guile fairy

Chapter 170 Traveling Together

After Uncle Xu scolded the two of them as cowards, he said slowly, "What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful that thing is, it will die under our saw. When we get things done this time, what are you afraid of?" That sound?”

"Besides, if you are really scared, take that woman with you. If something happens, take her out as a shield."

As soon as this was said, the other two people made a sound of agreement.

"Uncle Xu is still smart." Awu flattered him.

Uncle Xu snorted coldly and ignored them.

After Fu Zhaozhao heard the information he wanted, he did not continue to lean against the wall. Instead, he sat by the window and looked at the tall mountains in the distance.

All the way up, the mountains look like a cage, trapping something special inside.

It wasn't until after sunset that she stood up and sighed quietly. Since others planned to use her as a chess piece, she couldn't blame herself for turning against him.

Early the next morning, Fu Zhaozhao was waiting for them on the sofa on the first floor, drinking tea.

Perhaps because of the location, you can clearly see the half-open kitchen door.

In front of the snow-white refrigerator, there was a large pool of red blood, and in the blood, one or two small nails fell. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all.

However, it can be seen from the complete blood stains that Awu, who was looking for him last night, had never been to the first floor at all. It was just an excuse to look for him.

Probably because he hadn't been this excited for a long time, Fu Zhaozhao couldn't help but squeeze the hand holding the teacup slightly.

The water glass started to make a squeaking sound unbearably.

Fortunately, they showed up not too late, so she put the water glass aside and waited for them to come and talk.

As expected, it was Ah Wu who came to talk. He first pretended to be surprised and then said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't expect you to be resting here. I knocked on your room door just now and there was no response. I thought you were gone, but I didn't expect you could still come." See you here.”

Every move and every move gives the impression that he has a good impression of you.

Fu Zhaozhao smiled and said, "I still have things to do here, so I won't leave so soon." Then she looked at the black backpacks they were carrying, and asked with a little doubt: "Are you planning to leave?"

Awu rolled his eyes and quickly replied: "Not so fast. When we came down from the mountain yesterday, we saw a particularly beautiful place. We wanted to go there and have a look today."

He paused for a moment, then extended an invitation to Fu Zhaozhao in front of him, "If you have nothing special to do, would you like to come with us to see it? That place is very beautiful, you won't regret it after seeing it."

Fu Zhaozhao seemed to be interested when he heard what he said, but when he looked at the three of them, he hesitated a little.

"But I'm a woman..." Before he could finish his words, the implication was obvious.

With three grown men and one woman, a normal person would definitely be worried that something would happen.

Seeing that she hesitated, Awu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a little more sincerely. "Don't worry, if anything happens on the road, I will help you." After finishing speaking, he winked at the other party.

When he said this, Fu Zhaozhao immediately lowered his head and silently suppressed the blush on his cheeks, looking like he was shy and in love.

After a final stretch, we finally walked out of the guest house together and walked up the mountain.

It was quite quiet on the road. The other two people didn't talk much, except Awu who said a few words to Fu Zhaozhao from time to time. When everyone approached the mountain peak, the strange sound of bells, drums and beatings rang again.

It's just that compared to before, the sound this time is particularly loud. It sounds like it is on the horizon and falls on the ear. If you listen carefully, you will have a strange rhythm feeling, which makes people fall into a strange state. .

Fortunately, the sound did not last long and stopped after a while.

Fu Zhaozhao asked seemingly unintentionally, "The place you want to take me to should not be the place where those voices came from just now, right?"

As soon as she said these words, Uncle Xu and Awen tensed up, as if they were afraid that the other party would know something.

Ah Wu was still calm. After calming his expression, he smiled and said, "Actually, it's almost there. It's very close to that place."

Fu Zhaozhao snorted, and then said enthusiastically: "What is that sound coming from? I heard it two or three times since I got here yesterday."

When she said this, the expressions of the three people opposite him changed slightly and they looked at each other again.

Among them, Uncle Xu asked: "Did you hear it two or three times yesterday?"

Fu Zhaozhao nodded, "Yes, I've heard it two or three times since I arrived in the village yesterday, but I don't know what it came from, and the people in the village don't know if they went to collect supplies at the foot of the mountain. , I never knew where this sound came from.”

Due to the geographical location of Ailao Mountain, everyone goes down the mountain to collect daily necessities on the same day in a month, usually two or three days, after which a special car will take them back.

But when Uncle Chen heard what she said, his face turned a little ugly.

He winked at Awu.

Awu understood immediately.

When he came to Fu Zhaozhao, he asked curiously: "About when did you hear it? Why did we only hear it twice yesterday?"

Fu Zhaozhao paused for a moment, as if thinking about it.

"One was around seven or eight in the morning, one was around twelve noon, and one was around eight or nine in the evening. I don't remember exactly, but it should be about the same time." Fu Zhaozhao gave an approximate time.

Ah Wu also showed a forced smile when he heard this, "Ah, that's it. Maybe I missed it."

Then he walked up to the other two people with a dark face and said in a very low voice: "We didn't hear the sound at noon yesterday. Could it be that the 'thing' is also targeting us?"

Uncle Xu said without changing his expression and his heart not beating: "Don't be afraid. We are here to take all those things away and then deal with that 'thing'. Once we deal with it, we won't care about those sounds."

Then Uncle Xu glanced at Fu Zhaozhao, who was some distance away from them, as if inadvertently, and whispered quickly in their ears: "Look for an opportunity to get rid of her when we get there, so as not to spread the matter."

Awu nodded to express his understanding.

Although Fu Zhaozhao was some distance away from them and looked harmless, he was actually secretly listening to their conversation. When he heard them saying that they would deal with him when they got to the place, he couldn't help but bite him. The lips seemed to be enduring something.

At the same time, she put her hand into her pocket, as if to comfort the tablet.

Fu Zhaozhao whispered softly: "Soon, soon."

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