Hidden golden branches

Chapter 106 Ping'er

There are seven or eight families there who all have the same status as the Ping'er family. They are also slaves in the master's house, earning money to buy a house there after they get married.

Some not only bought houses but also bought fields and rented them to others for farming!

Two months ago, Ping'er's aunt came here with her 18-year-old son, saying that her son had been selected as a scholar and wanted to find a good academy in the capital to study, so that he would be able to enter high school during the scientific examination next year.

Ping'er's mother was originally sold by her parents because of the money she got from the sale so that her son could study.

In order to sell more money, the death contract was signed.

But my brother has not even been able to win the prize so far.

Ping'er's mother was soft-hearted and did not hold grudges, so she allowed the mother and son to live in their home.

Ping'er also went home often. During this time, Ping'er and her cousin fell in love.

Yuzhu gritted his teeth and said, "Miss, Ping'er is pregnant, but her cousin doesn't want to marry her!"

"What?" Chen Rong was surprised.

She had been in a bad mood for more than two months because of Sun Yi's divorce, and had not paid attention to Ping'er. She didn't expect that something happened.

It's no wonder that Chen Rong didn't pay attention to Ping'er. Although Ping'er was considered a girl served by Chen Rong, Yun Man was very strict with the rules in the house. Everyone had their own errands, and those who were in higher positions were not allowed to run around to serve others. Especially in front of the master, you must not go up and down to flatter him, to guard against jealousy among the people below. Many ruins have been caused by this.

Therefore, if Ping'er is not serving Chen Rong personally, he is not allowed to hang around her, even if the master needs someone to serve her at this time.

Cuizhu was also surprised and said anxiously: "Ping'er is pregnant, but his cousin doesn't want to marry him. What should we do?"

If my daughter is pregnant before she gets married, wouldn't she be drowned in the spit of others?

In the end, if you don’t seek death, you will go to the temple. The ancient Buddha with green lantern will accompany you for the rest of your life.

It turned out that Ping'er was pregnant, but her cousin refused to marry her, and her aunt also disliked her.

It was said that a girl from a wealthy family fell in love with Ping'er's cousin and wanted to marry him, and promised a lot of dowry. Her aunt and cousin were attracted by it.

Ping'er's cousin is indeed somewhat talented. He is handsome, handsome, and has a sweet mouth. He somehow managed to trick the girl from the Jiang family who owns a shop at the end of the alley into his heart. The family also boasts about himself and today's people. Concubine Jiang Shu was a distant relative, which made cousin Ping'er even want to get married. In fact, although the family's surname is Jiang, I'm afraid I don't even know which way the door of Marquis Zhongying opens.

But despite this, the family in the alley can indeed be considered a wealthy family compared to Ping'er's family.

The most important thing is that the Ping'er family is from a slave family, while the Jiang family is from a good family.

How could he marry a slave woman if he gained fame in the future?

The girl from the Jiang family also said that in the future, if Ping'er's cousin returns to his hometown to take the government examination, he can help her regardless of the expense.

Aunt Ping'er's family was already poor, otherwise they wouldn't have come to seek refuge with her family. Listening to what Xiang girl said, there's no reason why he wouldn't want to. Now that they have a better place to go, his family will naturally look down on Ping'er.

Then she found out that Ping'er was pregnant, so her aunt naturally said a lot of unpleasant things. What she said was that Ping'er had misbehaved, seduced her son, and later moved out of her house. When Ping'er's mother found out, she He wanted to beat Ping'er to death. Although he was reluctant in the end, Ping'er himself didn't want to live anymore.

Only then did Yu Zhu come to Chen Rong to ask for help.

After hearing this, Cuizhu said to Chen Rong: "Miss, how can there be such a person in the world!" Then he hated iron and steel: "Ping'er usually thinks she is quite smart, isn't she?"

Chen Rong first comforted the angry Cuizhu with his eyes. After listening to Yu Zhu's words, he calmly said: "Then Ping'er has something to ask you to bring to me?"

Yuzhu was stunned for a moment, not expecting his young lady to be so smart, so he said: "Ping'er said, after all, I have been serving you for so many years, and I want to come in and kowtow to you, young lady." Needless to say, this is the time to say goodbye. meaning.

After hearing this, Chen Rong smiled coldly. This girl Ping'er has reached such a point and is still not honest. If she really doesn't want to live anymore, Bai Ling has solved her troubles a long time ago. How can she be so pretentious? She still remembers to serve her before. The master kowtows. But at least he served me, he was capable of doing things, and he was a pitiful person. Chen Rong nodded, "It's hard for her to still remember me. Please let her in later."

Yu Zhu hurriedly ran outside the house and saw Ping'er. Ping'er heard Yu Zhu say that the girl was still willing to see him, and finally a light shone in his dark-clouded heart. He quickly cleaned up, found an excuse, and went in. Went to Shangshu Mansion.

But he said, why did Ping'er want to see Chen Rong again? In fact, before she died, she was unwilling to do anything. The unfaithful person was about to have a bright future, but she had to die with the reputation of being lewd and slutty. , not only hurting his parents, but also having an innocent child in his belly. Ping'er, whose head was already resting on the rope hanging on the beam, couldn't bear to kick away the stool on which his feet were placed for a long time.

Since people are reluctant to die, they always start to think of ways to live.

Ping'er thought of Chen Rong first, and she didn't know why. She just felt that if she really wanted to survive, she could only rely on a little master who was as old as herself.

In fact, in the past few months, Chen Rong had a profound impression on Ping'er.

My young lady had been in love with the ungrateful Sun Yi for five or six years. After being divorced, she could still hold back her heartbreak and went to ask him in person why.

Seeing that Sun Yi was ruthless, he wanted to marry the unknown woman brought back from the frontier.

Then he decisively cut off the relationship and walked away from the despair of having the engagement broken off.

Not only that, but he also negotiated a marriage with the crown prince An Guo Gong.

I think the young lady has big ideas. If she asks for help, she will definitely save herself from the desperate situation.

But now that Ping'er had suffered a misfortune, the first thing he thought of was Chen Rong. He only felt that if everything could be left to his own lady, she would be able to make him happy and vent his anger.

Ping'er believed Chen Rong for no reason.

The next morning, when Chen Rong saw Ping'er, he almost didn't recognize her.

Ping'er was originally a pretty maidservant with a beautiful appearance, and Chen Rong also gave her a bit of a girly look all over her body. When I looked at her today, I felt that she was as old as a woman in her twenties, with a haggard face and yellowish skin. , so thin that his eye sockets are sunken and his chin is pointed, making him look a bit intimidating.

Chen Rong originally thought that Ping'er was ungrateful and self-inflicted. She had a private relationship with a man before they got married. Now that she was willing to see her, she had already shown the relationship between master and servant. But when she saw Ping'er acting like this, she felt sad in her heart. It feels bad.

Usually people who have high self-esteem and are capable are usually protective of their shortcomings. No one is allowed to trample on any flower or grass around them, let alone a human being.

Ping'er couldn't kneel down, and his tears fell on the ground and turned into a ball.

"Yuzhu, help Ping'er up quickly." Seeing this, Chen Rong sighed, and Yu Zhu quickly helped Ping'er up.

Then Chen Rong winked at Cuizhu, and Cuizhu took Yu Zhu outside to guard the door, leaving her to talk alone.

Ping'er: The slave's life and death are tied to the young lady. Only the young lady can save the slave.

Chen Rong: Haha.

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