Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 171 Orphanage

Chapter 171 Orphanage

The orphanage and school shown in the information are both in Xiacheng District, and the adopter information of the other adopted girl is marked in Shangcheng District.

Yu Qian decided to go to the orphanage and school first.

On the way, I sent a message to Mu Buwan——

Yu Qian: Help me check the information about this couple.

Before receiving a reply, she left for the orphanage.

director's office--

The middle-aged woman looked at the strange woman who came in through the door and was stunned for a moment. She thought she was a guest who had made an appointment: "Madam, who are you?"

Yu Qian swaggered into the room: "I made an appointment with you yesterday."

The dean hesitated for a moment: "I didn't receive a notice from the assistant just now. May I ask who you are..."

Yu Qian locked the door with his left hand behind his back, walked to the desk calmly, and placed an invitation letter on the table.

The dean showed an apologetic and thoughtful smile: "Maybe my assistant missed it. I'm really sorry. Thank you Ms. Lin for your previous investment in our welfare home."

As she spoke, she looked at the simply dressed woman in front of her curiously. She didn't have any jewelry and she looked more like a school student. However, rich people have many quirks and Ms. Lin has never shown her face before. This is the other person's privacy, and of course she won't ask.

"Ms. Lin, are you free to visit our new canteen today? The children like it very much." The dean added, just in time to inform her of the purpose of the donation.

But that's not what Yu Qian came for: "I want to see if there is a cute child with good eyesight. My family is too lonely, and I want to adopt a child as a companion."

The dean beamed and took out a stack of lists from the table: "There have been too many abandoned children recently, and many of them have been sent to our orphanage. If they have the chance to be adopted by you, they will be really lucky."

"Their ages and personalities have been recorded. If you are interested, I will take you to have some contact with the children later."

Yu Qian casually looked through the list in front of him, pretending that there was no one she wanted to find on it.

"Are there any other children?" She closed the list.

The dean nodded: "Yes, please wait a moment." Then he went to the bookshelf nearby and started searching: "These children have stayed in the orphanage for a long time, and may not adapt to the new family so quickly."

This time Yu Qian read a few pages carefully, but after discovering that the earliest date was only four years ago, he had no intention of reading it again.

She pushed over a specially printed form of personal information: "I heard about these two girls from my friends before. It is said that these two children are very docile and well-behaved."

The dean took it and took a look, then looked up at her calmly: "These two children..."

Yu Qian looked at her with a smile: "They were sent to an orphanage before."

"These two children have left the orphanage." The director raised his head, "They were adopted a few years ago."

Yu Qian put a card on the table: "Do you have the current addresses of these two children?"

The dean looked at the card and quickly understood.

Yu Qian glanced under the table from the corner of his eye.


She stood up suddenly and grabbed the director's hand.

The other party was in pain and the bracelet in his hand fell instantly.

Yu Qian picked it up: "Who do you want to notify?"

His eyes fell on the contact person, whose note was Mr. Chen.

"I don't want to use other methods to solve things that can be solved with money." She crushed the bracelet and looked at the dean intently.

The dean looked horrified and looked at the crushed bracelet in her hand.

This bracelet is currently the most advanced and uses the best materials, yet it was crushed so easily.

The dean calmed his breathing, and then picked up the card on the table: "Please... what do you need... what do you need me to do?"

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