guile fairy

Chapter 112 Zerg

Seeing that the male painter still looked unconvinced and was trying to deceive him, Fu Zhaozhao couldn't help but shake his head, and then threw the latest information sent by Xiaobao in front of him.

"Humanoid zerg are all male. In order to produce perfect next generations, they will change into the most perfect appearance according to human preferences."

"The good thing is that humans who love them will willingly do anything for them. The bad thing is that they lose a lot of energy every time they turn into human form, so they are in great need of nutritional supplements."

Fu Zhaozhao said slowly: "Their way of replenishing nutrition is not single. On weekdays, they can extract a small amount of essence from special roses, and the other is to capture human essence through dreams."

"The second one is more special." Fu Zhaozhao seemed to have thought of something interesting. He chuckled and asked him: "Does it mean that every time you are in a dream, you wake up at an important moment?"

The male painter seemed to have thought of something. He was suddenly stunned and his face turned red.

Seeing him like this, Fu Zhaozhao smiled and said, "It seems I was right."

Perhaps he was a little irritated by what she said, and the male painter seemed to be breaking his jar.

"So what if it's a male? At least it really needs me!" As he said that, the male painter stood up from the bed with a particularly excited mood. He seemed to be holding a silver object in his hand and walked straight away from the other party.

Fu Zhaozhao took the lead in taking precautions before the opponent came up.

The male painter took the knife and slashed down hard, but in the next moment, his whole body was like a kicked cannonball, ejected to the wall, and fell heavily with a dull sound.

The sound of the collision was extremely loud, and the male painter looked seriously injured. The knife he was still holding tightly was thrown to no where, and now his whole body was embedded in the wall in a weird posture.

Fu Zhaozhao steadied his body and breathed a sigh of relief. It was probably because the male painter's condition looked really dire, and she felt a little embarrassed.

Then, accompanied by the sound of sirens outside, the male painter apologized to him in disbelief.

"Sorry, I haven't exercised for a long time. The conditioned reflex is a bit serious. I will pay attention to it next time."

"By the way, before you came in, I called the police. I also told them the specific situation. I suggest you say what you should say and don't say what you shouldn't."

As if she felt that what she said was a little light, she paused and continued: "If you don't want that insect to enter your dream tonight and turn it into a nightmare."

Half an hour later, everything settled.

I don’t know what his psychology was, but the male painter still confessed all the things he had done before, and also confessed the fact that he added human tissue to his paintings.

But specifically why he did this, he did not say.

But this alone is enough for the male painter to get his due retribution.

After cooperating to complete the transcript, Fu Zhaozhao took advantage of the night and came to the rose field again.

At this moment, in the rose field, there were faint sobs accompanied by the moonlight, as if they were describing their own pain.

And on the delicate rose field, there are a group of butterflies with slightly transparent wings and a touch of pink color, flying freely around, stopping on the roses from time to time.

Fu Zhaozhao admired the scene in front of her for a while, and before leaving, she set a fire.

The fire seemed to be controlled within a certain range. It only burned the entire rose field, and the surrounding sand was not burned at all.

The sobbing in the flower field finally stopped gradually, and there seemed to be a girl's soft thank you in the air.


After finishing all this, Fu Zhaozhao returned to Midu. Xiaobao was sitting in front of the computer happily chewing chicken feet. When he saw her coming back, he quickly waved to her, "You're back."

Fu Zhaozhao hummed and pushed Xiaobao, asking her to make room for him.

Xiaobao's mind gave up a comfortable position, and then asked: "How do you feel about going out this time? Have you seen the legendary zerg?"

Fu Zhaozhao thought of the man standing in the red flames, who looked at him sadly, as if he had done something heinous.

She replied nonchalantly, "I saw it, so be it."

Seeing that she didn't mention anything else in particular, Xiaobao didn't take it seriously, so he didn't continue the topic.

Next, the two of them killed time by cracking melon seeds and nibbling chicken feet.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to tell you something." Xiaobao took a sip of tea and said, "When Uncle Qi went out this time, he lent Xiao Hui away, saying that he had something to help him with. Let me tell you something."

Fu Zhaozhao didn't take it seriously, "It happens to be bored too, so it would be good to take it out for a walk."

It wasn't until a few days later, when she saw the wounded little gray wolf and the pale Uncle Qi, that she realized that they must have done something particularly difficult.

But no matter how she asked, Uncle Qi was unwilling to say more.

Even the little gray wolf didn't even have the strength to talk to anyone, so he lay motionless on the ground for several days.

Fu Zhaozhao saw that this was not good, so he found a quilt to cover it.

Just when she was worried about the little bad wolf's condition, Xiaobao touched it again.

Looking at what she had in her hand, Fu Zhaozhao refused without even thinking.

"Xiao Hui's injury needs someone to take care of him recently. Let's put aside these tasks that are not particularly important." Fu Zhaozhao said.

As a result, Xiaobao's expression looked a little serious.

"Do you remember that Crier who ran away earlier?"

After hearing what she said, Fu Zhaozhao immediately asked: "Is there any news about it?!"

Xiaobao nodded, "Yes, this thing's camouflage ability is quite strong. If someone in my team hadn't accidentally discovered it, I'm afraid it would have escaped again."

Fu Zhaozhao took the information and looked at the contents, his brows gradually wrinkled.

I saw that the information said that the cryer seems to have the ability to personify people, and after being read into the memory by the other party, he may transform into the appearance of the person you most want to see.

"I remember it didn't have this ability before." Fu Zhaozhao was sure.

Xiaobao also agreed, "Yes, it didn't have this ability in the information I gave you before, but I didn't know what the other party went through during the period of escape. I only discovered this after an accidental close contact. "

"And the most troublesome thing is that the emotions the other party is devouring are getting more and more complicated, and their temperament seems to be gradually getting closer to that of humans. The Crier who is familiar with human character will only become more and more cruel."

Xiaobao said it calmly, but this matter was particularly serious.

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