guile fairy

Chapter 106 Announcer

Xiaobao quickly pulled out the video, and after adjusting it frame by frame, it finally stopped at the time period of a human face.

Fu Zhaozhao held the old radio in his hand and looked at the painful face in the middle of the broadcast.

"Looking at it this way, they look like the same person," she said.

Xiaobao and Little Fatty came forward and compared each other bit by bit.

Little Fatty: "Hey, it's really the same!"

Fu Zhaozhao sneered, "Looking at him like this, he has achieved a different kind of immortality." She pinched the old-fashioned radio and made a clicking sound with great strength.

The face in the old radio looks more painful, and the connected wires are twisted together, as if they are struggling.

Xiaobao: "What should we do now? Everything has been eaten by him."

Fu Zhaozhao turned to her and asked, "Do you have a knife?"

Xiaobao nodded and took out a portable knife from his pocket. "Is this okay?" she asked.

Fu Zhaozhao nodded and took it, "Okay."

Then, in the eyes of everyone, he took the knife and stabbed it directly into the middle of the person's face.


The old-fashioned radio let out a scream of agony, the scream was so shrill that the whole place couldn't help but shake.

The others couldn't help but cover their ears to feel better, but Fu Zhaozhao seemed not to hear, and struck quickly and harshly.

After a few moments, the screams suddenly stopped.

A small gold strip comes out of the middle of an old broadcast.

The little fat man looked at it with his eyes widened, and murmured: "This thing would be worth money if it were gold."

Xiaobao said quietly from the side: "This thing is more expensive than gold."

The little fat man swallowed a few times and turned away, but kept saying, "Don't try to seduce me."

Having said that, I couldn't help but glance at it several times.

Fu Zhaozhao ignored their little actions and said to Xiaobao: "Bring that notebook."

Xiaobao quickly brought the computer in front of her, "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

Fu Zhaozhao: "There should be a place on this notebook that can be connected to the broadcast. Look for it."

Then Xiaobao followed her instructions and rummaged around, and soon found a small opening in his direction.

Pry open the small opening, and there will be a place in front of you that can just fit a small gold bar.

"It really does exist." Xiaobao couldn't help but sigh.

Then he took the small gold bar and put it in.

But after a while, the surrounding environment seemed as if the program had collapsed, square spaces appeared all around, and everyone's condition was unstable.

Suddenly a white light flashed by, followed by endless darkness. After a while, the world spun and everyone lost consciousness.


When Gong Ya woke up again, he opened his eyes and saw Fu Zhaozhao sitting in front of the window sill, watching the sunset and drinking hot tea.

As if he hadn't reacted yet, Gong Ya had a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"Are we back?" he asked uncertainly. Hearing his movements, Fu Zhaozhao slowly turned around, looked at him and teased: "Why don't you pinch yourself? See if it's reality?"

Probably because he just woke up and hasn't recovered yet, Gong Ya reflexively followed Fu Zhaozhao's instructions and gave himself a hard blow.

The extra pain made him realize that he had indeed returned to the real world, and he gasped with pain in his mouth.

Fu Zhaozhao put the water cup gently on the table, looked at him and said, "If you don't wake up, I'll have to ask Xiaobao to take you back."

Then Gong Ya learned what happened next from Fu Zhaozhao's mouth, and when he found out that he had slept for a full week, his jaw almost dropped in shock.

Fu Zhaozhao waved his hand in disgust, "Go back and wash up quickly!"

Gong Ya quickly covered his mouth, apologized in a low voice, turned around and ran away.

It was already a day later when we met again.

Gong Ya found Fu Zhaozhao again and had no other questions. Instead, he roughly told him about his cousin Hu Ya.

"Huya said he didn't remember anything after waking up, but he had a diary on him, which wrote about his daily life in the city and the monsters he encountered."

"At the time, he thought it was just a dream he had written casually, but a few days after returning home, someone came to the superior and asked him to help him or something."

"In the end, they found the way into the Lost City according to the diary. Huya said that those people seemed to have known about the monster in the Lost City for a long time, and they went directly towards the monster as soon as they entered the Lost City."

Fu Zhaozhao listened quietly and did not interrupt him midway.

It wasn't until the other party stopped that she looked at Gong Ya and said after a while: "You told me this, do you want me to let him go?"

Gong Ya's face was full of guilt, "I dare not think so, but Hu Ya is my uncle's only child, and he also grew up with me..."

Fu Zhaozhao interrupted him this time, "You should know that there is only one chance, and what he did this time caused more people to die. Needless to say, you should have seen it yourself."

Gong Ya remained silent, seeing those horrific broadcasts in front of his own eyes.

After a moment, he spoke with difficulty: "Okay, I understand. Sorry to bother you."

Until Fu Zhaozhao heard the news about Huya again, he had already been sent to the containment team.

The containment team not only contains some strange monsters, but also some people who have betrayed Midu.

Once locked up in there, it is no different from a life sentence. The only difference is that you can still be alive and have the opportunity to meet your family.

This is the only thing Gong Ya can win for Hu Ya.

But Fu Zhaozhao didn't pay attention to this, she was concerned about another thing.

The little gray wolf woke up two days ago. After waking up, its size was three times its previous size. It looked extremely ferocious and could scare people away with its bared teeth.

But in front of Fu Zhaozhao, he was very obedient, even if it was the thirtieth time he buried her shoes in the soil and hid them.

"Help me think of a way to get rid of this problem." Fu Zhaozhao held his forehead.

Xiaobao was listening happily, "Who did it learn from? How can it have the hobby of hiding shoes? So you are saying that the pair you are wearing now is the last pair?"

Fu Zhaozhao nodded helplessly, "It's been like this since I woke up."

Xiaobao clicked his tongue twice, "It's not easy to solve this problem. It looks like it has been locked for too long. I suggest you take it out for a few laps."

"Where to run?"

Xiaobao pointed outside, "Just enough to test how much it has grown."

She pointed like this, and Fu Zhaozhao immediately understood what she meant, frowned and said in disapproval: "This is not good, if something happens..."

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