The plot setting this time is based on the ancient ruthless Jianghu novel. To be precise, it is more like a ruthless romance drama cloaked in Jianghu.

The male protagonist is a free and uninhibited young hero, wearing bright clothes and angry horses, and is high-spirited;

The heroine is a girl from the Demon Sect who behaves casually and informally, with a flamboyant and wanton personality.

Although they have different family backgrounds, different positions, and even more different personalities, it is this combination that went from mutual dislike at the beginning to deep love later...

In the end, regardless of worldly views, they broke through the shackles and prejudices, successfully came together and became an enviable couple of gods and immortals.

And she is the scheming female supporting character in this novel.

As soon as Feng Ling entered this body, she felt severe discomfort. Her whole body was weak, her limbs were sore, and her head was dizzy.

She rubbed her sore and swollen eyebrows and found that her eyes were a little sore and slightly swollen, and her vision was a little blurry.

She stood up unsteadily, shook her dizzy head, and then she could clearly see where she was.

This is an antique women's boudoir. The bead curtain inside the room is swaying. The incense burner on the desk has been burned out, and the incense ashes exude a quiet and elegant fragrance.

Walking to the mirror, the girl in the mirror had eyebrows like distant mountains, eyes like spring water, and the ends of her eyes were slightly moist and red. She had obviously cried too much.

Even the tip of her nose is slightly reddish, which matches the appearance of most White Lotus female partners.

This body is the main character of this plot.

Gu Fengling, the eldest lady of Luoxia Tower, was supposed to be rich and powerful as the original owner, but fate played a joke on her.

As an only child, she was frail and sickly since childhood, but her childhood sweetheart with Xie Yu was destined to become a supporting role due to the needs of the plot.

Xie Yu, a jealous person, had once placed his heart wholeheartedly on this childhood sweetheart girl.

He had thought about spending the rest of his life with her, but fate brought him another heroine.

The heroine's frankness and publicity moved his heart, and he finally understood what true love was.

Their first encounter didn't go well.

The heroine was so careless and informal that she even dared to break into his room while he was bathing, which made him grit his teeth in anger.

How should he respond to her rudeness? How could he break into her boudoir as freely as she did?

Xie Yu once believed that every girl should be as beautiful and gentle as his little green plum, with a smile like a flower.

Every time he heard Gu Fengling's sweet voice calling him "Brother Ayu",

They all fascinated him.

However, Ye Mo's appearance completely broke his illusion.

She was completely different from Xiao Qingmei. Not only was she cold and distant towards him, but she also seemed a bit fierce.

At first, Xie Yu was bored with her, but as time passed, her unique charm gradually eroded his heart.

While getting along with Ye Mo, he gradually found that his heart had been deeply attracted to her.

It wasn't until this moment that Xie Yu suddenly realized that his dependence on Xiao Qingmei was not true love. Only Ye Mo could make him experience the feeling of accelerating heartbeat.

As time goes by, Xie Yu's love for Ye Mo grows deeper and deeper.

However, a sudden letter home broke their peaceful life. The letter stated that his mother was seriously ill and urgently needed his care at home.

Xie Yu had no choice but to end his journey with Ye Mo in a hurry and rush home.

But the truth is shocking.

It turned out that his father's friends were worried that he would get entangled with a demon sect woman outside and ruin the family's reputation, so they deliberately sent a letter calling him back to get married.

At this moment, Xie Yu realized that he and Xiao Qingmei had been engaged for a long time.

But it was too late, his heart completely belonged to Ye Mo.

He could no longer accept another woman as his wife. So, he stepped into Luoxia Tower with only one purpose:

Break off the engagement with Xiao Qingmei.

Xie's father was very angry at Xie Yu's actions. He had a clean reputation all his life, how could he have such an unworthy son?

The Xie family and the Gu family have been friends for centuries and have been engaged since they were young. How can they just back off?

How can he meet people with this old face?

So, he picked up the stick and beat Xie Yu half to death.

In the end, Gu Fengling relented and went to plead for mercy, and Xie's father let him go.

Gu Fengling has never understood why her brother Ayu broke off the engagement when he came back from a trip.

They grew up together and have been together for more than ten years. Could it be that the relationship of more than ten years is not as good as the short time he spent with another woman?

Gu Fengling couldn't accept this fact. She really liked Xie Yu.

So they started to pester him endlessly. At first, Xie Yu felt guilty and kept tolerating.

He is partial to people's hearts. When he loves you, everything about you is perfect;

But when he no longer loves you, everything about you becomes annoying.

In the entanglement between the two, Gu Fengling saw his sweetheart Ye Mo, the woman from the demon sect.

Demonic cults are not evil, but their behavior is different from that of righteous people, which has caused many controversies.

That woman is indeed different. She does whatever she wants and pursues a free life.

Gu Fengling doesn't understand the affairs of the world and doesn't care about them. She only cares about her lover.

However, what she didn't expect was that Ye Mo also had a sweetheart, Lu Xingzhou, the miracle doctor of Yaowang Valley.

Lu Xingzhou once saved her life, and Ye Mo developed special feelings for him from then on.

Gu Fengling didn't understand, since Ye Mo already had a sweetheart, why did she still maintain close relationships with other men?

She said she had someone she liked and that she and Xie Yu were just friends, but what kind of friend would share a pair of chopsticks, go to him for a drink in the middle of the night, flirt with him, get entangled, or even live in the same guest room?

What is the logic of this?

Gu Fengling couldn't understand it, but in this entanglement, she was increasingly stimulated and hit.

She watched her fiancé get close to another woman and couldn't bear the pain.

Driven by hatred, she decided to take revenge.

Since Ye Mo took away her fiancé, she would also take away Ye Mo's sweetheart.

However, the development of things was beyond her expectation.

She tried to get close to the miracle doctor Lu Xingzhou, but unexpectedly found that his deep emotions pointed to Ye Mo.

Lu Xingzhou has a reserved personality. After he learned that Ye Mo had a partner, he silently buried his feelings deep in his heart.

Gu Fengling's approach was maliciously spread, and she instantly became the target of public criticism and was labeled as shameless and wanton.

The Xie family and the Gu family successfully terminated their engagement.

Realizing that there was someone framed behind her, Gu Fengling suspected that Xie Yu was behind it, but on her way to question him, she was attacked.

A group of robbers seemed to hate her so much that they killed the guards and subjected her to endless humiliation.

Gu Fengling, whose reputation was tarnished, chose to hang herself. However, after her death, her reputation was still maliciously tarnished.

Rumors about her sexual promiscuity circulated in the world, and there were even erotic pictures depicting her affairs with many men.

After going through all kinds of hardships, the hero and heroine finally came together, broke the worldly prejudices, and lived a happy life.

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