guile fairy

Chapter 131 Flower

Chapter 131 Flower

It is actually not accurate to say that it is a cry. Fu Zhaozhao feels that this sound is like the chirping of birds, which seems to be used to attract something.

T13 continued to make sounds for more than ten minutes before it stopped, and then returned to its original appearance of lying on the ground and sleeping.

Fu Zhaozhao noticed something was wrong, and she asked: "Besides making this kind of sound, has T13 done anything else different from usual?"

The observer of T13 thought for a while and shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly thought of something and hesitated: "Speaking of which, there is something that I am not sure has to do with the recent crying sound of T13."

Fu Zhaozhao: "What's the matter?"

Observer: "I once noticed the little blue flower in T13's ear, but when I handed over the task ten days ago, I didn't see it. When I asked the colleague who changed the shift, he also said that he hadn't seen it in a long time. That flower, the time when the flower was lost is very similar to the time when the abnormality occurred in T13."

"I'm not sure this is the cause?" the observer said.

As soon as he mentioned this little flower, Fu Zhaozhao immediately remembered that he had indeed seen a small blue flower next to T13's skull, but now it was empty.

Fu Zhaozhao patted the observer on the shoulder, "I know about this. Leave the record book. I will follow up on T13's situation in the past few days and will contact you if necessary."

The observer from T13 asked hesitantly, "Do you mean to give me a holiday?"

Fu Zhaozhao nodded: "That's what I mean. I will contact you if necessary."

The observer didn't say what he wanted to say, and finally left dejectedly. Before leaving, he took a deep look at T13.

Fu Zhaozhao didn't quite understand what the other party was hesitating about, but soon she had no time to pay attention to him. T13 woke up from a deep sleep again, and then repeated what happened before.

Only half an hour had passed between the first time she saw him and the time she cried again, but the interval at the beginning of the record was a full day.

When Fu Zhaozhao was thinking about why T13 was like this, the other party suddenly made other actions besides crying.

It leaned over and put its head in front of the small grave bag and touched it gently. It seemed to be particularly sad.

Then it made a cry-like sound while carefully digging away the sand on the grave.

After a while, it dug a big hole in the grave, and something seemed to be buried deep in the hole.

T13 wanted to put his hand in, but pulled it back the next moment, as if hesitating for something.

After about an hour of touching it, Fu Zhaozhao finally saw its next move.

T13's movements were extremely gentle, gently bringing out the things deep in the grave.

It was a pure white coffin with intricate carvings all around. From a distance, it really looked like a flower in bloom.

Seeing the coffin, Fu Zhaozhao's breath froze.

She knew that there must be something buried in the grave bag that T13 had been guarding, but she was not very clear about what exactly was buried.

Now that this was the first time I saw it, my heart skipped a beat, as if there was something terrifying lying inside.

Fortunately, T13 just couldn't bear it anymore and dug out the coffin without opening the lid. Then he gently leaned against the coffin and made a crying sound.

This behavior continued throughout the night, during which Fu Zhaozhao felt tired and leaned against the tree trunk to rest for a while.

While she was sleeping, T13, who was holding the coffin tightly, suddenly turned his head, his empty eyes looking in the direction of Fu Zhaozhao, wondering what he was thinking. When Fu Zhaozhao woke up from a deep sleep, T13 had stopped crying, and the white coffin seemed to be buried back in the ground.

Fu Zhaozhao even noticed that above T13's skull, there was a small flower that looked similar to before, but the color was much darker than before, and it looked more purple.

Just when he felt that he seemed to have missed something, T13 returned to a deep sleep, and during this period, he did not make the same crying sound as before.

Fu Zhaozhao felt something was wrong. When she was about to get up, she suddenly touched something like a branch on her hand. She looked down and found that it was exactly the same as the purple flower pinned to the side of T13's skull.

She was pretty sure that she didn't pick the flower herself.

With an inexplicable thought in her mind, she continued to observe the situation of T13 in the next two days.

It's a pity that nothing special happened in T13 after that, and even the strange crying stopped.

Fu Zhaozhao handed the observed information to Qi Ye.

After Qi Ye read it, he didn't say much, just sighed deeply.

"Inform the observation team that there is no need to continue to observe T13 in the future, and the focus can be shifted to monsters in other areas." Uncle Qi said.

Fu Zhaozhao asked: "T13 gave up observation?"

Uncle Qi nodded solemnly, "T13's behavior is getting closer and closer to humans. Based on past observation records, I suspect that T13 is already learning every move of humans. If we continue to send people there, I'm afraid it will learn faster. , but less safe for those observers.”

"In addition, T13 has never intentionally hurt anyone, so we can temporarily transfer our observations to other monsters."

Fu Zhaozhao seemed to have thought of something and asked: "Who is buried in the grave that T13 is guarding?"

Uncle Qi shook his head and said in a serious tone: "I don't know about this, but I saw something during a mission. The things in the coffin are very dangerous."

Fu Zhaozhao: "Master Qi, what did you see?"

Master Qi sighed, "One hand. Just one hand makes me feel very dangerous, so Zhaozhao, don't follow me anymore about T13."

Fu Zhaozhao wanted to ask more questions, but Master Qi kicked him out directly.

He said: "It won't be of any benefit to you to know so much now. If you are really bored, go and help Xiaobao deal with it. Her time there is quite difficult."

Fu Zhaozhao was then blasted out by Uncle Qi.

After leaving the conference room, Fu Zhaozhao came to Xiaobao's office.

The white paper inside was piled high, and it looked extremely thick when placed on the table, covering everyone behind the paper tightly.

Xiaobao was smaller and had long been buried under the paper.

Fu Zhaozhao crossed the ocean made of paper and fished out the yellow-faced and dazed Xiaobao.

It was probably because he hadn't seen the sun for several days. When Xiaobao was taken out, he looked at her in a daze.

After seeing the person clearly, Xiaobao showed a forced smile, "Zhaozhao, how long have we not seen each other."

(End of this chapter)

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