and his heart was filled with complex emotions.

Are you resenting her departure, or laughing at your own powerlessness? "I bought a delicious fish,"

The corners of Mo Lingqiu's mouth rose with a hint of teasing smile,

"But don't even get a sip of the fish soup. I'm going to make you greedy!"

Looking at Feng Ling's pale and haggard face and listening to her cruel words, his heart couldn't help but ripples.

However, just as he was immersed in this rare moment of happiness, Feng Ling's body suddenly shook, and then fell to the ground weakly.

Mo Lingqiu was confused by this sudden change.

He originally thought that he was hallucinating due to excessive sadness, but when he saw her walking towards him, he realized that the person in front of him was not an illusion. She was real and appeared in front of him. She was not Not leaving...

Mo Lingqiu couldn't describe his inner feelings for a while. His mood was too complex to be expressed in words, and tension and excitement were intertwined in his heart.

Especially the moment he saw her fall, his body reacted like a reflex and rushed forward to protect her in his arms.

Then, his back slammed into the gravel on the ground. The pain made him groan and his facial expression became distorted.

He hugged Feng Ling tightly in his arms, like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, reluctantly.

He deliberately kept a straight face and muttered,

"Don't you know if I'll be worried if you run around before your body has fully recovered? You can't even walk steadily. What will you do if you don't have me by your side to watch you in the future?"

Just after saying this, Mo Lingqiu looked down and saw the bright red blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, and her face instantly turned pale.

"Ling Ling, what's wrong with you? Where are you injured?"

He panicked and grabbed her wrist hanging by his side, his hands obviously shaking.

Originally, he wanted to check her pulse, but when he saw the gauze bandaged on her wrist and the blood stains on her clothes, Mo Lingqiu's heart suddenly trembled.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you treat yourself like this?"

He tried to stand up, but lost his balance due to emotion.

Fortunately, he protected her tightly and did not let her get hurt.

When Feng Ling's fingers gently touched his cheek, Mo Lingqiu noticed the mottled blood between her fingers.

His heart sank when he heard her tell him in a hoarse voice:

"I gave him the life-extending Gu, that's why it ended up like this..."

Mo Lingqiu's thoughts instantly became confused. How could this be possible? How could she give such an important thing to someone else so easily?

He held her hand tightly, the shock and worry in his heart almost making him unable to breathe.

He kept telling himself in his mind that she must be cheating on him, which was not true.

However, when his eyes fell on the place where she had planted the poison and found that the plum blossom mark had disappeared, his mood completely collapsed.

Various complex emotions flashed across his face instantly, and his heart was filled with unspeakable pain and fear.

Mo Lingqiu's tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

"How could you give it to him so easily?"

"Don't you know that is your life..."

Feng Ling weakly raised her hand, curled her fingers slightly, and then gently wiped the tears on his cheek.

"Because his beloved is sick, I owe him all this..."

Her voice was fitful and getting weaker and weaker,

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