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Chapter 169 2 documents

Chapter 169 Two Documents
The soft bed and the quilt tightly wrapped Yu Qian's body.

Turn the air conditioner to the lowest setting.

This is the environment she considers most suitable for sleeping.

But now I am trapped in a dream.

Blurred scenes, vague descriptions, and blurry windows soaked in rain.

Everything is indistinguishable.

Finally struggled out of the dream——

Yu Qian sat up suddenly, raised his head, pushed the loose hair from his forehead to the back of his head, looked straight at the ceiling, and let out a long breath.

Damn it, I was more tired from sleeping this night than from going out to fight.

She couldn't remember what she was dreaming about, and she seemed to feel nothing but fatigue.

Since she came back from the Thirteen Domains last week, she was too harsh when she killed Mo Laine, which seemed to have left some sequelae for herself. She often had shortness of breath, headaches, and the feeling of dying.

But after checking again, there was nothing abnormal about the body.

It is indeed a bit troublesome. After all, it is not a good habit to do something well and suddenly everything goes dark.

After a few days of careful adjustment, this state has alleviated a lot, at least it is much better than before when I felt like I was about to die from time to time.

out the door.

I met an acquaintance at the door.

Sai Mi saw her: "I sent you a message, but you didn't reply, so I came to find you."

Yu Qian's head started to hurt again. She had promised Sai Mi to help her kill Saekiya, but she really didn't have a chance last time and she almost lost half her life. Secondly, Saekiya killed her. There would be no cure available.

"I didn't break the contract. You should have seen it. I almost died." She said, "Isn't there a live replay? How could I do something in that state?"

But Sai Mi glanced at her: "I'm not here for this."

"Then what are you here for?"

"I found a document, a document related to you."

Yu Qian sneered and said, "What document? A new wanted order? A summary of my crimes?"

Sai Mi shook his head: "You can see for yourself. I found it in the library. Someone put it there deliberately for you to see, but you never went."

The words had been made very clear, and she had not left the house, so this document came to Sammy to pass it on to her.

And there is no one else but the elders of the library who can do all this.

The file has already been opened.

Sai Mi has seen it, otherwise he wouldn’t come to her because of this.

"See for yourself." Sai Mi looked at her deeply, turned and left.

Yu Qian was a little surprised by her reaction, so he pulled out the documents inside and unfolded them -

They were all names, and they were all unfamiliar names.

But soon, she found a few familiar names among them.

This is a list of students.

She suddenly understood the look that Sammy gave her deeply before leaving, like thinking and examining.

Because her name was circled.

In addition to her, there are several familiar names such as Qi You, Mo Laiyin and Hua Yuan, all of which are circled.

Those who are circled are those who should die.

But she's not dead, she's alive.

It seemed to be an accident among all the circled names - she was the only one left, damned, but not dead.

All of this is indeed being manipulated.

But her appearance tipped the balance.

And Yu Qian also noticed a detail, all the lists were divided into two batches.

She looked at it for a long time and seemed to find some patterns, but she also discovered a rather shocking information - the groups were divided according to the first camp allocation. She and Mu Buwan Qiyou were in the black group, and Seciya Anluoka and others were in the white group. The two groups were separated.

And all the people who died this time were from the black group.

This discovery made her suddenly feel a little chilly.

At first, the camp thought that bullshit was not completely useless, but at this time, it became the dividing line between death and survival.

She rubbed her stinging temples and walked forward.

She still remembers her last words to Qi You.

I want to go to his room and take away the clues he has compiled.

As she walked on the road, she couldn't help but think about the significance of the document in her hand appearing in the library.

Who is secretly watching and turning the hands? Let everything develop naturally and follow the extension on the table?
And why should this "secret" be sent to her?
Does this represent a warning for her to break this balance? Is it a death notice?
Or... is it some kind of invitation?
The person who changes the rules should be qualified to make them. Perhaps this is also a recognition of her strength.

She didn't know which one it was, but her intuition told her that hidden under these two possibilities were dangerous traps.

Tsk, there are more and more troubles.

Forget it, eat the food one bite at a time and do the things one by one.

In Penglai, the residence would become ownerless a month after the owner died. She had to take out Qi Youyou's things before the room was automatically emptied.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh that this guy was so unlucky.

It was such an unlucky thing to get into the situation, and it was even more unlucky to meet the completely unorganized Mo Laine.

He had already told her the password to the door, so Yu Qian opened the door effortlessly.

The rooms are simple and basically kept in their original condition.

The computer in the study room is actually an old version.

Yu Qian opened the computer and found that there was no password.

This is really a bit too simple.

But after a closer look, I found that Qiyou still has two brushes. The jammer on this computer is enough to prevent all signals that want to invade from breaking through.

The documents inside were organized in a very orderly manner. There were no secrets as she imagined, only records and information about his search for the whereabouts of his children over the years.

She stared at the two documents in front of her and decided to start with the simple ones.

Looking at the computer, Yu Qian made a copy of the file.

Finally, the eyes were fixed on the "underground trading market".

Qi You's clues only reached this point, and there was no chance for further investigation.

But this is a very clear arrow.

The final clue obviously points to the black markets in Xiacheng District and Uptown District. Underground transactions are always inseparable from these two places.

She stood up and put the files away.

Let’s start in the lower city area.

She took some time to return to her "home."

The lower city is still the same, with brightly lit streets and a decadent and decadent atmosphere.

But Yu Qian had a sudden illusion, as if the last time she came here was a long time ago, but in fact she had only been here a few months ago.

Standing on the street again, she actually felt a strange sense of fragmentation.

The relationship between this place where she had lived for more than twenty years seemed to be getting shallower and shallower.

The night is slightly cooler.

When the bar is busiest.

Yu Qian found the branch of the Bounty Association with ease.

The new faces inside changed one after another, and she, an old man, became a new face in the eyes of the new people.

"Sweet sister, long time no see." She leaned towards the bar and said, "Publish a reward for me to find out the list of underground human trafficking in the past ten years."

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