guile fairy

Chapter 156 Hospital 2

"What did you capture?" Fu Zhaozhao asked.

Xiaobao: "Nurse, I'm not sure if she's a boy or a girl, but judging from her clothes, she's probably a female nurse."

Fu Zhaozhao: "In addition to taking this photo, what other things are there?"

Xiaobao shook his head, "That's not true, but after the live broadcast that day, the male anchor disappeared."

Fu Zhaozhao frowned, "Missing?"

"No, to be precise, he has disappeared. All traces left in this world have disappeared. His parents don't even have the memory of the male anchor's existence."

Xiaobao paused and pointed to the tape: "To be honest, if I hadn't accidentally recorded this video, I probably wouldn't have known about it."

"How to say?"

Xiaobao scratched his head, thought for a while and explained: "Let me tell you, I have watched his live broadcast before, but suddenly one day I don't remember that I have watched his live broadcast before, and I accidentally recorded it. I only remembered it after watching the video."

"So I suspect there is something wrong in that abandoned hospital."

Fu Zhaozhao frowned and asked her, "Why are you taking such a serious matter now?"

Xiaobao sighed, "It's not that I didn't want to get it earlier, it's that I forgot about it again. If Gong Ya hadn't told me to give you the top information first when I came here, I would have I don’t even remember.”

Fu Zhaozhao raised his eyebrows: "Gong Ya still remembers him?"

"It should be because he didn't watch the live broadcast directly, so this kind of forgetfulness doesn't work for him." Xiaobao said, "You can also try, you didn't watch the live broadcast either."

Fu Zhaozhao nodded, then took the things he needed and left Midu for his destination.

On the way, Fu Zhaozhao took the time to read about the abandoned hospital.

In the 1990s, that abandoned hospital was considered the best hospital in the city.

In addition to some highly skilled surgeons, there are also a group of interns studying there, because this is the only place in the country where a hospital and a school are integrated.

There is a school in the back and a hospital in the front. There is a long corridor between the two. Usually both ends of the corridor are closed. Only some students who have learned enough at school are sent directly to the hospital through the corridor. practice.

It was just that in the late 1990s, something big seemed to have happened in the hospital. The matter was covered up and no details were given.

There are rumors that the intern was treated unfairly and drowned himself in formalin soaked in a pile of corpses one night, and he became one of the piles of corpses.

Later, things got serious, and other reasons were added.

Some capable doctors would rather leave this place than stay, and over time, fewer people come to the hospital.

In addition, the school's building was relatively old. After various coordination efforts, the school finally found another place to rebuild, and the original school was left to be used as a morgue and anatomy room for interns.

Fu Zhaozhao flipped through the information several times, but could not find any information about the intern who drowned in the corpse pool.

After arriving at her destination, she discovered that the abandoned hospital was much larger than she had imagined.

The entire hospital seemed to be only three stories high, but the transparent glass windows looked densely packed, and several of them were smashed.

I don’t know if it was damaged by nearby children or by the surrounding birds and animals.

Fu Zhaozhao, who had seen the map, knew that behind the hospital, there was a school of the same size, but the original school had been converted into a morgue and anatomy room.

Fu Zhaozhao walked around the hospital as fast as he could. Except for the dust all around and some discarded tables, chairs and bed frames lying randomly on the ground, there was nothing special about it. But she found a stuffed monkey-like toy in a doctor's office.

When she passed by, she didn't know whether she bumped into it accidentally or for some other reason, but the monkey toy let out a weird laugh. It was really scary to hear it so suddenly.

Fortunately, Fu Zhaozhao was not afraid of this. Instead, he picked up the monkey toy, patted the dust on it, and found that the thing did not seem to be powered by batteries. She could not figure out what it was.

Then he put the monkey toy on the table.

After looking around and finding nothing special and a special feeling, Fu Zhaozhao went straight to another building.

The original anchor directly bypassed the hospital during the live broadcast and went to the abandoned school.

I don’t know which way the other party passed through.

Fu Zhaozhao looked at the gray sign, confirmed the direction of the corridor leading to the teaching building, and walked over.

Before entering the corridor, there was a rusty iron lock that locked the iron door. The winding iron chain looked less like it was preventing people from the hospital from passing by, and more like it was afraid of something from the teaching building coming over.

As before, Fu Zhaozhao unlocked the lock in three strokes, five divided by two.

As the lock fell, the silent corridor made a dull sound of opening the door.

The corridor looks quite long, with glass windows at both ends. It looks particularly bright, but there is a circle of iron wire outside the glass window, as if someone hastily reinforced it without any rules.

After walking for only a few minutes, we arrived at the door of the teaching building.

This gate is not locked, unlike the previous one.

Fu Zhaozhao pushed lightly and the door opened.

What is surprising is that the emergency exits around the teaching building still have green lights on, as if they are still powered.

Fu Zhaozhao tried to turn on other lights, but there was no response. He thought the emergency lights were special.

The emergency lights with a faint green light looked a bit intrusive in this environment, but she thought it was pretty good, at least it could be used to roughly distinguish the direction.

According to the photo information provided by Xiaobao, the male anchor was on the second floor when he met the strange nurse.

She is on the third floor now and has to go down one level.

In the silent environment, there was only the sound of shoes scraping against the ground, and there was an empty sound going back and forth. For a moment, it felt like many people were walking at the same time.

Fu Zhaozhao felt that the sound was not right and stopped immediately.

Those hurried footsteps also stopped suddenly. To be precise, it felt like a sudden stop.

After realizing something, Fu Zhaozhao's eyes turned, as if he was thinking about something, and the next moment he raised his feet and continued walking to the second floor.

The rustling footsteps followed closely behind, and there were even one or two dull sounds that sounded like walking barefoot.

Fu Zhaozhao continued walking down as if he didn't hear anything wrong.

Through the emergency light from the corner of my eye, I seemed to see many dense shadows imprinted on the wall.

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