guile fairy

Chapter 159 Black and White World 1

Not long after the red paper came into contact with the air, it turned gray, as if the red on it was fading away little by little.

Fu Zhaozhao realized something was wrong and was about to throw away the red paper in her hand, but at the next moment, the gray color spread to her fingertips and spread upwards little by little.

After a while, the surrounding environment suddenly faded like an old photo.

After the discomfort subsided, Fu Zhaozhao looked at the world in front of him with an ugly expression.

Unknowingly, she came to a gray world, even her whole body was in a gray state, and strangely, all the black shadows on the wall disappeared, as if they had come to life. The wall came out.

At this moment, the laughter of girls suddenly came from outside the classroom. After opening the door, everyone looked at Fu Zhaozhao, who had just appeared in this world, with strange expressions.

"Hey, there's one more." The intern wearing glasses said, but his eyes were fixed on Fu Zhaozhao.

The girl with a ponytail's eyes shone with excitement, and there was some unconcealable excitement in her voice: "It's almost time for me to leave here."

As soon as the pony-tailed girl finished saying this, she was pushed aside by the short-haired girl. She looked at him condescendingly and said, "What's the hurry? It's my turn this time."

After saying these words, she picked up the scalpel on the table, her eyes were cold, but her tone was a little excited and she said in the direction of Fu Zhaozhao.

"Don't be afraid, I'll strike quickly and you won't be in pain for long!" Then he pounced on you like a hungry wolf.

Fu Zhaozhao realized her intention and turned slightly to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the other party carried two scalpels with him and scratched her while he pulled them out.

The bright red blood dotted the gray world, and the interns watching at the door seemed extremely excited. There were even several who were so excited that they couldn't help but bite their fingers to endure it.

As one of the participants, the short-haired girl seemed to be particularly obsessed with the color red. She gently collected the blood drops on it and finally put it into her mouth to taste it carefully.

Fu Zhaozhao didn't have such a good temper. She knew that if she didn't do something, with the appearance of these 'people', they would obviously do some unspeakable things to herself.

Thinking of this, she pursed her lips, lowered her eyes slightly, looked at the floor and whispered something.

The short-haired girl was a little far away and didn't hear clearly what she was saying. She just thought she was begging him to let her go.

The next second, she heard a clicking sound in her ears, like the sound of bones being crushed.

The other interns who were watching were also stunned when they saw this scene. It seemed that no one expected this result.

Then Fu Zhaozhao made them realize who they should not offend.

Half an hour later, each intern slowly held his head and turned it back to the correct position. At the same time, the eyes he looked at Fu Zhaozhao were no longer so unscrupulous, but a little cautious.

Among them, girls with short hair are the most obvious.

She held her head, which had not fully recovered, and carefully moved a stool for Fu Zhaozhao to sit on, with a cautious tone in her tone.

"I'm sorry, I spoke a little too harshly just now."

Fu Zhaozhao glanced sideways at her, "Didn't you say that he moved very quickly?"

The short-haired girl quickly waved her hand: "This is because I am ignorant, so whatever you say will be taken."

Fu Zhaozhao raised his eyes and glanced at the interns at the door. Everyone seemed to be calm, like quails hiding in the corner.

Even when he met Fu Zhaozhao's gaze, he showed a forced smile and at the same time shrunk himself even smaller.

Although they won't die here, they are unwilling to bear the pain of dying again.

After seeing that they were all honest, Fu Zhaozhao asked, "Where is this place?" The short-haired girl put her hands on her knees obediently and replied: "You can understand this place as the world of shadows. Everything you see is Everything is reflected in the shadow."

Fu Zhaozhao said "Oh" clearly and looked at those white walls.

No wonder the shadows on the wall disappeared. It turned out that I had gone to the world of shadows.

But she suddenly came to the world of shadows, which she couldn't understand.

His fingers unconsciously rubbed the gray paper, and the pattern on it had long since disappeared.

Seeing that she still had questions, the short-haired girl took the initiative to explain, "You are here because of this medium." She pointed to the gray note.

Fu Zhaozhao asked: "Then do you know how to get out of here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately lowered their heads, fearing that they would say something that would make the other party even more angry.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Huh?"

Seeing that no one answered her, her eyes fell on the short-haired girl again, "Tell me what's going on."

After being fixed by the gaze, the short-haired girl could only speak with difficulty no matter how much she didn't want to say anything.

"Actually, after entering this world, there are still ways to leave."

"Within an hour of entering this world, you can leave by finding a way out of here, or...or kill the person who just entered the shadow world and let the other person take your place..."

The short-haired girl's voice became softer and softer as she spoke, and she felt more guilty as she spoke.

It's just that he didn't put his plan out in the open.

Fortunately, Fu Zhaozhao didn't care about this. She asked, "Then do you know the way out of here?"

The short-haired girl didn't seem to know and shook her head.

His eyes fell on the other interns, and they shook their heads, as if they really didn't know.

"Then how do you know there is a way out of this world?" Fu Zhaozhao felt a little strange.

Mentioning this, the short-haired girl's eyes filled with resentment, "It's him! He told us."

"'who is he?"

"No one knows his name. He was an extra person in our class. He cursed us all when he died. We only found out after reading his diary. Unless we find him, no one will know how to leave. The passage here.”

When the extra person was mentioned, the short-haired girl's mood fluctuated greatly and she seemed particularly angry.

But Fu Zhaozhao didn't quite understand what she meant. Her fingertips lightly pressed on the table, "What do you mean an extra person?"

The short-haired girl didn't seem to know very well, "I don't know about this either. It seems that since the senior students in the previous batches, there will be an extra person in each class, but no one knows which person is the extra person. "

"The extra person will make the entire class unlucky, so starting from the first day of school, the whole class will discuss who the extra person is."

In the next few minutes, Fu Zhaozhao understood what the extra person in her mouth meant.

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