guile fairy

Chapter 128 Fish 3

Chapter 128 Fish Three

"Fish." Yu Le said with a pale face, "I saw a very big fish in the well, with a black back and a white belly."

There was another sentence she didn't say. The fish gave her the same feeling as Fat Brother.

What Yu Le said was so inexplicable that Xu Ying and Liu Xi also looked into the well.

With just one glance, the two of them looked at each other as if they were frightened by something. They were holding on to the well in shock.

Liu Xi swallowed and asked, "Have you noticed that the fish in the well..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ying stopped him from continuing, "Stop talking, don't say it."

Their expressions were particularly ugly. At the same time, their tight skin made them feel even more uncomfortable. There seemed to be a fire deep in their throats extending upward toward their limbs.

They also felt unusually thirsty. They looked at each other and saw the red eyes and the longing deep in the other's eyes.

Xu Ying said in a difficult tone, "I feel a little thirsty."

Her voice sounded extremely dry and hoarse.

Liu Xi gave an ugly smile, "I feel like the water in this well is particularly cool, and I have the urge to get in."

Yu Le looked at them from the side, as if he was frightened by them, and was so anxious that he almost shed tears.

"What are you doing? Don't say such things."

She stepped forward, dragging Xu Ying and Liu Xi by their clothes, trying to drag them away from the well.

However, at this moment, the two of them seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. They were staring directly at the well, and at the same time they kept scratching the bigger and dry arm. The blood marks were scratched open, which looked very scary.

Yu Le tried her best to drag the two of them away from the well. Since there were still a lot of water stains on the edge of the well, when she dragged her back hard, her foot slipped and she lost her grip and fell down. on the ground.

Before she could react, the two people who lost control disappeared in the blink of an eye, and with a splashing sound from the well, they returned to peace.

Yu Le looked up and found that the two people were gone. He ran to the well and looked down tremblingly.

I saw that next to the fat black-skinned and white-bellied fish, there were two more small fish of different sizes for no reason.

When he met their eyes, Yu Le screamed in fright and backed away until he bumped into Fu Zhaozhao.

As if she had grasped some life-saving straw, she tightly grasped the other party's clothes and climbed up.

"Did you see, could they do this..."

As Yu Le talked, he burst into tears and looked so sad.

Her sadness lasted for a while, until Fu Zhaozhao became impatient and leaned over to look at her.

"Isn't this the result you want?" she asked.

Yu Le was stunned, and she murmured: "What do you mean, I don't understand."

Fu Zhaozhao smiled, "Didn't you raise this fish yourself and let Brother Fat see it on purpose?"

Yu Le quickly shook her head, "I don't understand what you are talking about." She choked and continued to explain, "This is my first time in this place, and I didn't know that this well existed."

Fu Zhaozhao: "Then you can tell me what you said in Fat Brother's ear when everyone was preparing things." As soon as this sentence came out, Yu Le's expression looked extremely ugly.

After a while, she slowly exhaled, and the timid look on her face disappeared, and she started to laugh again, "I didn't expect you to be much smarter than I thought."

Fu Zhaozhao nodded slightly, "It all depends on you."

Yu Le sneered, "Yes, I told him where the well in the village is. If he wasn't greedy, how could he catch this fish?"

She stood up, patted the dust on her body, and continued: "They have been here once before, but that time they came with my cousin."

"And they are not some supernatural camera crew. These things are all used to fool people. Their initial target was these fish. It is rumored that there is a well in Guiming Village, and a magical fish will occasionally appear in the well. As long as you eat this fish, you can cure all diseases."

Yu Le smiled and said, "This may sound like a lie, but it still has a certain degree of credibility."

"After investigating, they set off together with my cousin."

"Unfortunately, when they first came to this place, they got lost and fell into a deep pit surrounded by sliding walls. They tried their best to get out, especially when there was an unconscious person beside them."

"After my cousin fell into a deep pit, she accidentally hit her head and fell into a coma. In those few days, they also ate all the food they brought with them. Later..." Yu Le paused, "They were able to get out of that deep pit only by relying on Only by holding the flare gun in my sister's pocket can the search and rescue team find them."

"When I saw my cousin again, her leg was gone. They said it was due to compression of a certain nerve, which caused necrosis of the leg, so they removed it all."

Yu Le's face gradually turned angry, but her tone became calmer, "I originally thought so too, until my cousin woke up and the first words she said let me know that things are not that simple. .”

"She said, don't eat..."

Yu Le stopped and did not continue.

Even if Fu Zhaozhao didn't hear the following words, he still knew what they meant.

"So you planned for them to eat this fish? Did you already know that there was something wrong with this fish?" Fu Zhaozhao asked.

Yu Le looked at her strangely and nodded, "Yes, I know there is something wrong with this fish, and I have checked a lot of information. It's just up to them whether they eat it or not. I just told them where the well is. .”

As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of some funny scene, and the corners of her lips curled up, "This fish should be quite good. Look at the way they snatched the fish to eat, as if they were taking some elixir."

"I almost couldn't hold it in, I couldn't hold back my laughter."

Yu Le seemed to find it funny and laughed for a while.

It wasn't until she stopped that Fu Zhaozhao said, "Do you know why this village was renamed Guiming Village?"

"I don't know, but who cares." Yu Le shrugged indifferently.

Fu Zhaozhao looked at her, his eyes darkening, "The reason why this village is called Ghost Crying Village is because every night, there will always be ghost-like sounds, one after another, as long as anyone is passing by. Everyone can’t help but be attracted to the village and become one of them.”

Yu Le seemed to notice something was wrong, and his eyes were wary: "What do you mean by this?!"

As she finished speaking, the sound of bubbling water suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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