White tea legend

Chapter 125: Ordered to Join Hands

For Prince Danzhu, the Ma Demon is a special existence. Gods and Buddhas everywhere in the sky will dislike him, even his biological father, but the Ma Demon will not.

Only in front of the demon, Prince Danzhu is a correct and wise existence, like a human being.

The two cherished each other and never left each other, so much so that the demon was willing to go through life and death for Prince Danzhu.

The reason why the demon was exiled from Danshui and imprisoned by Tianjun was precisely because of Prince Danzhu.

Before the demon used the flame tree to resurrect Prince Danzhu, he begged the gods and Buddhas in the sky to save Prince Danzhu. However, the heaven was full of supporters of His Highness Chonghua, and the gods turned a blind eye to Prince Danzhu's sacrifice and did not even respond. Some respect.

Driven by anger, the demon went to heaven and asked the heavenly king to give Prince Danzhu a fair evaluation and commemoration.

The hemp demon broke into the heavenly palace desperately, his long green hair spreading like vines, and his eyes shining with determination and challenge. His voice echoed in the heavenly palace, asking the heavenly king to come out and face his demands.

Tianjun finally appeared in front of the demon, his figure was tall and majestic, followed by many gods. Tianjun's eyes showed displeasure. He was shocked and angry at the behavior of the demon.

"Bold hemp demon, you dare to break into the Heavenly Palace without permission and break the rules of the Heavenly Realm. What crime do you deserve!" Tianjun's voice was like thunder, shaking the entire Heavenly Palace.

The demon was not afraid, and he responded firmly: "Tianjun, the reason why I came here is for a respectable hero-Prince Danzhu. His sacrifice saved the world, but he did not get the commemoration he deserved. .I ask heaven to remember his name and let his spirit live on forever."

Tianjun was silent for a moment, and his eyes changed from stern to thoughtful. Finally, he made a decision: "Prince Danzhu's sacrifice is indeed great, and his spirit is worth remembering. But you, the demon, must be punished for violating the laws of heaven. I decided to exile you to the wild land of Danshui. Land, never to return.”

After all, the demon is a mortal creature, and his behavior of causing havoc in the heaven violated the rules of the heaven, because mortal creatures have no right to interfere in the affairs of the heaven.

The hemp demon was escorted by the heavenly soldiers and generals to the wild land of Danshui. It was a desolate land with no life, no light, only endless loneliness and loneliness. The hemp demon's body was bound by chains, his power was sealed, and he could only let the passage of time erode his will.

However, even in a place of despair, Ma Mo still maintained his loyalty to Prince Danzhu and his desire for light in his heart.

He began experimenting with planting plants, hoping to bring the wasteland back to life. He exhausted his strength and finally planted a sapling on the wasteland. This sapling grew from the flame seeds of Prince Danzhu and represents hope and rebirth.

The demon used this flame tree to finally resurrect Prince Danzhu.

However, Prince Danzhu lost his former wiseness and martial prowess, and the hemp demon was completely transformed into a plague demon and was imprisoned in Danshui.

Prince Danzhu's death was destined for Tianjun, and his resurrection was the result of the Ma Demon, which was an unexpected joy for Tianjun.

Tianjun has complicated feelings for the resurrected Prince Danzhu.

His real son had died long ago, his energy had been exhausted, and the destiny engraved on his life chart was destined to end here, and it should be this way.

But what father can bear to let his son die?

Even if the Prince Danzhu after the resurrection of the flame tree is far different from the former Prince Danzhu in terms of virtue, he is still a comfort to Tianjun.

Therefore, even if the current Prince Danzhu is a bastard and a fool, Tianjun still has a conniving attitude, full of the helplessness of an old father, and turns a blind eye.

The Gods and Buddhas all over the sky naturally understand the Tianjun's mentality. Anyway, it is impossible for the next Heavenly King to let Prince Danzhu take on the big responsibility, so the gods and Buddhas all over the sky will no longer say anything. Regarding matters involving Prince Danzhu, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky should keep their mouths shut as much as possible.

However, His Highness Zhonghua is a kind-hearted person with a treacherous personality, so he insists on speaking out in front of the gods and Buddhas in the sky about the hemp demon causing harm to the world.

In the sky full of gods and Buddhas, who doesn’t know the relationship between the Ma Demon and Prince Danzhu? Isn’t exposing the Ma Demon the same as exposing Prince Danzhu?

Prince Danzhu is the son of Tianjun, so this matter has nothing to do with the righteousness of the Six Realms or anything like that, and can be returned to Tianjun's housework.

They have no reason to make irresponsible remarks about household matters. How to deal with it is Tianjun's business.

When His Highness Chonghua asked Tianjun to deal with the demon demon, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky had their ears stuffed with cotton. They could not hear anything, and their mouths seemed to be sealed.

"Your Highness Chonghua, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, come to me, why bother dragging innocent people into trouble? And why embarrass my father? Although you are not my father's biological son, my father treats you as his own and treats you like a mere child. Now that a mortal has gained a distinguished status in the heaven, are you using this kind of filial piety to repay your father's kindness to you?"

Prince Danzhu strode into Tianjun's imperial study room and recounted His Highness Chonghua's crimes along the way.

His Highness Chonghua just came back from the mortal world. He saw how the children in the mortal world suffered so much from the sick children. His heart ached. At this moment, he no longer cared about anyone's face, so he denounced: "Your Highness, although the demon is not in the heaven, He belongs to God, but he is your subordinate. Is this how you manage him? Your Majesty has already exiled him to Danshui, but you have allowed him to do mischief in the mortal world again and again. I wonder what your Highness the Crown Prince wants?"

"Chonghua, you have to take responsibility for what you say. If the demon is still in the elixir and has never left the pill water, you are framed."

Prince Danzhu said that he immediately called Immortal Ruiyu and asked him to prove that the hemp demon was still in the Danshui.

His Highness Chonghua said: "Everyone knows magic, so what's so strange about some blinding techniques?"

Prince Danzhu frowned: "Chonghua, what do you want?"

His Highness Chonghua said: "As long as Prince Danzhu gives the order, let the hemp demon stop spreading the measles epidemic in the world."

The two sons were quarreling so much that Tianjun felt his head was buzzing. He waved his hands and said: "Danzhu, Chonghua, since you are both my sons, you should share my worries and solve my problems. Since there are dangers in the world again, , you two brothers should join hands to help the people in the lower world tide over the difficulties together."

Tianjun said, and ordered the two highnesses to go down to earth together to rescue this crisis in the world.


Prince Danzhu and His Highness Chonghua were ordered to come to the human world. The measles in the human world had spread like crazy. Children were infected with the disease and all fell down. There were cries all over the world.

His Highness Chonghua and his four subordinates boiled medicine and treated the children all the way with tears streaming down their cheeks. However, Prince Danzhu remained unmoved and stood by with Immortal Ruiyu and did not help.

"I am not a doctor, so what can I do?"

Seeing His Highness Chonghua looking over with a dissatisfied look, Prince Danzhu spread his hands and said rogue.

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