guile fairy

Chapter 139 Human-Faced Spider

After finishing what he was doing, Fu Zhaozhao turned around and wanted to teach the little gray wolf a lesson.

Probably because he knew that he had done something wrong, he ran away early and disappeared.

A few days later, Qi Guanshan was upset and threw the little gray wolf back.

He said in a bad tone: "Look at it! After staying at my place for three or four days, the furniture is all gone. If Mianmian and the others hadn't asked to keep it, they would have thrown it back."

Fu Zhaozhao took the little gray wolf and replied, "Did you rush to send it over while they were away?"

Qi Guanshan's face paused, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, I thought it had been staying at my place for too long, so I sent it here because I was afraid that you would be worried." Qi Guanshan paused and specifically warned: "It's best to let Xiao Hui change his habit of biting things randomly. No one paid attention yesterday. , it almost broke the glass that contained the human-faced spider."

The human-faced spider was a monster with the head of a boy and the body of a spider that Fu Zhaozhao brought back from the previous village.

Maybe the other party was too quiet after arriving in Midu and didn't cause anything. If it weren't for the little gray wolf's words, Fu Zhaozhao wouldn't even think of it.

"So what happens now?"

"The glass has been repaired first, and the human-faced spider is temporarily locked in another place. However, before the human-faced spider was transferred, he called your name and said he had something to tell you."

Qi Guanshan: "Do you want to go and have a look?"

Fu Zhaozhao touched the little gray wolf's head and said, "Okay, I'll find time to go there later."

Although she didn't know what the other party's purpose was for looking for her, based on the other party's movements during this period, she always felt that the human-faced spider was holding back its ultimate move.

But it was obvious that she was overthinking this matter.

Looking at the human-faced spider that was shut in a large glass and had gained a lot of weight, she was momentarily wavered by her previous thoughts.

The human-faced spider waved its claws at Fu Zhaozhao in a familiar manner, even as a greeting.

Probably just after eating, the human-faced spider couldn't help but belched.

Looking at the opponent's slightly greasy figure, Fu Zhaozhao even wondered if someone had secretly replaced the human-faced spider.

But this was just her personal thought, and the other party's next words confirmed its identity.

"Long time no see. This place you brought me to is nice. I heard from those people that I gained at least ten pounds." As he said that, he swayed twice and pointed at the observers outside who were taking notes.

Fu Zhaozhao: "...You seem to be doing well here."

The human-faced spider smiled shyly and said modestly: "It's going well."

We exchanged greetings with each other, and then we got down to business.

Fu Zhaozhao: "You asked people to come to me. What's the matter?"

When she said this, the Man-Faced Spider remembered the reason why he was looking for her this time.

"It's nothing, just to see how you are doing recently." The human-faced spider hung upside down on the glass, studying the person in front of it.

When the eight connected eyes stare straight at people, it makes people feel like they are being seen through.

Fu Zhaozhao frowned slightly and turned sideways to avoid the other party's gaze.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

The human-faced spider seemed to see something interesting and laughed happily.

"It seems that you are living a good life during this period, but your life is still the same as before. It's really pitiful." The human-faced spider monster said with a smile.

Fu Zhaozhao: "What do you mean by that?" This is not the first time that the Human-Faced Spider said this. On the day he captured the other party, the Human-Faced Spider said something similar, but Fu Zhaozhao didn't take it seriously at the time. .

Now that I heard this sentence from the other person's mouth again, I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart, and an idea suddenly came to my mind.

The human-faced spider said in a strange tone: "You shouldn't think that the curse on you is just as simple as what I said before."

Its eyeballs turned, and they seemed to have a film on them, like small bubbles that could reflect various colors.

"Haven't you ever wondered why they all have subordinates who can be dispatched, but you basically handle things by yourself?"

"You are a dangerous person. If it were me, how dare I let you go out alone to handle things~"

The human-faced spider said angrily, while walking around the room, stopping from time to time to shake its feet.

Fu Zhaozhao didn't quite understand what it said, "What does dangerous goods mean?"

The human-faced spider raised its legs and covered its mouth, but its eyes curled up with a smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of its eyes.

"Ah! It seems you don't know yet. Then I'll hold it in for now. When you find out one day, you will come here yourself." After saying that, he didn't wait for the other party's reaction and went to the house on his own. Go inside and leave the other person's back alone.

The Man-Faced Spider said half and half, as if he wanted to tell her something, but couldn't say it directly, so he had to express it secretly.

Fu Zhaozhao's brows wrinkled, and he suddenly thought that when the other party was walking around, he stopped at some strange places and stamped his feet unnaturally.

Corresponding those positions, she reflexively turned to look to her right.

It was empty, nothing.

But while she was thinking just now, she suddenly felt a sense of gaze that would normally be ignored.

In fact, to be more precise, that feeling of gaze should have always existed, but I was just too accustomed to that feeling, and instead ignored it all the time.

Just when she was thinking about it, someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder.

Fu Zhaozhao turned around and saw Gong Ya showing his iconic eight-tooth smile, his eyes crinkling with laughter.

"Miss Fu, why are you here suddenly?" Gong Ya asked.

"Come and take a look at something." She paused and looked at the other person in confusion, "Why are you here?"

Gong Ya said: "The boss recently sent me here to take care of it, saying he was worried that some monsters would be restless."

"For example, what kind of monsters are you referring to?"

Gong Ya didn't answer. The next moment, he leaned forward slightly and said in a nonchalant manner: "Sometimes, the eyes may not be able to see the whole thing. What's more important is the feeling."

Fu Zhaozhao narrowed his eyes slightly to determine the meaning of his words.

Gong Ya returned to his original position as if nothing had happened.

"By the way, have you been busy lately?"

Fu Zhaozhao rejected his unspoken words without even thinking about it.

"I'm taking a break recently and won't take on other tasks for the time being."

Gong Ya clicked his tongue and sighed, "Okay."

The next moment he seemed to remember something, "By the way, Xiao Hui has been going to the boss's place recently to eat and drink, and she has bitten a lot of things. She wants to settle the score with you recently."

As soon as Gong Ya finished speaking, Xiaobao came out of nowhere and suddenly grabbed Fu Zhaozhao's arm, looking so pitiful with tears and runny noses.

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