guile fairy

Chapter 142 Haunted House 1

The little fat man stood in front of the brightly lit abandoned amusement park, looking at the gray amusement facilities. His sense of running away from home finally came back.

"How about... how about we just take a look. It's not a good idea to go in and disturb them." The little fat man tried to suggest.

Fu Zhaozhao rejected his proposal and picked the lock on the door in front of him.

Then he turned to look at him, "Are you going to stand here alone?"

It was quiet all around.

At this moment, a cold wind blew over, and the little fat man quickly followed her forward, shivering.

"Then... let's just take a look." As he said this, he clasped his hands together and bowed softly to the surroundings.

Fu Zhaozhao listened carefully and only heard him say: "Don't be surprised if there is something strange. Don't be surprised if there is something strange. I just came over to take a look and promise not to do anything."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the lights on the carousel beside him suddenly turned on.

The little fat man watched helplessly as the stationary wooden horse suddenly spun along with the music.

It was obviously cheerful music, but now it sounded like a voice calling for life.

The little fat man was so frightened that he howled and couldn't even run with his legs in the dinosaur costume, so Fu Zhaozhao grabbed Destiny's neck and stopped him from running away.

Fu Zhaozhao said helplessly: "Why are you panic? Go to the control console and take a look."

With that said, he dragged the person towards the control console.

The little fat man wanted to struggle, but he didn't have enough strength. After using up his strength, he finally chose to lie down.

Fu Zhaozhao brought the person to the control table.

I saw that the control table was covered with thick dust because it had not been used for a long time, and there were tiny paw prints around the dust.

The next moment, a fat mouse came out from the other end. When passing by the control button, he accidentally got several of them, and the music outside also changed accordingly.

When the little fat man saw this scene, he slowly calmed down.

He seemed to comfort himself, "I just said there are no ghosts in this world, and there can't be ghosts."

In the end, I don't know if he responded to his words, but the carousel outside suddenly let out the playful laughter of a child. The sound was not loud, but it completely fell on the little fat man's ears.

In an instant, his chubby face turned pale.

He turned to look at Fu Zhaozhao mechanically, and asked with luck, "Did you hear anything that didn't sound right?"

Fu Zhaozhao: "Children's laughter?"

The stone hanging in his heart finally fell, and the little fat man wanted to cry but had no tears.

He sniffed and looked pitiful: "How about we go back first? I'll find a few more people during the day and then bring you here, okay?"

Fu Zhaozhao rejected his unreasonable request, looked at the brightly lit playground, curled up the corners of his lips and said, "I think it's quite interesting here."

No matter what the little fat man said afterwards, Fu Zhaozhao was unwilling.

After a while, the two stood in front of the huge Ferris wheel.

The little fat man's voice was trembling as he said, "I remember it was this Ferris wheel with three or four people hanging on it."

He pointed his finger at the particularly red boxes and said, "If I remember correctly, it should be those ones."

Fu Zhaozhao glanced at him and said with some surprise: "You have a pretty good memory."

The little fat man showed an ugly smile and muttered in a low voice: "My memory is not can I remember it for so many years if I don't have a good memory?"

In fact, to be honest, the little fat man had the best memory when he was still young. In addition, the scene was so shocking and scary that he could even remember the expressions on the faces of those people.

Extreme terror. That was the first time he knew that people's faces could have such profound expressions.

As the Ferris wheel rotated, the red boxes landed in front of them, but they would continue to rotate upwards after a while.

Fu Zhaozhao seized this opportunity, opened the door of the box, stuffed the dumb little fat man in, and then went in with him with a horrified expression on his face.

As the box door closed tightly, the little fat man came back to his senses.

He quickly stood up and tried to open the door. As a result, the door was opened, but it was getting further and further away from the ground.

Seeing the height that could knock someone to pieces, the little fat man shivered and almost fell.

Fortunately, Fu Zhaozhao had quick eyes and quick hands and pushed the person back.

"Why are you afraid of being in a hurry? Just come here and experience it."

Fu Zhaozhao patted his back and comforted him casually.

The little fat man slowly turned his head to look at her, with a look in his eyes that showed his belief in science had collapsed.

Fu Zhaozhao saw that something was wrong with his expression, "What's wrong? You're not so scared after riding a Ferris wheel, are you?"

She comforted: "I brought you in because I was afraid that you would be alone down there. Only from the highest position can you see the layout of the entire playground."

The little fat man turned pale and shook his head.

His voice was as weak as a mosquito's, "When I just opened the door, I saw a man's face."

The man's bloodless face, his wide and protruding eyes, his extraordinarily long tongue, and the blood stains on his neck were all too scary.

But that's not the scariest thing.

He was startled by the sudden appearance of the man's face, and instantly he opened the door reflexively like a machine.

"I saw a group of strange people looking up at us under the Ferris wheel." The little fat man said slowly with a smile that was uglier than crying.

When Fu Zhaozhao heard what he said, he looked down.

At this time, they were already at the highest point of the Ferris wheel. From a distance, there did seem to be a group of people standing on the ground. However, they were too far away and could not see their faces. They could only judge from their movements that those 'people' were looking at where they were sitting. This ferris wheel.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Tsk... I just said this is much more exciting than those."

The little fat man seemed to have heard something terrible. He was a little disbelieving and asked tentatively: "Boss, you think those things are not exciting enough, so you come here to find excitement?!"

Fu Zhaozhao smiled meaningfully, but did not give him an accurate reply.

The little fat man understood immediately, with tears and runny nose.

"Sister, can I call you sister? I'm timid and I can't stand being scared."

Even though he usually works part-time at the amusement park, in fact he never plays anything that looks exciting.

As a result, the current situation was much more exciting than those amusement rides, and the little fat man regretted how he could be fooled so easily.

Despite being frightened, Fu Zhaozhao can still finish his business.

When the Ferris wheel came to the center, Fu Zhaozhao looked down.

The entire abandoned playground seemed to be lit up, except for one place.

She pointed to the small dark area and asked, "What is that place?"

The little fat man took a careful look and saw that there was no scary scene before he carefully identified it.

"Oh...that's a haunted house."

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